Vicente Coll-serrano
Data from the GIPEyOP online election poll for the 2015 Spanish General election.
Abstract The general elections of 2015 in Spain took place in the middle of the Great Recession after several years of austerity economic policies. This election caused a political earthquake that shook the Spanish party system. During the campaign of that election, GIPEyOP (Elections and Public Opinion Research Group from University of Valencia) conducted a survey to collect relevant data about the electorate beliefs, intentions and motivations. This article describes the data set attained, which comprises 71 variables after removing, to ensure full anonymity, those variables that would potentially allow respondents to be identified. Respondents answered a self-administered online question…
The Raising Factor, That Great Unknown. A Guided Activity for Undergraduate Students
In the first years of their economics degree programs, students will face many problems successfully dealing with a range of subjects with quantitative content. Specifically, in the field of statistics, difficulties to reach some basic academic achievements have been observed. Hence, a continuing challenge for statistics teachers is how to make this subject more appealing for students through the design and implementation of new teaching methodologies. The latter tend to follow two main approaches. On the one hand, it is useful for the learning process to propose practical activities that can connect theoretical concepts with real applications in the economic context. On the other hand, we …
Dynamic graphics in Excel for teaching statistics: understanding the probability density function
In this article, we show a dynamic graphic in Excel that is used to introduce an important concept in our subject, Statistics I: the probability density function. This interactive graphic seeks to facilitate conceptual understanding of the main aspects analysed by the learners.
Teaching-learning methods and their effect on professional development and the development of graduates’ competencies / Métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y su efecto en el desarrollo profesional y competencial de los egresados
This article analyses the effect of the teaching-learning methods used in Spanish universities on three measures of educational output: average mark, graduates’ assessment of their professional per...
Innovation at the workplace: Do professional competencies matter?
Abstract This paper analyzes individuals' propensity to innovate in professional environments, by focusing on the specific competency profile of individuals who play a role in the incorporation of product, technological, and knowledge innovations at work. The analysis draws on economic and managerial literature on innovation, innovative behavior, and competencies to gain a better understanding of the relationships between the process of competency development and innovative behavior in working environments. Using data from REFLEX, a European survey on the transition from higher education to labor markets, the empirical component of this study estimates discrete response models to explain th…
HOW TO ASSESS STRATEGIES OF PUBLIC CULTURAL BODIES: the case of the culture and de velop ment strateg yin Spai n
ABSTRACT: Culture has significantly evolved in its consideration as a key factor in development. This has been dueto the progressive incorporation of the cultural component in the development strategies. This has made necessarythe measurement of the impact of such policies, through monitoring and assessment of programs that are made. Inthis context it is essential to construct basic assessment tools for implementing these processes and, more specifically,to build a system of indicators that supports future decision making processes. In this paper we consider twostrategic lines of action in the Spanish Cooperation Strategy for Culture and Development: Human capital trainingfor cultural manag…
Continuous models combining slacks-based measures of efficiency and super-efficiency
AbstractIn the framework of data envelopment analysis (DEA), Tone (Eur J Oper Res 130(3):498–509, 2001) introduced the slacks-based measure (SBM) of efficiency, which is a nonradial model that incorporates all the slacks of the evaluated decision-making units (DMUs) into their efficiency scores, unlike classical radial efficiency models. Next, Tone (Eur J Oper Res 143(1):32–41, 2002) developed the SBM super-efficiency model in order to differentiate and rank efficient DMUs, whose SBM efficiency scores are always 1. However, as pointed out by Chen (Eur J Oper Res 226(2):258–267, 2013), some interpretation problems arise when the so-called super-efficiency projections are weakly efficient, le…
Fire risk sub-module assessment under solvency II. Calculating the highest risk exposure
The European Directive 2009/138 of Solvency II requires adopting a new approach based on risk, applying a standard formula as a market proxy in which the risk profile of insurers is fundamental. This study focuses on the fire risk sub-module, framed within the man-made catastrophe risk module, for which the regulations require the calculation of the highest concentration of risks that make up the portfolio of an insurance company within a radius of 200 m. However, the regulations do not indicate a specific methodology. This study proposes a procedure consisting of calculating the cluster with the highest risk and identifying this on a map. The results can be applied immediately by any insur…
Assessing the role of collaboration in the process of museum innovation
The relationship between collaboration and innovation in cultural organisations is an emerging topic that has drawn particular attention from scholars and practitioners. The main aim of this study is to assess the role of collaboration in the process of innovation in museum organisations. To achieve this aim, first, we develop a four-domain analytical framework by matching innovation types to cultural production processes to reflect the peculiarities of museum innovation. By applying this framework to the multiple case studies from four Spanish museums, we identify three main motivations (supplementing manpower, compensating for the scarcity of knowledge, improving demand-driven innovation)…
Un sistema de indicadores para el seguimiento y evaluación de la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural
This paper describes the general procedure followed to build a system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the Strategy for Culture and Development of Spanish Cooperation. Taking the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage as a reference, in this study an approach is made to questions relative to: 1) the process of evaluating a list of indicators by a panel of experts using the Delphi technique, 2) the definition and calculation of a relative operational index, 3) the process of indicator selection, and lastly, 4) how the selected indicators were assigned to form part of the basic or strategic dimension on which the system is structured. En este trabajo se describe el procedimie…
Estimación del impacto económico de los museos a través de las nuevas tecnologías de la información: el caso del museo Ene.Térmica
It is increasingly necessary to emphasize the potential of culture as an engine for economic development and its ability to generateincome and create jobs. For this reason, this paper evaluates the economic impact of the Ene.térmica museum in the territory in which it is located, Ponferrada (Castilla y León Community, Spain). In order to achieve this aim, the estimation of the different types of effects needed to determine the impact of economic of the activities linked to the existence of Ene.Térmica is calculated by using the tool Impactrimonio, a web-based application that applies the Input-Output Tables methodology. The results show that due to both activities of the museum and demand f…
Design of a basic system of indicators for monitoring and evaluating Spanish Cooperation's Culture and Development Strategy.
