Sven Otto
Cover Picture: Photo-Chromium: Sensitizer for Visible-Light-Induced Oxidative C−H Bond Functionalization-Electron or Energy Transfer? (ChemPhotoChem 8/2017)
A Strongly Luminescent Chromium(III) Complex Acid
The synthesis, structure, reactivity, and photophysical properties of a novel acidic, luminescent chromium(III) complex [Cr(H2 tpda)2 ]3+ (23+ ) bearing the tridentate H2 tpda (2,6-bis(2-pyridylamino)pyridine) ligand are presented. Excitation of 23+ at 442 nm results in strong, long-lived NIR luminescence at 782 nm in water and in acetonitrile. X-ray diffraction analysis and IR spectroscopy reveal hydrogen-bonding interactions of the counter ions to the NH groups of 23+ in the solid state. Deprotonation of the NH groups of 23+ by using a non-nucleophilic Schwesinger base in CH3 CN switches off the luminescence. Re-protonation by using HClO4 restores the emission. In water, the pKa value of …
Comments on “Diagnosis and Management of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Systematic Review and International Consensus”
Deuterated Molecular Ruby with Record Luminescence Quantum Yield
The recently reported luminescent chromium(III) complex 13+ ([Cr(ddpd)2]3+; ddpd=N,N’-dimethyl-N,N’-dipyridine-2-yl-pyridine-2,6-diamine) shows exceptionally strong near-IR emission at 775 nm in water under ambient conditions (F=11%) with a microsecond lifetime as the ligand design in 13+ effectively eliminates non-radiative decay pathways, such as photosubstitution, back-intersystem crossing, and trigonal twists. In the absence of energy acceptors, such as dioxygen, the remaining decay pathways are energy transfer to high energy solvent and ligand oscillators, namely OH and CH stretching vibrations. Selective deuteration of the solvents and the ddpd ligands probes the efficiency of these o…
Adverse Reactions to Anticancer Drugs in the Oral Cavity
The development, testing, and adoption into clinical practice of anticancer medications have revolutionized cancer care over the past decades. A better understanding of the biology of cancer has translated into development of novel systemic agents, as well a more effective use of older chemotherapy agents. As a consequence, cancer mortality continues to decrease. However, greater cure and disease control rates come at a price of an increased risk of adverse effects, which often affects the mouth and related structures including the oral mucosa, salivary glands, jawbones, and cranial nerves. Oral mucositis, hyposalivation, dysgeusia, and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) are some examples of th…
Cover Feature: A Strongly Luminescent Chromium(III) Complex Acid (Chem. Eur. J. 48/2018)
[Cr(ddpd)2]3+: ein molekulares, wasserlösliches, hoch NIR-lumineszentes Rubin-Analogon
Molecular Ruby under Pressure
The intensely luminescent chromium(III) complexes [Cr(ddpd)2 ]3+ and [Cr(H2 tpda)2 ]3+ show surprising pressure-induced red shifts of up to -15 cm-1 kbar-1 for their sharp spin-flip emission bands (ddpd=N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dipyridine-2-yl-pyridine-2,6-diamine; H2 tpda=2,6-bis(2-pyridylamino)pyridine). These shifts surpass that of the established standard, ruby Al2 O3 :Cr3+ , by a factor of 20. Beyond the common application in the crystalline state, the very high quantum yield of [Cr(ddpd)2 ]3+ enables optical pressure sensing in aqueous and methanolic solution. These unique features of the molecular rubies [Cr(ddpd)2 ]3+ and [Cr(H2 tpda)2 ]3+ pave the way for highly sensitive optical pressu…
Deuterierter molekularer Rubin mit Rekord-Lumineszenzquantenausbeute
Der kurzlich publizierte Chrom(III)-Komplex 13+([Cr(ddpd)2]3+) zeigt in wassriger Losung unter Umgebungsbedingungen eine bemerkenswert starke Emission im nahen Infrarot-Bereich mit einer Emissionswellenlange von 775 nm. Geschicktes Ligandendesign verhindert strahlungslose Desaktivierungsprozesse wie Photosubstitution, Ruck-Intersystem-Crossing und trigonale Verzerrungen und fuhrt damit zu einer Phosphoreszenzlebensdauer im Bereich von Mikrosekunden. In Abwesenheit von Energieakzeptoren wie molekularem Sauerstoff verbleibt nur Energietransfer zu hochenergetischen Oszillatoren der Liganden und Losungsmittelmolekule wie beispielsweise OH- und CH-Streckschwingungen als Desaktivierungspfad. Sele…
Molekularer Rubin unter Druck
Photo-Chromium: Sensitizer for Visible-Light-Induced Oxidative C−H Bond Functionalization-Electron or Energy Transfer?
