Anna Rönkä

24/7 -talous kuormittaa perheitä ja lapsia

research product

Tunnelmia ja kuvia sosiaalisen kestävyyden ääreltä

research product

A Mobile-Assisted Working Model for Supporting Daily Family Life

Despite rapid technological development, very few new technology-assisted tools have been developed specifically for use in family services. This article describes a new, mobile-assisted working model designed to enhance the quality of daily family life. The model has its origins in the existing research on daily family life and on the diary method, which has been widely used in data collection in family research. The model provides support for the daily life of client families in the intervals between meetings with family counselors via the use of text messages. The pilot study explored family members’ and family counselors’ experiences of using the model. Data on 26 parents and four chil…

research product

The accumulation of problems of social functioning as a long-term process: Women and men compared

Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the developmental processes involved in the accumulation of problems of social functioning from age 8 to age 36 in men ( n = 152) and women ( n = 145). The accumulation of risk factors in childhood and adolescence, including low control of emotions (aggressiveness and anxiety), school problems (poor adjustment, success, and motivation), and problems in the family (parental drinking and low socioeconomic status), predicted career instability, early timing of parenthood, and a sense of failure at age 27 in both sexes. Similarly, the accumulation of problems of social functioning (e.g. poor financial standing, poor intimate relationships, and d…

research product

Yhteentörmäyksistä yhteistyöhön : vauvan tulo käynnistää kasvun yhteisvanhemmuuteen

Toimiva yhteisvanhemmuus on perheen hyvinvoinnin tärkeä kulmakivi. Sen perusta rakentuu odottavien vanhempien ja heidän läheistensä valmistautuessa vastaanottamaan uutta perheenjäsentä. Vanhempien välinen yhteistyö ei rakennu automaattisesti vaan vaatii perheen aikuisilta neuvottelua ja palveluilta aktiivista tukemista. Yhteisvanhemmuuden ytimessä ovat lapsen hoivan, kasvatuksen ja perheen työnjaon kysymykset, ja se rakentuu vanhempien, mutta myös muiden lapsen huolenpitoon osallistuvien perheen aikuisten välille. Korona-aika on tehnyt näkyväksi yhteisvanhemmuuden merkityksen, nostanut keskusteluun odottavien isien osallisuuden ja antanut kunnille kimmokkeen uusien verkkovälitteisten perhev…

research product

Childhood reproduced: images of childhood represented in children's daily lives in home and day-care settings

ABSTRACTThis study explores images of childhood by analysing children's pictorial representations and accompanying captions. The focus is on how children together with adults represent childhood in the home and daycare settings in a oneweek diary study. The key analytical tool was framing, which is used to highlight what kinds of images are (re)produced and narrated. The frames that emerged were (1) portrayal of the child via cultural products and societal relations, (2) portrayal of the child via individuality, relationships and attachment, (3) the child as a symbol of capabilities, and (4) the child as a learner. While illustrating how childhood was intertwined with consumption, cultural …

research product

Parental working time patterns and children's socioemotional wellbeing: Comparing working parents in Finland, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands

Abstract This cross-national study examined the connections between parental working time patterns (i.e., regular day work vs. nonstandard working hours) and children's socio-emotional wellbeing defined in terms of internalizing and externalizing problems and prosocial behavior. We also examined how the total number of hours worked, changes in work schedules, working overtime at short notice, and having an influence over one's work schedules were linked with children's wellbeing. Data were collected by a web survey from Finnish ( n  = 358), Dutch ( n  = 200) and British ( n  = 267) parents with children aged 3 to 12 years. The results showed, that in all three countries parents working nons…

research product

Children’s Fruit and Vegetable Preferences Are Associated with Their Mothers’ and Fathers’ Preferences

Children’s preference for fruit and vegetables must emerge during childhood. At children’s homes, mothers and fathers influence children’s developing food preferences with their own preferences and actions. The purpose of the study was to reveal the association parents have with their children’s fruit and vegetable preferences. The study was conducted in a sample of Finnish mothers and fathers of 3–5-year-old children. The participants were recruited, and questionnaires distributed through early childhood education and care centers in 2014 and 2015. The results showed considerable variance in the children’s preferences, and were more similar with their father’s, than their mother’s preferen…

research product

"I wished my mother enjoyed her work." Adolescents' Perceptions of Parents' Work and Their Links to Adolescent Psychosocial Well-Being

