Paiwei Qin

Experiencing blended learning during COVID-19

research product

Project-based learning in the Chinese heritage language course/class in Finnish comprehensive education

With the trend of global mobility and immigration, the Finnish government has been promoting integration and multiculturality since 1990. According to the Finnish National Agency for Education (FNAE), Heritage Language (oma äidinkieli) lessons aim to protect and develop immigrant students’ competencies in their heritage languages and cultures. This article shares a pilot 4-week PBL (Project-based Learning) module for a group of advanced Chinese language learners. It discusses the opportunities and challenges during the PBL and suggests possible improvements. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Exploring bilingual ideology and identity of EMI medical teachers and students in China’s mainland

This qualitative research in-progress investigates the bilingual ideology and identity of EMI (English-medium-instruction) teachers and students at a Chinese medical university that aims to enrich the understanding of bi/multilingualism in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) context from domestic stakeholders’ perspectives. The researcher conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with Chinese medical content teachers and students throughout an academic term. Supplementary research materials include written materials, such as lecturers’ PowerPoint slides and institutional documents. The preliminary findings suggest that the teachers and students present diverse ideological stances…

research product

Identity and language ideology of EMI medical teachers and students in China

Korkeakoulutuksen globalisaatiokehityksen myötä englanninkielinen opetus (English-medium instruction eli EMI) on lisääntynyt nopeasti Kiinassa 2000-luvun alusta lähtien. EMI:n tulokset eivät ole aina olleet sidosryhmien odotusten mukaisia varsinkaan huippuyliopistoihin kuulumattomissa yliopistoissa kehittyvillä alueilla. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkitaan tätä epäsuhtaa keskittymällä EMI-ympäristössä toimiviin kiinalaisiin lääketieteen opettajiin ja opiskelijoihin tavallisessa yliopistossa ja analysoimalla identiteetin rakentumista ja vuorovaikutusta erilaisten ideologioiden kanssa. Identiteetin ja ideologian suhdetta tarkastellaan sosiaalisen konstruktivismin teorioiden pohjalta ja kielel…

research product