The chromium(III) sensitizer [Cr(ddpd)2]3+ - based on an earth-abundant metal center - possesses a unique excited state potential energy landscape (ddpd = N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dipyridine-2-ylpyridine-2,6-diamine). The very large energy gap between the redox active and substitutionally labile 4T2 state and the long-lived low-energy 2E spin-flip state enables a selective, efficient sensitization of triplet dioxygen to give singlet dioxygen. Ultrafast intersystem crossing after the Franck Condon point from the 4T2 to the 2E excited state within 3.5 ps precludes intermolecular electron transfer pathways from the ultrashort-lived excited 4T2 state. This specific excited state reactivity enables a …
Structure and reactivity of a mononuclear gold(II) complex.
Mononuclear gold(II) complexes are very rare labile species. Transient gold(II) species have been suggested in homogeneous catalysis and in medical applications, but their geometric and electronic structures have remained essentially unexplored: even fundamental data, such as the ionic radius of gold(II), are unknown. Now, an unprecedentedly stable neutral gold(II) complex of a porphyrin derivative has been isolated, and its structural and spectroscopic features determined. The gold atom adopts a 2+2 coordination mode in between those of gold(III) (four-coordinate square planar) and gold(I) (two-coordinate linear), owing to a second-order Jahn–Teller distortion enabled by the relativistical…
Three‐in‐One Crystal: The Coordination Diversity of Zinc Polypyridine Complexes
The synthesis, structural and photophysical properties of two novel zinc(II) complexes bearing the tridentate ddpd (N,N' dimethyl N,N' dipyridin 2 ylpyridine 2,6 diamine) ligand are presented. Structural investigations have been carried out by single crystal X-ray diffractometry, NMR spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory calculations, revealing a diverse coordination behavior depending on the counter ion. Spectroscopic (UV-VIS and emission spectroscopy) and theoretical techniques (density functional theory and time dependent DFT calculations) have been employed to explore the photophysical properties of the complexes.
Biological Evaluation of the NIR-Emissive Ruby Analogue [Cr(ddpd) 2 ][BF 4 ] 3 as a Photodynamic Therapy Photosensitizer
International audience; Photodynamic therapy relies on the bioavailability of photosensitizers with suitable photophysical, chemical and biochemical properties. Although the photophysical properties, stability and high water solubility of the chromium(III) complex [Cr(ddpd)2][BF4]3 (ddpd = N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dipyridin-2-ylpyridine-2,6-diamine) are very favorable, its photocytotoxicity against cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines has not yet been elucidated. We now report the cytotoxicity and photocytotoxicity of the complex [Cr(ddpd)2][BF4]3 against human cervical cancer cells, human primary glioblastoma cells, human glioblastoma astrocytoma cells and non-cancerous retinal pigment epithel…
Luminescent TOP Nanosensors for Simultaneously Measuring Temperature, Oxygen, and pH at a Single Excitation Wavelength
Two nanosensors for simultaneous optical measurements of the bioanalytically and biologically relevant analytes temperature (“T”), oxygen (“O”), and pH (“P”) have been designed. These “TOP” nanosensors are based on 100 nm-sized silica-coated polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) doped with a near-infrared emissive oxygen- and temperature-sensitive chromium(III) complex ([Cr(ddpd)2][BPh4]3, CrBPh4) and an inert reference dye (Nile Red, NR or 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin, TFPP) and are covalently labeled with pH-sensitive fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). These emitters can be excited at the same wavelength and reveal spectrally distinguishable emission bands, allowing for r…
Chromium(iii)-based potential molecular quantum bits with long coherence times
Molecular quantum bits based on copper(ii) or vanadium(iv) have been shown to possess long coherence times on multiple occasions. In contrast, studies in which non-spin-½ ions are employed are relatively scarce. High-spin ions provide additional states that can be used to encode further quantum bits. Furthermore, an optical rather than a microwave readout of molecular quantum bits is highly desirable, because in principle it could allow addressing at the single quantum bit level. The chromium(iii) complex [Cr(ddpd)2]3+ (ddpd = N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dipyridine-2-yl-pyridine-2,6-diamine) combines both the large spin (S = 3/2) and optical activity (strong, long lived luminescence). Here we demons…
Thermo-Chromium: A Contactless Optical Molecular Thermometer.
