Mikael Kuisma
Interlayer exciton dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures
Exciton binding energies of hundreds of meV and strong light absorption in the optical frequency range make transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) promising for novel optoelectronic nanodevices. In particular, atomically thin TMDs can be stacked to heterostructures enabling the design of new materials with tailored properties. The strong Coulomb interaction gives rise to interlayer excitons, where electrons and holes are spatially separated in different layers. In this work, we reveal the microscopic processes behind the formation, thermalization and decay of these fundamentally interesting and technologically relevant interlayer excitonic states. In particular, we present for the exemplar…
Covalent and non-covalent coupling of a Au102 nanocluster with a fluorophore: energy transfer, quenching and intracellular pH sensing
Interactions between an atomically precise gold nanocluster Au102(p-MBA)44 (p-MBA = para mercaptobenzoic acid) and a fluorescent organic dye molecule (KU, azadioxatriangulenium) are studied. In solution, the constituents form spontaneously a weakly bound complex leading to quenching of fluorescence of the KU dye via energy transfer. The KU can be separated from the complex by lowering pH, leading to recovery of fluorescence, which forms a basis for an optical reversible pH sensor. However, the sensor is not a stable entity, which could be delivered inside cells. For this purpose, a covalently bound hybrid is synthesized by linking the KU dye to the ligand layer of the cluster via an ester b…
Kohn-Sham Decomposition in Real-Time Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory An Efficient Tool for Analyzing Plasmonic Excitations
The real-time-propagation formulation of time-dependent density-functional theory (RT-TDDFT) is an efficient method for modeling the optical response of molecules and nanoparticles. Compared to the widely adopted linear-response TDDFT approaches based on, e.g., the Casida equations, RT-TDDFT appears, however, lacking efficient analysis methods. This applies in particular to a decomposition of the response in the basis of the underlying single-electron states. In this work, we overcome this limitation by developing an analysis method for obtaining the Kohn-Sham electron-hole decomposition in RT-TDDFT. We demonstrate the equivalence between the developed method and the Casida approach by a be…
Plasmon-Induced Direct Hot-Carrier Transfer at Metal-Acceptor Interfaces.
Plasmon-induced hot-carrier transfer from a metal nanostructure to an acceptor is known to occur via two key mechanisms: (i) indirect transfer, where the hot carriers are produced in the metal nanostructure and subsequently transferred to the acceptor, and (ii) direct transfer, where the plasmons decay by directly exciting carriers from the metal to the acceptor. Unfortunately, an atomic-level understanding of the direct-transfer process, especially with regard to its quantification, remains elusive even though it is estimated to be more efficient compared to the indirect-transfer process. This is due to experimental challenges in separating direct from indirect transfer as both processes o…
Ultrastrong Coupling of a Single Molecule to a Plasmonic Nanocavity: A First-Principles Study
| openaire: EC/H2020/838996/EU//RealNanoPlasmon Funding Information: We acknowledge financial support from the Swedish Research Council (VR Miljö, Grant No: 2016-06059), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (Grant No: 2019.0140), the Polish National Science Center (projects 2019/34/E/ST3/00359 and 2019/35/B/ST5/02477). T.P.R. acknowledges support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 838996 and support from the Academy of Finland under the Grant No. 332429. T.J.A. acknowledges support from the Project HPC-EUROPA3 (INFRAIA-2016-1-730897), with the support of the EC Research Innovation Action under the H…
Covalent and non-covalent coupling of a Au102 nanocluster with a fluorophore : energy transfer, quenching and intracellular pH sensing
Interactions between an atomically precise gold nanocluster Au102(p-MBA)44 (p-MBA = para mercaptobenzoic acid) and a fluorescent organic dye molecule (KU, azadioxatriangulenium) are studied. In solution, the constituents form spontaneously a weakly bound complex leading to quenching of fluorescence of the KU dye via energy transfer. The KU can be separated from the complex by lowering pH, leading to recovery of fluorescence, which forms a basis for an optical reversible pH sensor. However, the sensor is not a stable entity, which could be delivered inside cells. For this purpose, a covalently bound hybrid is synthesized by linking the KU dye to the ligand layer of the cluster via an ester b…
Density functional theory description of random Cu-Au alloys
Density functional alloy theory is used to accurately describe the three core effects controlling the thermodynamics of random Cu-Au alloys. These three core effects are exchange correlation (XC), ...