Contains fulltext : 64757.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) This article discusses links between parents’ work and adolescent psychosocial wellbeing from an adolescent perspective. What do adolescents think about their parents’ work? According to adolescents, do parents have enough time and energy for them? Are there links between adolescents’ perceptions of parents’work and their own wellbeing? In the research the sample consisted of 140 Finnish adolescents (mean age 15.9) derived from the longitudinal Adolescent Relationships and Well-Being study. The results indicate that, although most of the adolescents had rather positive perceptions of their parents’ work, they also perceive…

research product

Childcare and parental work schedules: a comparison of childcare arrangements among Finnish, British and Dutch dual-earner families

This study examined the association between parental work schedules and non-parental childcare arrangements among dual-earner families in Finland, the Netherlands and the UK. Data from the ‘Families 24/7’ web-survey were used, including 937 parents with children aged 0-12 years. Results showed a negative association between non-standard work and formal childcare across all countries. A similar association was found for using a combination of formal and informal childcare, whereas solely using informal childcare was not associated with work characteristics. Country differences showed that, compared with Finland, the probability of using formal childcare was lower in the Netherlands, whereas …

research product

The child diary as a research tool

The aim of this article is to introduce the use of the child diary as a method in daily diary research. By describing the research process and detailing its structure, a child diary, a structured booklet in which children's parents and day-care personnel (N = 54 children) reported their observations, was evaluated. The participants reported the use of the diary to be an interesting but time-consuming experience. The main ethical challenges were related to power positions, confidentiality, consequences and motivation. With respect to adults’ observations of children's emotions, the results indicated that the child diary is valuable in providing information about individual differences and da…

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Family time negotiations in the context of non-standard work schedules

Present-day parenting is centred round the question of time, especially in the case of working parents. This study analysed negotiations over time in families where one or both parents work non-standard schedules, that is, during evenings, nights and weekends. We asked what aspects of time are negotiable and with whom, and who in the family bears the ultimate responsibility for these negotiations. The analysis was based on interviews with 47 people conducted in 2013 in Finland. The findings indicated that time negotiations within the family concerned everyday routines and schedules, social life and the family‗s philosophy. Family life and schedules in the context of non-standard schedules w…

research product

Management in the 24/7-society raises concerns of fairness and social responsibility

Purpose Despite the pressure on work-family polices arising from the increase in nonstandard working times in various sectors, only a few studies have addressed management practices in 24/7 workplaces. This paper aims to investigate the challenges Finnish managers face in meeting the various tensions stemming from nonstandard working hours and services operating 24/7. Two typical 24/7 work contexts are focused: the hospitality and retail industries and flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. The emphasis is on management practices relating to the planning of work shifts and children’s care schedules. Design/methodology/approach Study 1 comprises focus group i…

research product

“Equally, but in our own way” : First-time parents’ prenatal expectations of coparenting

This study examined the expectations of expectant first-time parents on coparenting in a Finnish two-parent family. Thirty expectant couples were individually interviewed (N = 60) during the third trimester of pregnancy. The semi-structured interviews focused on participants’ expectations and hopes on future coparenting. Thematic analysis revealed that the expectant first-time mothers and fathers saw coparenting as multidimensional. They talked about coparenting in terms of 1) division of labour issues, 2) management of family dynamics, 3) childrearing agreement, 4) coparental support, and 5) learning and developing. Thus, the expectant couples hoped for a coparenting relationship in which …

research product

VauvaPolku : digitaalinen oppimispeli ensimmäistä lastaan odottaville vanhemmille

research product

Positive parenting and parenting stress among working mothers in Finland, the UK and the Netherlands : Do working time patterns matter?

