Matthias Dorn

Structure and Electronic Properties of an Expanded Terpyridine Complex of Nickel(II) [Ni(ddpd)2](BF4)2

research product

Deuterated Molecular Ruby with Record Luminescence Quantum Yield

The recently reported luminescent chromium(III) complex 13+ ([Cr(ddpd)2]3+; ddpd=N,N’-dimethyl-N,N’-dipyridine-2-yl-pyridine-2,6-diamine) shows exceptionally strong near-IR emission at 775 nm in water under ambient conditions (F=11%) with a microsecond lifetime as the ligand design in 13+ effectively eliminates non-radiative decay pathways, such as photosubstitution, back-intersystem crossing, and trigonal twists. In the absence of energy acceptors, such as dioxygen, the remaining decay pathways are energy transfer to high energy solvent and ligand oscillators, namely OH and CH stretching vibrations. Selective deuteration of the solvents and the ddpd ligands probes the efficiency of these o…

research product

Deuterierter molekularer Rubin mit Rekord-Lumineszenzquantenausbeute

Der kurzlich publizierte Chrom(III)-Komplex 13+([Cr(ddpd)2]3+) zeigt in wassriger Losung unter Umgebungsbedingungen eine bemerkenswert starke Emission im nahen Infrarot-Bereich mit einer Emissionswellenlange von 775 nm. Geschicktes Ligandendesign verhindert strahlungslose Desaktivierungsprozesse wie Photosubstitution, Ruck-Intersystem-Crossing und trigonale Verzerrungen und fuhrt damit zu einer Phosphoreszenzlebensdauer im Bereich von Mikrosekunden. In Abwesenheit von Energieakzeptoren wie molekularem Sauerstoff verbleibt nur Energietransfer zu hochenergetischen Oszillatoren der Liganden und Losungsmittelmolekule wie beispielsweise OH- und CH-Streckschwingungen als Desaktivierungspfad. Sele…

research product

Boosting Vis/NIR Charge-Transfer Absorptions of Iron(II) Complexes by N-Alkylation and N-Deprotonation in the Ligand Backbone.

Reversing the 3MLCT / 3MC excited state order in iron(II) complexes is a challenging objective, yet would finally result in longsought luminescent transition metal complexes with an earthabundant central ion. One approach to achieve this goal is based on low-energy charge transfer absorptions in combination with a strong ligand field. Coordinating electron rich and electron poor tridentate oligopyridine ligands with large bite angles at iron(II) enables both low-energy MLCT absorption bands around 590 nm and a strong ligand field. Variations of the electron rich ligand by introducing longer alkyl substituents destabilizes the iron(II) complex towards ligand substitution reactions while hard…

research product

A Vanadium(III) Complex with Blue and NIR-II Spin-Flip Luminescence in Solution.

Luminescence from Earth-abundant metal ions in solution at room temperature is a very challenging objective due to the intrinsically weak ligand field splitting of first-row transition metal ions, which leads to efficient nonradiative deactivation via metal-centered states. Only a handful of 3d

research product

Luminescent TOP Nanosensors for Simultaneously Measuring Temperature, Oxygen, and pH at a Single Excitation Wavelength

Two nanosensors for simultaneous optical measurements of the bioanalytically and biologically relevant analytes temperature (“T”), oxygen (“O”), and pH (“P”) have been designed. These “TOP” nanosensors are based on 100 nm-sized silica-coated polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) doped with a near-infrared emissive oxygen- and temperature-sensitive chromium(III) complex ([Cr(ddpd)2][BPh4]3, CrBPh4) and an inert reference dye (Nile Red, NR or 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin, TFPP) and are covalently labeled with pH-sensitive fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). These emitters can be excited at the same wavelength and reveal spectrally distinguishable emission bands, allowing for r…

research product

Ultrafast and long-time excited state kinetics of an NIR-emissive vanadium(iii) complex I: synthesis, spectroscopy and static quantum chemistry.

In spite of intense, recent research efforts, luminescent transition metal complexes with Earth-abundant metals are still very rare owing to the small ligand field splitting of 3d transition metal complexes and the resulting non-emissive low-energy metal-centered states. Low-energy excited states decay efficiently non-radiatively, so that near-infrared emissive transition metal complexes with 3d transition metals are even more challenging. We report that the heteroleptic pseudo-octahedral d2-vanadium(iii) complex VCl3(ddpd) (ddpd = N,N′-dimethyl-N,N′-dipyridine-2-yl-pyridine-2,6-diamine) shows near-infrared singlet → triplet spin–flip phosphorescence maxima at 1102, 1219 and 1256 nm with a …

research product

Understanding and exploiting long-lived near-infrared emission of a molecular ruby

Coordination chemistry reviews 359, 102 - 111 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2018.01.004

research product

CCDC 1958562: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Matthias Dorn, Jens Kalmbach, Pit Boden, Ayla Päpcke, Sandra Gómez, Christoph Förster, Felix Kuczelinis, Luca M. Carrella, Laura A. Büldt, Nicolas H. Bings, Eva Rentschler, Stefan Lochbrunner, Leticia González, Markus Gerhards, Michael Seitz, Katja Heinze|2020|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|142|7947|doi:10.1021/jacs.0c02122

research product

CCDC 1829268: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Matthias Dorn, Katharina Mack, Luca M. Carrella, Eva Rentschler, Christoph Förster, Katja Heinze|2018|Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.|644|706|doi:10.1002/zaac.201800101

research product

CCDC 1526745: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Andreas K. C. Mengel, Christian Bissinger, Matthias Dorn, Oliver Back, Christoph Förster, Katja Heinze|2017|Chem.-Eur.J.|23|7920|doi:10.1002/chem.201700959

research product

CCDC 1526744: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Andreas K. C. Mengel, Christian Bissinger, Matthias Dorn, Oliver Back, Christoph Förster, Katja Heinze|2017|Chem.-Eur.J.|23|7920|doi:10.1002/chem.201700959

research product

CCDC 1587133: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Sven Otto, Matthias Dorn, Christoph Förster, Matthias Bauer, Michael Seitz, Katja Heinze|2018|Coord.Chem.Rev.|359|102|doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2018.01.004

research product