Guna Spurava

Kritiskā domāšana: izglītība, medijpratība, spriestspēja

Šā pētījuma iniciatīva izriet no LU Ekspertu Padomes1 2017. gada 20. septembra apaļā galda diskusijas “Kritiskā domāšana — kā to mācīt, veicināt un sasaistīt ar mediju lietotprasmi Latvijā?”. Diskusijas gaitā šīs jomas ekspertu lokā skaidri izkristalizējās iepriekš izklāstītās problemātikas aktualitāte Latvijā, tostarp būtiskas nepilnības gan vispārējās, gan augstākās izglītības sistēmā attiecībā uz kritiskās domāšanas prasmju attīstības veicināšanu, trūkumi Latvijas mediju politikā, kā arī saistībā ar mediju lietotprasmi sabiedrībā. LU rektora Ekspertu padome sadarbībā ar LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtu, kura pārziņā ir prioritārā joma “Kritiskā domāšana, inovācija, konkurētspēja …

research product

Children’s Internet Competence vs. Self-confidence and Self-comfort: Case Study of Latvia

The objective of the paper is to compare children’s internet literacy with children’s self-evaluation of their internet competences in a parental mediation context. The theoretical frame includes two aspects – theoretical understanding about “generations” depending on information technology use and parental mediation. Data were collected by a survey of children and four focus groups interviews with parents (all use internet). The children’s survey does not give definite answers about identification of some “generation”, but parents’ answers mark children as another “generation” by their internet use practice. Two high risk factors have been identified (1) children explicitly rely on peers’ …

research product

This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens’ and its consequence for EU democracy – evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries

For the very first time in EU history, the 2014 EP elections provided citizens with the opportunity to influence the nomination of the Commission President by casting a vote for the main Europarties’ ‘lead candidates’. By subjecting the position of the Commission President to an open political contest, many experts have formulated the expectation that heightened political competition would strengthen the weak electoral connection between EU citizens and EU legislators, which some consider a root cause for the EU’s lack of public support. In particular, this contest was on display in the so-called ‘Eurovision Debate’, a televised debate between the main contenders for the Commission Presiden…

research product

This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy – evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries

For the very first time in EU history, the 2014 EP elections provided citizens with the opportunity to influence the nomination of the Commission President by casting a vote for the main Europarties’ ‘lead candidates’. By subjecting the position of the Commission President to an open political contest, many experts have formulated the expectation that heightened political competition would strengthen the weak electoral connection between EU citizens and EU legislators, which some consider a root cause for the EU’s lack of public support. In particular, this contest was on display in the so-called ‘Eurovision Debate’, a televised debate between the main contenders for the Commission Presiden…

research product