Objective: This article describes the process implemented in order to define and build up a Basic Monitoring and Evaluation System for Spanish Cooperation’s Culture and Development Strategy (CD-S). Research Design: Delphi techniques were used to assess a wide catalogue of indicators for each of the strategic areas included in the CD-S. Afterward, those indicators considered most suitable for monitoring and evaluating purposes were selected based on the assessments provided by a panel of experts. Results: As a consequence, the resulting system, made up by a total of 80 indicators, was designed to be a practical, manageable, and targeted tool for its potential users, who include managers and …
A methodological proposal for designing a local cultural indicators system based on the strategic planning
En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta metodológica para el diseño de un Sistema de Indicadores Culturales locales que toma como marco de referencia las Estadísticas Culturales de la UNESCO y la Agenda 21 de la Cultura. El Sistema de Indicadores que se propone queda configurado -en función de los objetivos perseguidos, los indicadores culturales requeridos y los usuarios involucrados- en un Sistema Básico y un Sistema Estratégico, y posibilita el seguimiento y evaluación del desempeño de la política cultural local. This paper aims to propose a theoretical framework for designing a Local Cultural Indicators System by considering the one provided by UNESCO for Cultural Statistics and the A…
deaR-Shiny: An Interactive Web App for Data Envelopment Analysis
In this paper, we describe an interactive web application (deaR-shiny) to measure efficiency and productivity using data envelopment analysis (DEA). deaR-shiny aims to fill the gap that currently exists in the availability of online DEA software offering practitioners and researchers free access to a very wide variety of DEA models (both conventional and fuzzy models). We illustrate how to use the web app by replicating the main results obtained by Carlucci, Cirà and Coccorese in 2018, who investigate the efficiency and economic sustainability of Italian regional airport by using two conventional DEA models, and the results given by Kao and Liu in their papers published in 2000 and 2003, wh…
Sistema de indicadores culturales local (<i>Siclo</i>)
Se ofrece una vision sintetica del proceso que ha dado lugar al Sistema de Indicadores Culturales Local ( Siclo ), una aplicacion orientada a mejorar el conocimiento sobre el estado de la accion cultural en el ambito de la administracion local. Pretende proporcionar informacion de apoyo que facilite la evaluacion de las politicas culturales locales. Se estructura en cinco areas tematicas y tres modulos. Actualmente solo se encuentra operativo el modulo basico que esta integrado por 46 indicadores.
El barómetro cultural local (báculo): una herramienta para el seguimiento y la evaluación de las políticas culturales locales
El Barometro Cultural Local (Baculo) es una herramienta que proporciona informacion a los gobiernos locales para apoyar tanto los procesos de planificacion y toma de decisiones como el seguimiento y evaluacion de las politicas culturales. A partir de los datos contenidos en el Sistema de Indicadores Culturales Local (SICLO), la informacion que ofrece Baculo a los usuarios se sintetiza en tres indicadores multidimensionales:Sintonia, Accion e Impulso-Respuesta. En este trabajo se describen las principales caracteristicas de Baculo, es decir, como se obtienen los indicadores que lo integran y como se muestra la informacion a los gobiernos locales.
<i>Impactrimonio</i>: tecnologías de la información aplicadas a la valoración del impacto económico de la cultura
This paper proposes an informational service, Impactrimonio , to assess the economic impact of a particular museum, library, festival or heritage element on the economic development of a particular territory. This service takes on increasing importance in the context of the new development paradigm linked to the Cultural Economy. From the information contained in the input-output tables and the data supplied by the user on various questionnaires, Impactrimonio estimates the direct, indirect and induced effects necessary to quantify the economic impact of the cultural activity.
Estimating the economic impact of museums by using the new information technologies: The case of Ene.Térmica museum
It is increasingly necessary to emphasize the potential of culture as an engine for economic development and its ability to generate income and create jobs. For this reason, this paper evaluates the economic impact of the Ene.térmica museum in the territory in which it is located, Ponferrada (Castilla y León Community, Spain). In order to achieve this aim, the estimation of the different types of effects needed to determine the impact of economic of the activities linked to the existence of Ene.Térmica is calculated by using the tool Impactrimonio, a web-based application that applies the Input-Output Tables methodology. The results show that due to both activities of the museum and demand …