This study explored the effects of working time patterns on positive parenting and parenting stress, and the moderating effects of working hours, the unpredictability of work schedules, and autonomy over working time in a European context. This cross-national survey study compared Finnish (n = 337), Dutch (n = 283) and British (n = 317) mothers with children under the age of 13, using structural equation modeling with a multigroup procedure. We found a connection between working time patterns and positive parenting but the nature of the connection differed between countries. In all three countries, no relationship was found between working time pattern and parenting stress, while unpredict…

research product

Mothers’ non-standard working schedules and family time : enhancing regularity and togetherness

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate Finnish working mothers’ experiences of the effects of non-standard working schedules (NSWS) on family time in two family forms, coupled and lone-parent families. Furthermore the aim is to find out what meanings mothers with NSWS attached to family time paying particular attention to the circumstances in which mothers experienced NSWS positively. Design/methodology/approach – Thematic analysis of 20 semi-structured interviews was used to investigate mothers’ experiences of the effects of NSWS on family time. Findings – The key factor generating positive experiences was the ability to maintain regularity and togetherness, which was enhan…

research product

Rural Children’s Perceptions of Parental Involvement in Their Education in Pakistan

Drawing from focus group discussions, this study reports 40 school-aged children’s (12–14 years, boys and girls) perceptions of parental involvement in the context of a developing country with a collectivist culture. The results indicate that despite parental interference, adherence to local customs, poverty, and illiteracy, children felt encouraged by their parents through strategies that reinforced their motivation to continue their education. Extended families’ educated members can also compensate for parents being unable to support their children in learning. The study highlights the role of the socio-cultural context in understanding parental involvement. peerReviewed

research product

Flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care: experiences of Finnish parents and educators

This study focuses on flexibly scheduled early childhood education and care (ECEC), an institutional childcare service for Finnish families where both parents, or a single parent, work non-standard hours. Although many countries nowadays offer extended hours day care, only Finland has a publicly provided, law-based system guaranteeing ECEC during non-standard as well as standard hours. We explore, drawing on parental survey data, what kinds of families use such services and when. Furthermore, we utilise web-survey data obtained from early educators to find out what they report as the main challenges involved in implementing flexibly scheduled ECEC. The results showed that single-parent fami…

research product

Yhteisvanhemmuus ei ole sama kuin tasan jaetut kotityöt : olennaista on, että työnjako on molempien mielestä reilu

Hyvin toimiva yhteisvanhemmuus vähentää vanhempien uupumusta, ehkäisee eroja ja parisuhteen ristiriitoja sekä helpottaa työn ja hoivan yhteensovittamista. Perhepalveluiden tulisikin tukea yhteisvanhemmuutta nykyistä määrätietoisemmin, kirjoittavat professori Anna Rönkä ja dosentti Kaisa Malinen. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Daily wellbeing in families with children: A harmonious and a disharmonious week

AbstractWhat makes daily life in families with young children harmonious, and are there better and worse times? Applying a daily approach, the present study examined one week in dual-earner families with young children, with special focus on families that reported either a harmonious or a disharmonious week in their family interaction. Quantitative and qualitative diary data were collected with mobile phones and with paper and pencil from 45 families. Fourteen families representing either disharmonious or harmonious interaction were chosen for a detailed analysis of good and difficult moments in the spousal and parent–child relationship. What most clearly distinguished these weeks was not t…

research product

Work Schedules and Work–Family Conflict Among Dual Earners in Finland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom

Many European families are affected by the 24/7 economy, but relatively little is known about how working parents experience nonstandard hours. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible associations of dual earners’ work schedules and other work-related factors with their experience of time- and strain-based work–family conflict. These phenomena were examined among dual earners living in Finland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, countries that differ in working time practices and policies. Multigroup structural equation modeling was used to analyze cross-cultural data on dual earners with children aged 0 to 12 years ( N = 1,000). The results showed that working nonstandard …

research product

Confident, cautiously confident or concerned? Working life profiles, capabilities, and expectations for work-family reconciliation among young Finnish women

