Ninni Mikkonen
Combining spatial prioritization and expert knowledge facilitates effectiveness of large-scale mire protection process in Finland
Conservation resource allocation involves a complex set of considerations including species, habitats, connectivity, local to global biodiversity objectives, alternative protection and restoration actions, while requiring cost-efficiency and effective implementation. We present a national scale spatial conservation prioritization analysis for complementing the network of protected mires in Finland. We show how spatial prioritization coupled with regional targets and expert knowledge can facilitate structured decision-making. In our application, discussion between experts was structured around the prioritization model enabling integration of quantitative analysis with expert knowledge. The u…
Modeling of Dead Wood Potential Based on Tree Stand Data
Here we present a framework for identifying areas with high dead wood potential (DWP) for conservation planning needs. The amount and quality of dead wood and dying trees are some of the most important factors for biodiversity in forests. As they are easy to recognize on site, it is widely used as a surrogate marker for ecological quality of forests. However, wall-to-wall information on dead wood is rarely available on a large scale as field data collection is expensive and local dead wood conditions change rapidly. Our method is based on the forest growth models in the Motti forest simulator, taking into account 168 combinations of tree species, site types, and vegetation zones as well as …
National high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests
The continuous decline of forest biodiversity highlights the importance of the development of cost-effective and ecologically sustainable land-use planning approaches. Spatial conservation prioritisation (SCP) can be regarded as a useful tool for this challenge. We produced high-resolution, national scale SCP analyses to identify unprotected forest areas that host valuable forest biodiversity. We used stand-based modelled dead wood potential (DWP) data as a primary surrogate for conservation value. In addition, data on forestry operations that have negative impacts on biodiversity, connectivity between forest areas, the observations of red-listed forest species, connectivity to forest habit…
Suomen metsät tarvitsevat toimivia monimuotoisuuskarttoja ja menetelmät päivityksiä – Vastine Kankaalle ja Mehtätalolle
Datapackage for national high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests
This data package concerns the following work: Ninni Mikkonen, Niko Leikola, Joona Lehtomäki, Panu Halme, Atte Moilanen, National high-resolution conservation prioritisation of boreal forests, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 541, 2023, 121079 ISSN 0378-1127 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121079 The overall objective of the work was to develop spatial prioritizations that can assist the forest conservation programme METSO (The Finnish Government 2008; 2014) to make well-informed decisions about acquisition of forests for protection. The results are also aimed to be useful for other actors interested in forest conservation or biodiversity friendly forest management. We focused th…
Spatial conservation prioritization of Finnish forests for more sustainable land use planning
Accelerating use of natural resources causing harmful impacts on biodiversity, together with limited resources for conservation, highlight the importance of developing cost-effective, ecologically sustainable land use planning approaches. In Finland, a recent conservation project “METSO - Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland” tackles the challenge of integrating conservation with sustainable forestry to halt the decline in forest species and habitats. A core element in METSO is the spatial conservation prioritization of forests to supplement the current protected area network, based on concepts of complementarity, and voluntarity. These analyses pave way towards new practices …