Giuseppe Iurato

The Grounding of Computational Psychoanalysis: A Comparative History of Culture Overview of Matte Blanco Bilogic

In this paper, we wish to highlight, within the general cultural context, some possible elementary computational psychoanalysis formalizations concerning Matte Blanco's bi-logic components through certain very elementary mathematical tools and notions drawn from theoretical physics and algebra.

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An historical prolegomenon to the occurrence of the resonance dual models: the Watson-Sommerfeld transform

We would like to discuss, within the inherent historical context, upon one of the main works of fundamental physics which has led to the formulation of the early resonance dual models prior to string theory. In fact, we shall focus on certain aspects of the fundamental Tullio Regge work of 1959, to be precise, on certain mathematical methods handled by him to pursue his original intentions mainly motivated to prove some double dispersion relations into the framework of non-relativistic potential scattering.

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The Jacobi-Maclaurin pattern and some of its physical applications

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On the history of Levi-Civita's parallel transport

In this historical note, we wish to highlight the crucial conceptual role played by the principle of virtual work of analytical mechanics, in working out the fundamental notion of parallel transport on a Riemannian manifold, which opened the way to the theory of connections and gauge theories. Moreover, after a detailed historical-technical reconstruction of the original Levi-Civita's argument, a further historiographical deepening and a related critical discussion of the question, are pursued.

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The Dawning of Computational Psychoanalysis

In this paper, the author wishes first to highlight, within the general cultural context, some possible elementary computational psychoanalysis formalizations concerning Matte Blanco's bi-logic components through certain very elementary mathematical tools and notions drawn from theoretical physics and algebra. Afterwards, on the basis of recent work of Giampaolo Sasso (1999; 2005; 2011), relying on the crucial crossroad between neurosciences and psychoanalysis, it will be possible to identify some hints for further formalization attempts turned toward a computational psychoanalysis outlook. Lastly, possible interesting relationships with cognitive informatics are also outlined.

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A Brief Comparison of the Unconscious as Seen by Jung and Lévi-Strauss

Retracing the primary common aspects between anthropological and psychoanalytic thought, in this article, we will further discuss the main common points between the notions of the unconscious according to Carl Gustav Jung and Claude Levi-Strauss, taking into account the thought of Erich Neumann. On the basis of very simple elementary logic considerations centered around the basic notion of the separation of opposites, our observations might be useful for speculations on the possible origins of rational thought and hence on the origins of consciousness.

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Hysteresis Model of Unconscious-Conscious Interconnection: Exploring Dynamics on m-Adic Trees

The theoretical model outlined in this paper, has been experimentally validated by: H. Kim ,J-Y. Moon ,G.A. Mashour & U. Lee, ''Mechanisms of hysteresis in human brain networks during transitions of consciousness and unconsciousness: Theoretical principles and empirical evidence'', PLOS-Computational Biology, August 30, 2018, https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006424; International audience; In this brief note, we focus attention on a possible implementation of a basic hysteretic pattern (the Preisach one), suitably generalized, into a formal model of unconscious-conscious interconnection and based on representation of mental entities by m-adic numbers. …

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The early historical roots of Lee-Yang theorem

A deep and detailed historiographical analysis of a particular case study concerning the so-called Lee-Yang theorem of theoretical statistical mechanics of phase transitions, has emphasized what real historical roots underlie such a case study. To be precise, it turned out that some well-determined aspects of entire function theory have been at the primeval origins of this important formal result of statistical physics.

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Un possibile esempio storico di slittamento gestaltico in fisica delle particelle elementari

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Σύμβολου: An Attempt toward the early Origins, Part 1

International audience; This is the first of a two-part paper in which I would like to propose some possible hypotheses on the early origins of symbolic function, which is the most typical feature of human being, based on disavowal mechanism. Briefly recalling the main stages of the history of symbolism, it will be possible to lay out many of its theories within the framework that we wish to outline with this work, this first part of which is mainly concerned with the basic psychodynamic notion of disavowal and its possible applications, above all in regard to fetishism.

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On Wilson’s Renormalization Group Structure

Very simple remarks on the elementary mathematical structure of pQFT Wilson’s Renormalization Group are made in the light of the theory of Ehresmann’s groupoids and their possible extensions.

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The \c{hi}2-test, the Muon AMM and Karl R. Popper

In this very brief note, we only wish to identify a simple but notable epistemological basis, concerning the Karl R. Popper philosophy of science thought, into the realm of the experimental proves of Fundamental Physics.