The uncertainties and growing social inequality young adults face in the labour market call for research on the link between young women’s expectations about working life and the real options they have in seeking to combine work with care. Drawing on Sen’s capabilities approach, this study contributes to filling this gap in the literature by examining how women in emerging adulthood in Finland foresee their future career and working life, and how these expectations are associated with socioeconomic and partnership characteristics and their expectations for work-family reconciliation. Survey data obtained from 527 young women aged 18–29 were analysed using latent profile analysis. Three dist…

research product

Perheen perustamisen odotukset nuorten lapsettomien naisten elämänkulussa

Perheellistyminen on viivästynyt, ja aleneva syntyvyys koettelee yhteiskuntaamme. Nuorten suomalaisten naisten tulevaisuuden odotuksia koskeva haastatteluaineisto kertoo, että vanhemmaksi tulo nähdään osana elämänkulkua, mutta lapsen hankintaa myös epäröidään ja siitä luovutaan. Elämänkulun haasteet heijastuvat erityisesti työttömien, vähemmän koulutettujen naisten perheellistymisodotuksissa. Fertility has declined dramatically in Finland in recent years. This has been linked to the global economy, personal uncertainties in work and relationships, and the postponement of parenthood. However, little is known about how young women in emerging adulthood make their choices related to family for…

research product

Daily moods, health routines and recovery among employees working in the retail and services sector : A diary study

This study examined the quality and fluctuation of daily moods as well as health routines and means of recovery from work strain among employees (n = 38) working nonstandard, often unpredictable schedules in the retail and services sector in Finland. Data were collected via a background questionnaire and a one-week mobile diary. The results indicated that the daily moods of employees were relatively positive but varied greatly from day to day. Hectic working days, unpredictable changes in work schedules, and compounded responsibilities at home and work were reported as causes of daily strain stemming from work. In contrast, more sleep and exercise were positively associated with daily mood …

research product

Enemmän huolta, vähemmän tukea : yhteisvanhemmuuden ensi askeleet esikoistaan odottavilla vanhemmilla korona-aikana

Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Kuvata, miten esikoistaan odottavat vanhemmat kokivat koronapandemian vaikuttaneen vanhemmuuteen valmistautumiseen ja erityisesti siihen, miten he yhdessä valmistautuvat ja sitoutuvat tulevaan vanhemmuuteen (ns. yhteisvanhemmuus). Aineisto ja menetelmät: Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduin yksilöhaastatteluin huhti-elokuussa 2020 ja toteutettiin etäyhteyksin. Tutkimukseen osallistui 22 esikoistaan odottavaa vanhempaa (11 pariskuntaa). Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin temaattisella sisallönanalyysilla. Tulokset: Odottavat vanhemmat kokivat, että koronapandemia vaikutti vanhemmuuteen valmistautumiseen siten, että isien osallistumismahdollisuudet rajoittuivat, yhteisk…

research product

A Mobile Diary Method for Studying Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotions : A Pilot Study

Researching children’s and adolescents’ emotions from their own perspectives possesses special requirements for the data collection tools used. In this study, children’s and early adolescents’ emotions were investigated using a mobile diary method. The article describes and evaluates this data collection method and presents empirical results on fluctuation in the emotions of children and adolescents (n = 60, aged 7–14 years). The data, in the form of short text messages, were collected over one week. Every evening, children received seven questions on their emotions. Multilevel modeling was used to analyze the data. The results illustrate the potential of the mobile diary method with childr…

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Infertility as a lonely struggle? : Coping stories of previously infertile women

In this narrative study, we explored the meaning infertile women attribute to social support in coping with their infertility-related challenges. Written accounts and episodic interviews with 26 previously infertile Finnish women were used as data. Two different coping story types emerged: coping alone and coping with support. In the coping alone type women neither sought nor received support. Their coping appeared as a lonely struggle. In the coping with stories, women turned to their spouses, peers, or professionals, but still emphasized that they would have needed more support. Based on our findings, we underline the need for individually tailored support. peerReviewed

research product

Trajectories of depressive mood in adolescents: Does parental work or parent-adolescent relationship matter? A follow-up study through junior high school in Finland

The purpose of this follow-up study was to investigate stability and change in depressive mood and possible explanatory factors between ages 13 to 16. The sample consisted of 116 Finnish adolescents (50 boys and 66 girls) drawn from two junior high schools in Central Finland.The data were obtained by means of questionnaires which were completed by the same adolescents three times, in 1999 (mean age 13.0 years), in 2001 (mean age 14.7 years), and in 2002 (mean age 15.9 years). The semiparametric group-based mixture modeling revealed four developmentally different trajectories in depressive mood, two indicating stability and two showing change in the level of symptoms over time. The majority…

research product

Good moments in parents' spousal relationships: A daily relational maintenance perspective

