Nicolas H. Bings

Atomic spectroscopy: a review

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4653 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4653 Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4654 Volatile Species Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4654 Direct Solids Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4655 Continuum Source Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 4655 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry 4655 Atomic Emission Spectrometry 4656 DC Arc and Low-Power RF Radiation Sources 4656 Inductively Coupled Plasmas 4656 Microwave Induced Plasmas 4658 Microplasmas 4658 Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 4658 Glow Discharge Optical Emission and Mass Spectrometry 4660 Fundamental Studies 4660 Methodological Studies and Applications of GD-OES and GDMS 4661 New GD Sourc…

research product

Proton and Electron Transfer to a Polymer‐Supported Nitrido Molybdenum(VI) Complex

Invited for the cover of this issue is the group of Katja Heinze at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. The cover image shows the reactive imido molybdenum(V) intermediate that has been obtained by protonation followed by reduction of the nitrido molybdenum(VI) precursor anchored to a polymeric environment.

research product

Proton and Electron Transfer to a Polymer‐Supported Nitrido Molybdenum(VI) Complex (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 36/2013)

research product

Comparison of novel and conventional calibration techniques for the analysis of urine samples using plasma source mass spectrometry combined with a new dual-drop-on-demand aerosol generator

The accuracy and precision of the analytical data from the analysis of liquid samples with high matrix load often suffer from a compromised performance of the sample introduction system. This is especially significant in the case of miniaturized, pneumatic low flow nebulizers. Alternative low-flow sampling devices based on different operating principles are imperative to overcome this drawback. The superior performance of such an alternative liquid sample introduction system for ICP-MS, the drop-on-demand (DOD) aerosol generator based on thermal inkjet technology, was recently outlined by the same group for the analysis of aqueous standard solutions. Current improvements of the system now a…

research product

Liquid sample introduction in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission and mass spectrometry — Critical review

Abstract Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) can be considered as the most important tools in inorganic analytical chemistry. Huge progress has been made since the first analytical applications of the ICP. More stable RF generators, improved spectrometers and detection systems were designed along with the achievements gained from advanced microelectronics, leading to overall greatly improved analytical performance of such instruments. In contrast, for the vast majority of cases liquid sample introduction is still based on the pneumatic principle as described in the late 19th century. High flow pneumatic nebulizers typically deman…

research product

Development and Optimization of Pre-Concentration Procedure of Rare-Earth Elements (REEs) in Their Minerals, Using Microwave - Assisted Sample Dissolution for ICP-Atomic Emission Spectrometric Detection

Abstract The aim of this research was to develop and optimize a procedure for determination of REEs in xenotime and monazite samples collected from Bangka Island, which were compared to Standard Monazite (71 AG) of Bureau of Analyzed Samples, London. ICP-OES method was used for the determination. The samples were dried and sterilized by heating for a week at 110 °C, before digesting with nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid, using a microwave-assisted digestion system. After a careful line selection, at the detection limits for all REEs in the ng/mL the REEs were reliably obtained at the 0.09 – 38% level.

research product

First experimental proof of asymmetric charge transfer in ICP-MS/MS (ICP-QQQ-MS) through isotopically enriched oxygen as cell gas

The quantification of a variety of elements in the field of ICP-MS is restricted by isobaric interferences. The recent development of ICP-MS/MS (“triple quadrupole” configuration) offers a new way to solve the problem of the detection of such elements affected by interferences because the signal caused by either the analyte or the isobaric interference can be shifted to another m/z through reactions with the cell gas (oxygen, ammonia or hydrogen). This system consists of two quadrupoles (Q1 and Q2) with a collision/reaction cell in between. When using the MS/MS mode of this configuration it becomes possible to restrict the ions entering the cell to a defined m/z and therefore get a better i…

research product

Drop-on-demand sample introduction system coupled with the flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow for direct molecular analysis of complex liquid microvolume samples.

One of the fastest developing fields in analytical spectrochemistry in recent years is ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ADI-MS). This burgeoning interest has been due to the demonstrated advantages of the method: simple mass spectra, little or no sample preparation, and applicability to samples in the solid, liquid, or gaseous state. One such ADI-MS source, the flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow (FAPA), is capable of direct analysis of solids just by aiming the source at the solid surface and sampling the produced ions into a mass spectrometer. However, direct introduction of significant volumes of liquid samples into this source has not been possible, as solvent loads c…

research product

Calibration of LA-ICP-MS via standard addition using dried picoliter droplets

A novel microanalytical calibration approach for quantitative spatially resolved analysis of thin layered materials with laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is presented. This method relies on standard addition via the generation of dried pL-droplet residues. Therefore, a drop on demand dosing device based on a modified commercial ink cartridge and a dosing interface, both accessible via a self-constructed microcontroller, were developed. This dosing device enables the precise deposition of pL-droplets onto solid samples for the generation of residues with dimensions in the low μm-range. The LA-ICP-MS analysis of such residues allows calibration over at l…

research product

A Vanadium(III) Complex with Blue and NIR-II Spin-Flip Luminescence in Solution.