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The role of virtual work in Levi-Civita's parallel transport

The current literature on history of science reports that Levi-Civita’s parallel transport was motivated by his attempt to provide the covariant derivative of the absolute differential calculus with a geometrical interpretation (For instance, see Scholz in The intersection of history and mathematics, Birkhauser, Basel, pp 203–230, 1994, Sect. 4). Levi-Civita’s memoir on the subject was explicitly aimed at simplifying the geometrical computation of the curvature of a Riemannian manifold. In the present paper, we wish to point out the possible role implicitly played by the principle of virtual work in Levi-Civita’s conceptual reasoning to formulate parallel transport.

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A note on Hilbert’s weak nullstellensatz

In this article, through a suitable generalization of the well-known notion of spectrum of an element of an arbitrary normed algebra of Operator Theory, it will be possible to give another simple proof of the Hilbert’s Weak Nullstellensatz.

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Alcune osservazioni su una regola algebrica

Questa nota vuole raccogliere iniziali osservazioni critiche di diversa natura circa la regola algebrica dei segni secondo cui (–x)(–y)=xy per ogni x,y in Z. Ripercorrendone brevemente la storia, di questa regola sarà possibile fornire alcune possibili giustificazioni fisiche e fisico-matematiche, inquadrarla nel generale contesto epistemologico, nonché raffrontarla criticamente con altri schemi formali, indi prospettare eventuali risvolti didattici.

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On the role of virtual work in Levi-Civita’s parallel transport

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Qualitative remarks on some non-linear aspects of the radio-pulsar magnetosphere

In the class of the submodels SCLF (space-charge limited flow) of the family of "gap-plus-PPF" models, let us exposes some qualitative remarks on the possible turbulent dynamics showed by the zone (II) (see Fig. 1 of the text) of the acceleration zone of the "direct inner gap". Furthermore, we will discuss some consequent physical implications (as, for instance, self-focussing phenomena, Petviashvili's diamagnetism, and so on) concerning structure and physical phenomenology of the remaining subzones (above the subzone (II)) of the given acceleration zone, in connection with possible models for the external solid crust of the radio-pulsar.

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A note on Oscar Chisini mean value definition

Mainly on the basis of some notable physical examples reported in a 1929 Oscar Chisini paper, in this brief note it is exposed further possible historic-critical remarks on the definition of statistical mean which lead us towards the realm of Integral Geometry, via the Felix Klein Erlanger Programm.

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On Mathematical Thought, 1

Taking into account some basic epistemological considerations on Psychoanalysis by Igna-cio Matte Blanco, it is possible to deduce some first simple remarks on certain logical as-pects of schizophrenic reasoning. Further remarks on mathematical thought are also made in the light of what established, taking into account the comparison with the extreme patho-logical schizophrenic paradigm.

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L’opera del premio Nobel Giulio Natta fra le attività della Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze (SIPS) e della Società Chimica Italiana (SCI): alcune note ed osservazioni storico-critiche

In spite of its great historical and social-institutional importance, the Italian Society for the Progress of Sciences (SIPS) still have not that historical fame which it would deserve. This paper wishes to contribute to delineate a brief historic-critical account which may provide a coherent diachronic perspective in which historically laid out such an institution, highlighting the relevant load that it has had for the cultural, scientific and technological development of the post-Resurgence Italy. From this historical recognition, it will be then possible to descry a more or less direct role played by SIPS, around the first half of 20th Century, as concerns the research activity of the It…

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The role of virtual work in Levi-Civita's parallel transport

International audience; According to current history of science, Levi-Civita introduced parallel transport solely to give a geometrical interpretation to the covariant derivative of absolute differential calculus. Levi-Civita, however, searched a simple computation of the curvature of a Riemannian manifold, basing on notions of the Italian school of mathematical physics of his time: holonomic constraints, virtual displacements and work, which so have a remarkable, if not dominant, role in the origin of parallel transport.

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Visualization of Jacques Lacan’s Registers of the Psychoanalytic Field, and Discovery of Metaphor and of Metonymy. Analytical Case Study of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter”

International audience; We start with a description of Lacan’s work that we then take into our analytics methodology. In a first investigation, a Lacan-motivated template of the Poe story is fitted to the data. A segmentation of the storyline is used in order to map out the diachrony. Based on this, it will be shown how synchronous aspects, potentially related to Lacanian registers, can be sought. This demonstrates the effectiveness of an approach based on a model template of the storyline narrative. In a second and more comprehensive investigation, we develop an approach for revealing, that is, uncovering, Lacanian register relationships. Objectives of this work include the wide and genera…

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On Kekulé’s insight

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A Pragmatic Characterization of Concept Algebra

Taking into account the framework of denotational mathematics as seen by Yingxu Wang, in this paper the author wishes to implement a possible further pragmatic (context-depend) dimension into the algebraic structure of concept algebra. One of the main problems of software science is that regarding context-depend question of a programming language. Indeed, attention has been paid above all to syntactic and semantic dimensions of a programming language, neglecting the pragmatic one concerning context. The author has tried to face this question providing a first denotational mathematics structure taking into account a possible pragmatic dimension.