Novel Methodologies to Model Charge Transport in Metal-Air Batteries
Direct hot-carrier transfer in plasmonic catalysis
Plasmonic metal nanoparticles can concentrate optical energy and enhance chemical reactions on their surfaces. Plasmons can interact with adsorbate orbitals and decay by directly exciting a carrier from the metal to the adsorbate in a process termed the direct-transfer process. Although this process could be useful for enhancing the efficiency of a chemical reaction, it remains poorly understood. Here, we report a preliminary investigation employing time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT) calculations to capture this process at a model metal-adsorbate interface formed by a silver nanoparticle (Ag147) and a carbon monoxide molecule (CO). Direct hot-electron transfer is observed to o…
Electronic structure calculations with GPAW: a real-space implementation of the projector augmented-wave method.
Electronic structure calculations have become an indispensable tool in many areas of materials science and quantum chemistry. Even though the Kohn-Sham formulation of the density-functional theory (DFT) simplifies the many-body problem significantly, one is still confronted with several numerical challenges. In this article we present the projector augmented-wave (PAW) method as implemented in the GPAW program package (https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw) using a uniform real-space grid representation of the electronic wavefunctions. Compared to more traditional plane wave or localized basis set approaches, real-space grids offer several advantages, most notably good computational scalability an…
Localized surface plasmon resonance in silver nanoparticles: Atomistic first-principles time-dependent density-functional theory calculations
We observe using ab initio methods that localized surface plasmon resonances in icosahedral silver nanoparticles enter the asymptotic region already between diameters of 1 and 2 nm, converging close to the classical quasistatic limit around 3.4 eV. We base the observation on time-dependent density-functional theory simulations of the icosahedral silver clusters Ag$_{55}$ (1.06 nm), Ag$_{147}$ (1.60 nm), Ag$_{309}$ (2.14 nm), and Ag$_{561}$ (2.68 nm). The simulation method combines the adiabatic GLLB-SC exchange-correlation functional with real time propagation in an atomic orbital basis set using the projector-augmented wave method. The method has been implemented for the electron structure…
Interlayer exciton dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures
Atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides can be stacked to van der Waals heterostructures enabling the design of new materials with tailored properties. The strong Coulomb interaction gives rise to interlayer excitons, where electrons and holes are spatially separated in different layers. In this work, we reveal the time- and momentum-dependent elementary processes behind the formation, thermalization and photoemission of interlayer excitons for the exemplary MoSe2–WSe2 heterostructure. We identify tunneling of holes from MoSe2 to WSe2 on a ps timescale as the crucial process for interlayer exciton formation. We also predict a drastic reduction of the formation time as a function of…
Plasmon Excitations in Mixed Metallic Nanoarrays
Features of the surface plasmon from macroscopic materials emerge in molecular systems, but differentiating collective excitations from single-particle excitations in molecular systems remains elusive. The rich interactions between single-particle electron-hole and collective electron excitations produce phenomena related to the chemical physics aspects within the atomic array. We study the plasmonic properties of atomic arrays of noble (Au, Ag, and Cu) and transition-metal (Pd, Pt) homonuclear chains using time-dependent density functional theory and their Kohn-Sham transition contributions. The response to the electromagnetic radiation is related to both the geometry-dependent confinement…
Space partitioning of exchange-correlation functionals with the projector augmented-wave method
We implement a Becke fuzzy cells type space partitioning scheme for the purposes of exchange-correlation within the GPAW projector augmented-wave method based density functional theory code. Space partitioning is needed in the situation where one needs to treat different parts of a combined system with different exchange-correlation functionals. For example, bulk and surface regions of a system could be treated with functionals that are specifically designed to capture the distinct physics of those regions. Here, we use the space partitioning scheme to implement the quasi-nonuniform exchange-correlation scheme, which is a useful practical approach for calculating metallic alloys on the gene…