This study examined positively experienced spousal moments among couples with young children. The diary data were gathered from 95 women and 55 men in 95 Finnish families over a seven-day period using an open-ended question. Seven kinds of activities were identified in the descriptions of moments: doings, conversations, presence, positivity, physical intimacy, support, and conflict management. Doings related to shared tasks and favors as well as conversations concerning catching up and family issues were more often mentioned by women than by men. Notably, positive spousal moments also often included children who were described as a landscape for the spousal relationship, as participants in …

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From Intense to Leisurely Study Days : A Diary Study of Daily Wellbeing among Students in Higher Education

This mobile diary study examined day-to-day variability during one study week among university students and study-related associated factors promoting and impairing their well-being. Specifically, we explored (1) what factors university students consider as promoting and as impairing their daily wellbeing, (2) what types of daily study profiles for students can be identified based on study hours, study motivation, and academic stress, and (3) how the factors promoting and impairing students’ daily wellbeing are related to these daily study profiles. The study utilized one-week mobile diary data collected from 86 university students studying in a Finnish university (a total of 602 measuremen…

research product

Fruit and vegetable consumption among 3–5-year-old Finnish children and their parents: Is there an association?

Abstract This study investigated the association between the home food environment and the consumption frequency of raw and cooked vegetables, berries and fruit among 3–5-year-old children and their mothers and fathers. The target group consisted of 3–5-year-old children (N = 114) attending public early childhood education and care, and their parents (N = 100). Cross-sectional data were collected from the parents with questionnaires assessing the home food environment, children and parents’ vegetable, berry and fruit consumption, and food neophobia. Linear mixed-effects models and principal component analysis were used to examine the association of parental consumption and the home food env…

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Vuorotyöarki on pullantuoksuisia arkivapaita ja päänsärkyhattuja

research product

Daily rhythms of young children in the 24/7 economy : A comparison of children in day care and day and night care

The study explored temporal variation in children’s moods and compared children in regular day care with those in day and night care in Finland. To examine variation in children’s experiences, a mobile diary was used. The participants comprised 32 young children and their parents and day care personnel. Adults evaluated children’s moods three times daily over 1 week. A clear weekday–weekend rhythm was found among children in day care, who displayed more negative moods, due to frequent hurried mornings. Children in day and night care had more irregular mood rhythms. Boys were evaluated as displaying more negative moods than girls. peerReviewed

research product

Tasapainoilua ja rajanhallintaa : nuorten näkemyksiä perheen perustamisesta sekä työn ja perheen yhteensovittamisesta.

Nuoruus ja muotoutuva aikuisuus ovat elämänvaiheita, joihin kouluttautuminen ammattiin, työelämään siirtyminen sekä vakavan parisuhteen aloittaminen ja perheen perustaminen useimmilla sijoittuvat. Työn, perheen ja opiskelun yhteensovittamisen kysymykset tulevat nuorelle ajankohtaisiksi iän myötä sitä mukaa, kun nuorelle alkaa kertyä kokemuksia näiltä elämänalueilta. Ennen omakohtaisia kokemuksia nuori alkaa muodostaa omaa näkemystään työn ja perheen vuorovaikutuksesta seuraamalla julkista keskustelua aiheesta sekä omien vanhempien ja muiden läheisten tasapainoilua eri elämänalueiden välillä. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme, millaisia nuorten näkemykset ja kokemukset työn ja muun elämän yht…

research product

An examination of nonresponse in a study on daily family life: I do not have time to participate, but I can tell you something about our life

