Irene Comeig Ramírez

Aprender finanzas conductuales experimentando

[EN] In an ever-changing economic and business environment, it is especially interesting that students learn, and experiment with their own decision-making, about behavioral finance. This experience will provide them with a better understanding of the economic agents’ behavior in different real- life situations (auctions, pricing, negotiations, investing and financing decisions). By experimenting, they acquire solid knowledge about biases, rational and irrational behaviors, and motivations that govern economic life. Controlled economic experiments in the classroom, a gamification learning methodology, allow students to better understand complex economic-financial concepts such as the herdin…

research product

Adquisición de competencias profesionales en el Trabajo Fin de Máster: Colaborar para aportar soluciones reales

[EN] In order to motivate the student through a professional experience, and to improve the teaching-learning process by letting the student gain experience, we implement a collaborative learning-through-service methodology. This method increases the student involvement level and the deep understanding of the tools. As a matter of example, we present the implementation of this method in the Final Master Thesis (FMTh) of the Master on Corporate Finance at the University of Valencia (UV). In these FMTh, students have to valuate an actual innovation developed by UV researchers (on chemistry, in this case) with the goal of helping themto transfer (sell) this innovation to the industry. This col…

research product

Unit 6- 6.3 Adjusted Present Value

El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València. Adjusted Present Value (APV).Part 3 out of 5.

research product