Electric Field-Induced Surface Melting of Gold Observed In Situ at Room Temperature and at Atomic Resolution Using TEM
Plasmon excitations in chemically heterogeneous nanoarrays
| openaire: EC/H2020/838996/EU//RealNanoPlasmon The capability of collective excitations, such as localized surface plasmon resonances, to produce a versatile spectrum of optical phenomena is governed by the interactions within the collective and single-particle responses in the finite system. In many practical instances, plasmonic metallic nanoparticles and arrays are either topologically or chemically heterogeneous, which affects both the constituent transitions and their interactions. Here, the formation of collective excitations in weakly Cu- and Pd-doped Au nanoarrays is described using time-dependent density functional theory. The additional impurity-induced modes in the optical respo…
libvdwxc: A library for exchange-correlation functionals in the vdW-DF family
We present libvdwxc, a general library for evaluating the energy and potential for the family of vdW-DF exchange--correlation functionals. libvdwxc provides an efficient implementation of the vdW-DF method and can be interfaced with various general-purpose DFT codes. Currently, the GPAW and Octopus codes implement interfaces to libvdwxc. The present implementation emphasizes scalability and parallel performance, and thereby enables \textit{ab initio} calculations of nanometer-scale complexes. The numerical accuracy is benchmarked on the S22 test set whereas parallel performance is benchmarked on ligand-protected gold nanoparticles ($\text{Au}_{144}(\text{SC}_{11}\text{NH}_{25})_{60}$) up to…
Hot-Carrier Generation in Plasmonic Nanoparticles: The Importance of Atomic Structure
Metal nanoparticles are attractive for plasmon-enhanced generation of hot carriers, which may be harnessed in photochemical reactions. In this work, we analyze the coherent femtosecond dynamics of photon absorption, plasmon formation, and subsequent hot-carrier generation through plasmon dephasing using first-principles simulations. We predict the energetic and spatial hot-carrier distributions in small metal nanoparticles and show that the distribution of hot electrons is very sensitive to the local structure. Our results show that surface sites exhibit enhanced hot-electron generation in comparison to the bulk of the nanoparticle. While the details of the distribution depend on particle s…
Dipolar coupling of nanoparticle-molecule assemblies: An efficient approach for studying strong coupling
Strong light-matter interactions facilitate not only emerging applications in quantum and non-linear optics but also modifications of materials properties. In particular the latter possibility has spurred the development of advanced theoretical techniques that can accurately capture both quantum optical and quantum chemical degrees of freedom. These methods are, however, computationally very demanding, which limits their application range. Here, we demonstrate that the optical spectra of nanoparticle-molecule assemblies, including strong coupling effects, can be predicted with good accuracy using a subsystem approach, in which the response functions of the different units are coupled only a…
Grand-canonical approach to density functional theory of electrocatalytic systems: Thermodynamics of solid-liquid interfaces at constant ion and electrode potentials
Properties of solid-liquid interfaces are of immense importance for electrocatalytic and electrochemical systems, but modeling such interfaces at the atomic level presents a serious challenge and approaches beyond standard methodologies are needed. An atomistic computational scheme needs to treat at least part of the system quantum mechanically to describe adsorption and reactions, while the entire system is in thermal equilibrium. The experimentally relevant macroscopic control variables are temperature, electrode potential, and the choice of the solvent and ions, and these need to be explicitly included in the computational model as well; this calls for a thermodynamic ensemble with fixed…
Electric-field-controlled reversible order-disorder switching of a metal tip surface
