Urmi Trivedi
Inter- and intra-specific genomic divergence in Drosophila montana shows evidence for cold adaptation
This work was supported by the Academy of Finland to AH (projects 132619 and 267244) and to MK (projects 268214 and 272927) and NERC (UK) funding to MGR (grants NE/E015255/1 and NE/J020818/1) and PhD studentship to DJP (NE/I528634/1). The genomes of species that are ecological specialists will likely contain signatures of genomic adaptation to their niche. However, distinguishing genes related to ecological specialism from other sources of selection and more random changes is a challenge. Here we describe the genome of Drosophila montana, which is the most extremely cold-adapted Drosophila species. We use branch tests to identify genes showing accelerated divergence in contrasts between col…
Data from: Inter- and intra-specific genomic divergence in Drosophila montana shows evidence for cold adaptation
D. montana gff fileGenome annotation file for D. montana genome (Accession number: LUVX00000000)D.mont_freeze_v1.4.gff.txt