The aim of this study was to look at the issue of nonresponse and self-selection bias in the context of a family study on daily family life. Data on the participating families and refusers were gathered as part of the wider Palette study in which questionnaires and diaries were used as data collection methods. On the basis of these data (N = 208 participating families and 119 refuser families), we profile the families left outside the study. The parents who declined to participate in the Palette study were asked to fill in a short refusal form, which included questions concerning their family background and reasons for refusal, and they were also asked to write freely about their everyday l…

research product

Everyday Family Life: Dimensions, Approaches, and Current Challenges

The aim of this systematic literature review was to identify, categorize, and evaluate the empirical research that has been conducted on everyday family life. Fifty-three empirically based articles focusing on everyday family life were included in the analysis, which focused on the conceptual, empirical, and theoretical content. According to our review, everyday family life comprises three dimensions: emotions, actions, and temporality. It is a continuously constructed process in which family members transmit emotions, engage in activities, and schedule timetables in the course of interactions with each other and with the wider social context. Three empirical or theoretical approaches were …

research product

Capturing daily family dynamics via text messages: development of the mobile diary

In this paper we introduce a new tool, the mobile phone, for use in diary research. We demonstrate, with reference to two family studies conducted in Finland, how daily family dynamics can be captured by using the mobile diary. In both studies family members sent text messages (SMSs) in answer to structured diary questions three times a day over a one-week period. The participants kept also paper-and-pencil diaries. Two mobile diary items measuring mood (stressfulness and feelings of competence) both at home and at work are reported here as examples. For both items we found statistically significant daily and weekly variation as well as individual fluctuation. The data gathered by the mobil…

research product

Like ships passing in the night? Nonstandard work schedules and spousal satisfaction in Finland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

This study examined the associations of work schedules and spousal satisfaction among Finnish (n = 347), Dutch (n = 304) and British (n = 337) parents. In addition to comparing parents with nonstandard schedule with parents in regular day work, the study examined separately the roles played in spousal satisfaction of morning, evening, night and weekend work and other working time-related variables (working hours, changes in and influence over one’s work schedules and spouse’s work schedule). The three-country data were analyzed using structural equation modeling with a multigroup procedure in Mplus. Little evidence for negative associations of work schedules and related factors with spousal…

research product

Accentuating the Positive, Eliminating the Negative? Relationship Maintenance as a Predictor of Two-Dimensional Relationship Quality

In this study, relationship maintenance and its connections with positive and negative relationship quality were examined among Finnish parents (N = 177 women and 153 men; i.e., partners from 150 couples and 27 women and 3 men whose partner did not participate in the study). Relationship maintenance was measured using Stafford, Dainton, and Haas's (2000) version of the RMSM and two-dimensional relationship quality using Fincham and Linfield's (1997) PANQIMS. Structural equation modeling was utilized to analyze paired data. Women were found to report more relationship maintenance behaviors than their partners. The results showed further that relationship maintenance was connected with both p…

research product

Mobile Diary Methods in Studying Daily Family Life

This chapter introduces a mobile diary data collection tool and discusses its use in the field of family research. Although the mobile diary method is a newcomer in the field of family research, its history is rooted in the larger context of the development of methods for investigating daily life. Mobile phones offer several advantages for studying daily family dynamics: user friendliness, cost-effectiveness, the ability to capture daily emotions, interactions and significant moments, and data reliability and validity. Mobile diaries utilize various mobile phone services, including SMSs and applications, and they are increasingly used also with children. The benefits of mobile diaries in fa…

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The difficulty of being a professional, a parent, and a spouse on the same day : daily spillover of workplace interactions on parenting, and the role of spousal support

Designing parenting interventions and preventions requires knowledge on the factors and processes that shape parenting behaviors. Using data collected over 10 days, during the last hour of work and before going to bed, this study examined the spillover of interpersonal work stresses into positive and negative parenting behaviors. Data were collected among 103 couples who had at least one child between the age of one and eight years. Of particular interest was the role of received emotional spousal support as a moderator of stress spillover. Dyadic variants of multilevel models were used to analyze the data. The results showed that on days on which mothers or fathers reported stressful inter…

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Sensory-based food education in early childhood education and care, willingness to choose and eat fruit and vegetables, and the moderating role of maternal education and food neophobia

AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the association between sensory-based food education implemented in early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres and children’s willingness to choose and eat vegetables, berries and fruit, and whether the mother’s education level and children’s food neophobia moderate the linkage.DesignThe cross-sectional study involved six ECEC centres that provide sensory-based food education and three reference centres. A snack buffet containing eleven different vegetables, berries and fruit was used to assess children’s willingness to choose and eat the food items. The children’s parents completed the Food Neophobia Scale questionnaire to assess their children’s food…