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Reading Italian Psychoanalysis

The book springs out from the will, expressed by some American psychoanalysts in 2010, to have a collection of some of the most representative Italian contributions to psychoanalysis, in that Italian psychoanalysis had undertaken an original and interesting theoretical and technical configuration yet not fully known abroad. So, history and epistemology of psychoanalysis needed of such a source.

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The historical role played by the work of Ulisse Dini on implicit function theory in the modern differential geometry foundations: the case of the structure of differentiable manifold, 1

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A possible quantum motivation of the structure of quantum group

We propose a (first) simple natural model of a non-finitely generated braided non-commutative Hopf Algebra, suggested by the elementary quantum mechanics.

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On the History of Differentiable Manifolds

International audience; We discuss central aspects of history of the concept of an affine dif-ferentiable manifold, as a proposal confirming the need for using some quantitative methods (drawn from elementary Model Theory) in Mathematical Historiography. In particular, we prove that this geometric structure is a syntactic rigid designator in the sense of Kripke-Putnam.

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A first-order phase transition for pulsar surface

In this paper, we explain the existence of a possible first-order phase transition that may occur over the external solid crust of a pulsar, by means of an interpretation of a particular formal model (drawn from Theoretical Astrophysics) whose thermodynamical phenomenology shows a possible first-order phase transition (according to Landau’s Phenomenological Theory).

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A quantum group for the Einstein's equations

In this paper, we expose the construction of a possible, simple matrix quantum group structure (according to Woronowicz), related to elementary formal aspects of the Einstein field equations of General Relativity, and their possible symmetries.

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Some nonlinear aspects of a pulsar magnetosphere

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Sulle origini del simbolismo, 1

Principalmente sulla base del meccanismo freudiano del diniego, in particolar modo invocato nella teorica del feticismo, si espongono alcune prime elementari considerazioni psicodinamiche su una possibile origine filogenetica del pensiero astratto, induttivo e simbolico, con possibili applicazioni a rilevate diversità in certe pertinenti prestazioni cognitive inerenti differenze di genere.

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Bachelard, Enriques and Weyl: comparing some of their ideas

Some aspects of Federigo Enriques mathematical philosophy thought are taken as central reference points for a critical historic-epistemological comparison between it and some of the main aspects of the thought of other his contemporary thinkers like Gaston Bachelard and Hermann Weyl. From what will be exposed, it will be also possible descry eventual educational implications of the historic-epistemological approach.

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On Jung and Lévi-Strauss unconscious: A brief comparison

Retracing the main common aspects between the anthropological thought and the psychoanalytic one, in this paper we will further discuss about the main common points between the notions of unconscious according to Carl Gustav Jung and Claude Lévi-Strauss, taking into account the Erich Neumann thought. On the basis of very simple elementary logic considerations centered around the basic notion of separation of opposites, what will be said might turn out to be useful for some speculations upon possible origins of the rational thought, hence for the origins of consciousness.

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Visualization of Jacques Lacan's Registers of the Psychoanalytic Field, and Discovery of Metaphor and of Metonymy. Analytical Case Study of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Purloined Letter"

We start with a description of Lacan's work that we then take into our analytics methodology. In a first investigation, a Lacan-motivated template of the Poe story is fitted to the data. A segmentation of the storyline is used in order to map out the diachrony. Based on this, it will be shown how synchronous aspects, potentially related to Lacanian registers, can be sought. This demonstrates the effectiveness of an approach based on a model template of the storyline narrative. In a second and more comprehensive investigation, we develop an approach for revealing, that is, uncovering, Lacanian register relationships. Objectives of this work include the wide and general application of our met…

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Σύμβολου: An attempt toward the early Origins: Part 2

International audience; In continuation of what has been said in the first part of this two-part paper, herein we present further considerations on symbolism, reconsider some related psychodynamic case reports with some possible variants about their interpretations, and will apply what is said to some further speculations on mathematical symbolism and thought. In this second part, we continue with the numeration of the first part Σύμβολου, 1.

