A. Bartolotta

Analisi preliminare dei fattori demografici ed eziopatogenetici in pazienti affetti da carcinoma vescicale a medio rischio di recidiva

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Metodi fisico e biologico di identificazione di alimenti irradiati contenenti cellulosa attraverso l'uso della DNA comet assay e della spettroscopia di risonanza di spin

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Searching for syntax in the history of medieval linguistic thought

The present volume contains selected papers from the international conference on “The submerged syntax between Late Antiquity and the Modern Age. Sources, models, and interpretative strategies”, that took place in Palermo, 28-29 November 2019, hosted by the Department of Humanities at the University of Palermo. The conference was organized under the umbrella of a project of national relevance funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, named “Parts of speech meet rhetorics: searching for syntax in the continuity between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age” (PRIN 20172F2FEZ, funded from January 2020). The approach that unifies this volume is mostly related to the rec…

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La polarità destra-sinistra e le direzioni cardinali: lingua, corpo e cultura

Questo lavoro indaga un’antica questione relativa all’origine e all’uso dei termini ‘destra’ e ‘sinistra’ nelle lingue indoeuropee. Se sul piano fonetico e morfologico si ricostruiscono con facilità le radici comuni da cui derivano entrambi i termini nelle diverse lingue della stessa famiglia, sul piano della ricostruzione semantica e culturale emergono contraddizioni a tutt’oggi non spiegate. Qui si cerca di interpretare i dati sulla base non solo degli esiti morfologici della comparazione lessicale, ma anche del contesto storico e culturale ricostruito alla luce delle nuove prospettive offerte sia dalla linguistica tipologica sia dalla linguistica cognitiva. L’indagine si concentra in par…

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Study of the ESR signal of ammonium tartrate dosimeters exposed to various radiation beams.

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Fattori di rischio ambientale nel carcinoma vescicale superficiale. Risultati su 577 pazienti sottoposti a chemioterapia endovescicale adiuvante.

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Characterization of phenolic pellets for ESR dosimetry in photon beam radiotherapy.

We report a study of the dosimetric features of phenolic compounds for applications in radiation therapy dosimetry of clinical photon beams by using ESR spectroscopy. After the optimization of the ESR readout parameters, basic dosimetric properties (such as intra-batch reproducibility, dose-response, sensitivity, linearity, dose rate dependence, tissue-equivalence and signal stability) of laboratory-made phenolic dosimeters in form of pellets were investigated. Furthermore, these dosimeters were tested for measuring the depth dose profile of a 6 MV clinical photon beam. The results reported show that these dosimeters are promising materials for ESR dosimetric applications in radiation thera…

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The gadolinium as a powerful additive for enhancing the neutron sensitivity of ESR dosimeters.

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Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated crustaceans: comparison between two methods for extracting minerals

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Fumo, risorsa idrica ed altri fattori di rischio nel carcinoma vescicale superficiale

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Analisi dei vetri di orologi tramite risonanza paramagnetica elettronica (EPR) e termoluminescenza (TL) per dosimetria retrospettiva

Negli ultimi anni è cresciuto il rischio di esposizioni radiologiche non controllate della popolazione, sia a causa di incidenti associati ad applicazioni industriali e mediche delle radiazioni ionizzanti sia in seguito ad incidenti legati all’abbandono o alla dismissione di sorgenti ma anche ad un uso criminale di materiale radioattivo [1–3]. Gli effetti biologici prodotti dalle radiazioni ionizzanti dipendono fortemente dalla quantità di energia impartita per unità di massa (dose assorbita) [4]. Pertanto, nell’ambito di un incidente radiologico, disporre di procedure di ricostruzione della dose assorbita da un individuo può contribuire oltre che ad identificare i membri della popolazione …

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All’origine della deissi indoeuropea. Un approccio linguistico cognitivo

This paper focuses on the existence of temporal deixis in Indo-European, questioning the traditional view according to which metaphors of time in ancient Indo-European languages originated from projecting the human body coordinates onto space. In particular, it aims at interpreting data from historical-comparative linguistics by using the cognitive linguistic framework, without disregarding the most recent results from typological studies, spatial language acquisition, and neurolinguistic research on spatiotemporal deixis. Contrary to what previously assumed, the comparative analysis between the Rigveda and the Homeric poems shows that earlier spatial metaphors of time are still deictically…

research product

Intensificatori e soggettificazione in latino: sulla grammaticalizzazione di maxime

The aim of this paper is to investigate the grammaticalization path of the intensifying adverb maxime in Early Latin, within the perspective of the so-called ‘subjectification’ theory. Despite the difficulty of drawing discrete boundaries within the multifunctional category of adverbs, the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic analysis of maxime across different contexts of use allows us to identify at least three main functions of this adverb in early Latin texts, mostly in the Roman comedy of Plautus and Terence. In particular, adopting the perspective of the Functional Discourse Grammar, it is shown that maxime is used as (i) degree adverb, which modifies a large range of elements acting at …

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Caratterizzazione di materiali lapidei

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The submerged syntax between Late Antiquity and the Modern Age. Sources, models, and interpretative strategies

The present volume contains selected papers from the international conference on “The submerged syntax between Late Antiquity and the Modern Age. Sources, models, and interpretative strategies”, that took place in Palermo, 28-29 November 2019, hosted by the Department of Humanities at the University of Palermo. The conference was organized under the umbrella of a project of national relevance funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, named “Parts of speech meet rhetorics: searching for syntax in the continuity between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age” (PRIN 20172F2FEZ, March 2017).

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Perspectives on Language and Linguistics

The scientific interests of Lucio Melazzo have been addressed to diverse research fields, from ancient to modern Indo-European languages, from etymology to formal syntax, from history of linguistics to studies on ancient Greek philosophers. On occasion of his retirement from his university activities, we have decided to offer him this volume, which gathers the contributions of many distinguished scholars who have accepted to participate in this project. We appreciate that the variety of the book contents reflects the variety of Lucio Melazzo’s own interests.

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Datazione mediante la tecnica della termoluminescenza

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