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Parental Involvement or Interference? : Rural Teachers’ Perceptions

This research explored rural state school teachers’ perceptions concerning parental involvement in children’s education in a developing country context. The data were collected through thematic interviews with teachers of public schools situated in the rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. The study findings revealed teachers’ frustration and disappointment regarding parental involvement. Teachers believed that susceptible socioeconomic circumstances and adherence to local customs hindered many parents from participating in their children’s education. In line with this, teachers frequently held negative perceptions regarding children’s parents, and these perceptions have the po…

research product

Vanhemmuuden ja selviytymiskykyisyyden tukeminen ohjatussa äiti–lapsi-vertaisryhmässä

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella työntekijöiden kuvauksia ja havaintoja siitä, miten ohjatussa äiti–lapsi-vertaisryhmässä tuetaan vanhemmuutta ja selviytymiskykyisyyttä. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä sovellettiin resilienssitutkimuksen ja Seligmanin (2011) PERMA-hyvinvointiteorian käsitteitä. Tutkimuksen kontekstina oli matalan kynnyksen perhekeskustoiminta ja kohteena äiti–lapsi-vertaisryhmä. Lähestymistapana sovellettiin tapaustutkimusta, ja menetelminä olivat työntekijöiden (N=2) parihaastattelut tutkimusjakson alussa ja lopussa sekä puolistrukturoidut päiväkirjat, joihin työntekijät kirjasivat huomioitaan omista toimintatavoistaan ja vuorovaikutustilanteista äitien ja lasten ryhmäta…

research product

Digitaalinen oppimispeli VauvaPolku : Vanhemmuuteen valmistautumista pelillisen oppimisen keinoin

Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin digitaalisen VauvaPolku-oppimispelin soveltuvuutta perhevalmennukseen sekä oppimispelin hyötyjä asiakkaiden ja työntekijöiden näkökulmista. Vanhemmuuteen valmentava oppimispeli kehitettiin Tieteen tiedotus ry:n rahoituksella ja tutkimuksen rahoitti Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiö (1.10.2017–28.2.2019). Oppimispelin uutuusarvona oli soveltaa pelillistä oppimista koskeva tutkimustieto ja osaaminen vanhemmuuden ja perheen arjen tukemiseen. Uuden työvälineen tavoitteena oli hyödyttää vanhempien lisäksi myös ammattilaisia ja perhepalvelujen tuottajia. VauvaPolku-oppimispeli syntyi aikana, jolloin perhepalveluja oltiin kehittämässä aiempaa ennaltaehkäisevämpään suu…

research product

Asiantuntijat pohtivat korona-ajan kotia

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Adolescents' experiences of parental employment and parenting: connections to adolescents' well-being.

This paper examines whether the relationship between parental work and adolescents' well-being would be mediated through parenting behaviour. The primary focus was on the experiences of adolescents. Questionnaire-based data from families (both parents and one children, n = 77) and adolescents (n = 126) were collected in Finland in 2000 and 2001, respectively. The adolescents were on average 14 years old. Results showed that the relationships between parents' negative work experiences and adolescents' depression (all perceived by adolescents) were partially mediated by adolescents' experience of lessened autonomy granting in parenting and increased conflicts between parents and adolescents. …

research product

Tukea vanhemmuuteen valmistautumiseen : kirjallisuuskatsaus perhevalmennusohjelmien sisällöistä ja työmuodoista

Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa kartoitettiin kansainvälisten tutkimusten valossa perhevalmennusohjelmien sisältöjä ja työmuotoja sekä selvitettiin, mitkä tukemisen tavoista olivat edistäneet parhaiten vanhemmuuteen valmistautumista ja perheiden hyvinvointia. Katsaukseen valittiin 14 empiiristä artikkelia, jotka käsittelivät vanhemmaksi tulon siirtymävaiheessa toteutettuja vanhemmuuden vahvistamiseen tähtääviä interventioita. Vaikka perhevalmennusohjelmissa oli yhteisiä piirteitä, ne erosivat toisistaan siinä, pyrkivätkö ne vaikuttamaan vanhemmuuteen, vanhemman hyvinvointiin, vanhemmuuden jakamiseen vai parisuhteeseen. Ohjelmat sisälsivät kasvokkaisia, sähköisiä ja itseopiskeluun perustuvia …

research product

Kumman vuoro? Kotityön ja vanhemmuuden jakamiselle annetut perustelut epätyypillisen työajan perheissä