While it is well established that elevated temperatures can induce surface roughening of metal surfaces, the effect of a high electric field on the atomic structure at ambient temperature has not been investigated in detail. Here we show with atomic resolution using in situ transmission electron microscopy how intense electric fields induce reversible switching between perfect crystalline and disordered phases of gold surfaces at room temperature. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the mechanism behind the structural change can be attributed to a vanishing energy cost in forming surface defects in high electric fields. Our results demonstrate how surface processes can be d…
Density functional theory description of random Cu-Au alloys
Density functional alloy theory is used to accurately describe the three core effects controlling the thermodynamics of random Cu-Au alloys. These three core effects are exchange correlation (XC), local lattice relaxations (LLRs), and short-range order (SRO). Within the real-space grid-based projector augmented-wave (GPAW) method based on density functional theory (DFT), we adopt the quasinonuniform XC approximation (QNA), and take into account the LLR and the SRO effects. Our approach allows us to study the importance of all three core effects in a unified way within one DFT code. The results demonstrate the importance of the LLR term and show that going from the classical gradient level a…
Real-time time-dependent density functional theory implementation of electronic circular dichroism applied to nanoscale metal–organic clusters
| openaire: EC/H2020/838996/EU//RealNanoPlasmon Electronic circular dichroism (ECD) is a powerful spectroscopy method for investigating chiral properties at the molecular level. ECD calculations with the commonly used linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (LR-TDDFT) framework can be prohibitively costly for large systems. To alleviate this problem, we present here an ECD implementation within the projector augmented-wave method in a real-time-propagation TDDFT framework in the open-source GPAW code. Our implementation supports both local atomic basis sets and real-space finite-difference representations of wave functions. We benchmark our implementation against an existin…
Charge Transfer Plasmons in Dimeric Electron Clusters
The tunability of the optical response of dimers of metal clusters and nanoparticles makes them ideal for many applications from sensing and imaging to inducing chemical reactions. We have studied charge transfer plasmons in separate and linked dimers of closed-shell electron clusters of 8 and 138 electrons using time-dependent density functional theory. The simple model clusters enable the systematic study of the charge transfer phenomenon from the electronic perspective. To identify the charge transfer plasmons, we have developed an index, the Charge Transfer Ratio, for quantifying the charge transfer nature of the excitations. In addition, we analyze the induced transition density and th…
Data for "Hot-Carrier Generation in Plasmonic Nanoparticles: The Importance of Atomic Structure"
This upload includes the data presented and analyzed in the article "Hot-Carrier Generation in Plasmonic Nanoparticles: The Importance of Atomic Structure" by Tuomas P. Rossi, Paul Erhart, and Mikael Kuisma. The codes for reproducing the data are provided at doi:10.5281/zenodo.3964229. See README.md in data.zip for a detailed description.
Data and code for "Dipolar coupling of nanoparticle-molecule assemblies: An efficient approach for studying strong coupling"
The data includes the optical excitations of benzene, the optical spectra of coupled benzene-Al NP systems, and fits of the spectra to the coupled oscillator model. The optical spectra in question have been obtained in the dipolar coupling approximation and analyzed in the article "Dipolar coupling of nanoparticle-molecule assemblies: An efficient approach for studying strong coupling" by Jakub Fojt, Tuomas P. Rossi, Tomasz J. Antosiewicz, Mikael Kuisma and Paul Erhart. Scripts for processing of the data, which extract optical spectra from NWChem output files, and fit optical spectra to the coupled oscillator model, are also included. The scripts are written in Python and require …
Data for "Plasmon excitations in chemically heterogeneous nanoarrays"
The data includes atomic structures, photoabsorption spectra, and noninteracting spectra of the systems modeled in the article "Plasmon excitations in chemically heterogeneous nanoarrays" by Kevin Conley et al. See README.md in the archive for a detailed description.