The unparalleled excited-state potential-energy landscape of the chromium(III)-based dye [1]3+ ([Cr(ddpd)2 ]3+ ; ddpd=N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dipyridin-2-yl-pyridin-2,6-diamine) enables a strong dual emission in the near infrared region. The temperature dependence of this dual emission allows the use of [1]3+ as an unprecedented molecular ratiometric thermometer in the 210-373 K temperature range in organic and in aqueous media. Incorporation of [1]3+ in biocompatible nanocarriers, such as 100 nm-sized polystyrene nanoparticles and solutol micelles, provides nanodimensional thermometers operating under physiological conditions.
Osteoporosis and bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: Not just a sporadic coincidence-a multi-centre study
Abstract Introduction Bisphosphonates (BPs) are powerful drugs that inhibit bone metabolism. Adverse side effects are rare but potentially severe such as bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). To date, research has primarily focused on the development and progression of BRONJ in cancer patients with bone metastasis, who have received high dosages of BPs intravenously. However, a potential dilemma may arise from a far larger cohort, namely the millions of osteoporosis patients on long-term oral BP therapy. Patients and methods This current study assessed 470 cases of BRONJ diagnosed between 2004 and 2008 at eleven different European clinical centres and has resulted in the …
Understanding and exploiting long-lived near-infrared emission of a molecular ruby
Coordination chemistry reviews 359, 102 - 111 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2018.01.004
[Cr(ddpd) 2 ] 3+ : A Molecular, Water‐Soluble, Highly NIR‐Emissive Ruby Analogue
Bright, long-lived emission from first-row transition-metal complexes is very challenging to achieve. Herein, we present a new strategy relying on the rational tuning of energy levels. With the aid of the large N-Cr-N bite angle of the tridentate ligand ddpd (N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-dipyridine-2-ylpyridine-2,6-diamine) and its strong σ-donating capabilities, a very large ligand-field splitting could be introduced in the chromium(III) complex [Cr(ddpd)2](3+), that shifts the deactivating and photoreactive (4)T2 state well above the emitting (2)E state. Prevention of back-intersystem crossing from the (2)E to the (4)T2 state enables exceptionally high near-infrared phosphorescence quantum yields a…
CCDC 1555799: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Sven Otto, Johannes Moll, Christoph Förster, Daniel Geißler, Cui Wang, Ute Resch-Genger, Katja Heinze|2017|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||5033|doi:10.1002/ejic.201700948
CCDC 1832900: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Sven Otto, Christoph Förster, Cui Wang, Ute Resch‐Genger, Katja Heinze|2018|Chem.-Eur.J.|24|12555|doi:10.1002/chem.201802797
CCDC 1520924: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Sebastian Preiß, Christoph Förster, Sven Otto, Matthias Bauer, Patrick Müller, Dariush Hinderberger, Haleh Hashemi Haeri, Luca Carrella, Katja Heinze|2017|Nature Chemistry|9|1249|doi:10.1038/nchem.2836
CCDC 1587133: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Sven Otto, Matthias Dorn, Christoph Förster, Matthias Bauer, Michael Seitz, Katja Heinze|2018|Coord.Chem.Rev.|359|102|doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2018.01.004
CCDC 1555798: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Sven Otto, Johannes Moll, Christoph Förster, Daniel Geißler, Cui Wang, Ute Resch-Genger, Katja Heinze|2017|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||5033|doi:10.1002/ejic.201700948