Luminescence from Earth-abundant metal ions in solution at room temperature is a very challenging objective due to the intrinsically weak ligand field splitting of first-row transition metal ions, which leads to efficient nonradiative deactivation via metal-centered states. Only a handful of 3d

research product

Forensic comparison of PVC tape backings using time resolved LA-ICP-MS analysis

Abstract Adhesive tapes are common tools for criminal acts such as the construction of improvised explosive devices. Hence, tape samples can be used as evidence to link a suspect to a scene of crime or different crime scenes to each other. A set of 87 black electrical tapes was the subject of a study evaluating a LA-ICP-MS method for the characterization of tape backings regarding their elemental composition in a forensic context. LA-ICP-MS is a powerful tool in forensic investigations due to fast, quasi nondestructive analysis of small samples and detection or determination of elements up to the ultra-trace range. In this study, the development of a semiquantitative LA-ICP-MS method for fo…

research product

Development and characterization of a thermal inkjet-based aerosol generator for micro-volume sample introduction in analytical atomic spectrometry

A novel system for the introduction of liquid samples into analytical plasmas for atomic spectrometric analysis is presented in this manuscript for the first time. The proposed “drop-on-demand” (DOD) aerosol generator is based on the use of a modified thermal inkjet cartridge. This system employs a lab-built microcontroller, which allows accessing all parameters important for driving the dosing cartridge for the generation of pL-droplets from sample volumes in the μL range. The droplet generation frequency, thus the resulting liquid flow rate, is variable over a wide range from the generation of isolated droplets up to a theoretical flow rate of approximately 2 mL min−1, with parallel opera…

research product

Effect of operation conditions of the drop-on-demand aerosol generator on aerosol characteristics: Pseudo-cinematographic and plasma mass spectrometric studies

Abstract The recently presented drop-on-demand (DOD) aerosol generator overcomes some of the drawbacks of pneumatic nebulization, as its aerosol is no longer generated by gas–liquid interaction. In the current study, an advanced imaging technique is presented, based on a CCD camera equipped with magnifying telecentric optics to allow for fast, automated and precise aerosol characterization as well as fundamental studies on the droplet generation processes by means of pseudo-cinematography. The DOD aerosol generator is thoroughly characterized regarding its droplet size distribution, which shows few distinct populations rather than a continuous distribution. Other important figures, such as …

research product

Receptor-mediated uptake of boron-rich neuropeptide y analogues for boron neutron capture therapy.

Peptidic ligands selectively targeting distinct G protein-coupled receptors that are highly expressed in tumor tissue represent a promising approach in drug delivery. Receptor-preferring analogues of neuropeptide Y (NPY) bind and activate the human Y1 receptor subtype (hY1 receptor), which is found in 90% of breast cancer tissue and in all breast-cancer-derived metastases. Herein, novel highly boron-loaded Y1 -receptor-preferring peptide analogues are described as smart shuttle systems for carbaboranes as (10) B-containing moieties. Various positions in the peptide were screened for their susceptibility to carbaborane modification, and the most promising positions were chosen to create a mu…

research product

Biotic methylation of mercury by intestinal and sulfate-reducing bacteria and their potential role in mercury accumulation in the tissue of the soil-living Eisenia foetida

Abstract Monomethylmercury as one of the most toxic mercury species influences the health and development of higher organisms and tends to accumulate in the tissue of animals and humans. The aim of this study was to explore the mercury methylating capability of (1) intestinal microbiota of the soil-living earthworm Eisenia foetida (E. foetida) and (2) intestinal sulfate reducing-bacteria in pure cultures. After exposing animals to inorganic mercury chloride (4 mg kg−1 Hg2+) in soil and sterile soil for ten days, the amount of methylmercury in tissue was measured. Despite sterilization of soil, the accumulation of the organic mercury species in tissue was 51 ng g−1. To elucidate the potentia…

research product

CCDC 1958562: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Matthias Dorn, Jens Kalmbach, Pit Boden, Ayla Päpcke, Sandra Gómez, Christoph Förster, Felix Kuczelinis, Luca M. Carrella, Laura A. Büldt, Nicolas H. Bings, Eva Rentschler, Stefan Lochbrunner, Leticia González, Markus Gerhards, Michael Seitz, Katja Heinze|2020|J.Am.Chem.Soc.|142|7947|doi:10.1021/jacs.0c02122

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CCDC 934080: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Anica Wünsche von Leupoldt, Christoph Förster, Tobias J. Fiedler, Nicolas H. Bings, Katja Heinze|2013|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||6079|doi:10.1002/ejic.201301156

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CCDC 959158: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Anica Wünsche von Leupoldt, Christoph Förster, Tobias J. Fiedler, Nicolas H. Bings, Katja Heinze|2013|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||6079|doi:10.1002/ejic.201301156

research product

CCDC 930315: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Anica Wünsche von Leupoldt, Christoph Förster, Tobias J. Fiedler, Nicolas H. Bings, Katja Heinze|2013|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||6079|doi:10.1002/ejic.201301156

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