Aiemman tutkimuksen mukaan epätyypillinen työaika haastaa sukupuolten työnjaolle annettuja perusteluja, koska näissä perheissä on usein tilanteita, jolloin toinen vanhemmista kantaa yksin vastuuta kodista ja lapsista toisen ollessa töissä. Tarkastelemme tässä tutkimuksessa, millaisia perusteluita suomalaiset, epätyypillistä työaikaa tekevät vanhemmat antavat kotityön ja vanhemmuuden jakamiselle perheessään. Hyödynsimme epätyypillistä työaikaa tekevien vanhempien haastatteluiden (n=34) analyysissa aiemmassa tutkimuksessa löydettyjä sukupuolten työnjaon seli- tysmalleja sekä kategoria-analyysia. Löysimme viisi työnjaon perhetyyppiä: Naishoivaajien perheissä äidit perustelivat sukupuolittunutt…

research product

Happy Spouses, Happy Parents? Family Relationships Among Finnish and Dutch Dual Earners

Contains fulltext : 90432.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) In this study links between spousal and parent-child relationships among Finnish (n = 157 couples) and Dutch (n = 276 couples) dual earners with young children were examined using paired questionnaire data. Variable-oriented analyses (structural equation modeling with a multigroup procedure) supported the spillover hypothesis, as higher levels of satisfaction in the spousal relationship were related to higher quality in the parent-child relationship and lower parental role restrictions. These connections did not differ by gender or country. With family typological analyses (mixture modeling), 4 family types were identified…

research product

You have a Message from Illi! : The Mobile Diary in Researching Children’s Daily Experiences

Thus far, daily diary studies have mostly focused on adults and adolescents, while only a few have researched young children. In this methodological article, we introduce and evaluate a mobile diary application, “You have a message from Illi”, designed to capture young, under-school-age children’s daily experiences at home and in day care, in the context of a 24 h economy where parents work nonstandard hours and child care is arranged accordingly. We also compare childrens’ mood ratings reported by both the children themselves and adults. Children recruited either from day care centers (N = 15) or day and night and care centers (N = 17) carried smartphones with them for 1 week and reported …

research product

"I met this wife of mine and things got onto a better track" turning points in risk development.

In this study, qualitative and quantitative approaches were combined to study the mechanisms involved in turning-point experiences among individuals who had been exposed to several risk factors in childhood and adolescence. The study was part of the Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, in which the lives of the participants (196 boys and 173 girls) have been followed from age 8 to age 36. The data concerning turning points was collected by semi-structured interview when the participants were 36 years old. Participants were classified into six developmental trajectories according to risk factors at ages 8-14 and problems of social functioning at age 36. The res…

research product

Young women’s contradictory expectations and their perceived capabilities for future work-family reconciliation in Finland

This paper explores young women’s expectations on future work-family reconciliation in Finland, a Nordic country well-known for the promotion of gender equality. Utilising Sen’s capabilities approach, we content-analysed thirty individual interviews to identify differences in women’s expectations and their perceived capabilities in future work and care. The results showed that irrespective of their labour market status and educational attainment, the women’s expectations were contradictory, reflecting a current Finnish gender culture that embraces both the ideal of shared parenthood and the primacy of maternal care. Between-group differences were also found. The employed women perceived the…

research product

Työelämän muutokset valuvat lasten arkeen

research product

Young women’s expectations on work-family reconciliation : Straddling both life domains

Presentation at The 9th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) 2018, 7.9.2018, University of Porto, Porto, Portugali In this presentation, I focus on the preliminary findings of my first PhD article. The aim of this study is to analyse the expectations young Finnish women have about work-family reconciliation and to find out whether their expectations and solutions to potential challenges of work-family reconciliation differ between women who differ in educational background and life situation. The data comprise individual and focus group interviews (N=30; N=3) with Finnish women aged 18-27 years. The narrative approach and time line method was applied in the individual…

research product