Jyri Mustajoki
IAIA:n konferenssi Calgaryssä 2013
IMPERIA mediassa nonPeerReviewed
Interactive multiobjective optimization with NIMBUS for decision making under uncertainty
We propose an interactive method for decision making under uncertainty, where uncertainty is related to the lack of understanding about consequences of actions. Such situations are typical, for example, in design problems, where a decision maker has to make a decision about a design at a certain moment of time even though the actual consequences of this decision can be possibly seen only many years later. To overcome the difficulty of predicting future events when no probabilities of events are available, our method utilizes groupings of objectives or scenarios to capture different types of future events. Each scenario is modeled as a multiobjective optimization problem to represent differe…
Milloin ympäristövaikutus on merkittävä?
Vaikutusten merkittävyyden arviointikehikko ja ARVI-työkalu
Opasluonnosten ja suunnitelmien esittely
Vaikutuskaavioiden yms. Strukturointityökalujen hyödyntäminen YVA- ja SOVA-arvioinneissa
How much is a lot? A systematic approach to impact significance assessment
IMPERIA -hankkeen tuottamia raportteja ja selvityksiä
Internet-pohjainen osallistuminen ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnissa
IMPERIA -hankkeen tuottamia raportteja ja selvityksiä
Monitavoitearvioinnin räätälöidyt YVA-työkalut
Monitavoitearviointi ympäristösuunnittelussa
IMPERIA: tools and practices in EIA for systematic impact significance assessment
Results from LIFE+ project IMPERIA (1.8.2012-31.12.2015)
Comparison of Multi-Criteria Decision Analytical Software - Searching for ideas for developing a new EIA-specific multi-criteria software
IMPERIA -hankkeen tuottamia raportteja ja selvityksiä
Deliberative approach to impact significance assessment
Impact significance assessment is a combination of objective and subjective assessment, and can be characterized as a multi-criteria problem. In this article we propose a systematic and transparent approach where the impact significance assessment is realized together with experts and stakeholders. First, a preliminary significance evaluation framework is developed by the experts. Evaluation framework consists of criteria, indicators and scales. The framework is then refined based on the discussions with stakeholders and citizens. Thereafter, experts and stakeholders evaluate the significance of the impacts independently based on the criteria and scales defined earlier. In this phase Multi-…