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Some remarks on Landau's (macroscopic) phase transition theory

This paper explain the existence of a particular formal model (drew from Theoretical Astrophysics) whose thermodynamical phenomenology shows a possible second order phase transition (according to Landau’s Thermodynamical Theory) that seems does not verify the (Birman-Goldrich-Jaric) ”chain subduction criterion” and the (Ascher’s) ”maximality criterion” of Landau’s Phenomenological Theory. Therefore, it follows that Landau’s Phenomenological Theory is more restrictive than the Landau’s Thermodynamical Theory.

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On Gelfand-Mazur Theorem

From a suitable extension of the notion of spectrum drew from normed algebra theory, it will be possible, among other things, to provide some generalizations of the well-known Gelfand-Mazur theorem. In this brief research report, we wish to pursue one of these, as achieved in I,4.

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Una possible intepretazione junghiana dell’insight di Kekulé

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On Einstein bilinear form

From physical motivations and from geometrical interpretations of the Einstein equations, we give a justi cation of the non-triviality and non-degeneracy of Einstein bilinear form introduced in [1].

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Human behaviour, benign or malevolent: understanding the human psyche, performing therapy, based on affective mentalization and Matte-Blanco’s bi-logic

International audience; The key concept of Ignacio Matte Blanco’s bi-logic is the unavoidable but variable presence of primary process (symmetric thought) in the secondary one (asymmetric thought) ruling consciousness, for every human being. This variable and dynamic presence allows us, by therapeutic intervention, to convert suitably the symmetric thought into the asymmetric one. The former erupts into the latter by means of affectivity which, accordingly, should be suitably treated to be rightly modulated, regulated and symbolically represented to accomplish the aims of secondary process. This transition has been termed affective mentalization by Peter Fonagy et al. Accordingly, any thera…

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Ethnoanthropological perspectives in comparison about the origins of symbolism

The Business Systems Laboratory International Symposia aim to address the global economic and social challenges of our times by systemic perspective; shedding the light to the several interactions between natural social and economic systems. The criticalities and the opportunities of our times are faced according to the cutting edge research and practice in social science. This multidisciplinary perspective includes: management, economics, engineering and sociology. Being aware of these interactions provides a better understanding of the principles that can help to solve some of today’s most pressing social and economic issues. In particular the Symposium 2015 focuses on the epistemological…

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On density and π-weight of Lp(βN,R, μ)

In Integration Theory, it is important to establish the separability or not of Lebesgue spaces of the type Lp, with 1 ≤ p < +∞. In general, the usual proof of this type of results for certain Lebesgue spaces, is conducted through methods of Real Analysis. In this work, we use some concepts and methods of pure General Topology in proving the non-separability of a particular Lebesgue space. Further, we provide some estimates for density and π-weight of such a space.

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A possible quantic motivation of the structure of quantum group: continuation

Motivated by Quantum Mechanics considerations, we expose some cross product constructions on a groupoid structure. Furthermore, critical remarks are made on some basic formal aspects of the Hopf algebra structure.

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Some remarks on Hilbert's (Weak) Nullstellensatz

Certain remarks are provided related to weak nullstellensatz exploiting some problems proposed in Fulton’s book entitled “An Introduction to Algebraic Geometry” and elementary notions of Functional Analysis.

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The dawning of the theory of equilibrium figures: a brief historical account from the 17th through the 20th century

A brief but complete historical survey of the theory of equilibrium figures from its early origins, dating back to 17th-century, until the latest 20th-century developments, with a view towards its applications, is carried out.

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An Essay on Denotational Mathematics

Denotational mathematics is a new rigorous discipline of theoretical computer science that springs out from the attempt to provide a suitable mathematical framework in which laid out new algebraic structures formalizing certain formal patterns coming from computational and natural intelligence, software science, cognitive informatics, neuronal networks, and artificial intelligence. In this chapter, a very brief but rigorous exposition of the main formal structures of denotational mathematics is outlined within naive set theory.

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Pathways of History of Elementary Particle Physics

In this first paper, we briefly retrace some historical pathways of modern physics of 20th Century. In particular, we have considered some moments of cosmic ray physics and, above all, the early theoretical and experimental bases which will lead to the first exact measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, one of the main high precision tests of QED.

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La «ragione» del seguire una regola: un’esposizione divulgativa del paradosso di Kripke-Wittgenstein

Il paradosso di cui si vuol qui dare una semplice introduzione prosastica, si inserisce nella più ampia e complessa problematica che sta alla base della nozione di regola (linguistica, matematica, etc.) e quella di seguire una regola. Una discussione divulgativa ed euristica di questo paradosso permetterà, tra le altre cose, di poter conseguire una maggiore chiarezza concettuale sull’origine, l’identità, la natura e la motivazione delle regole formali, prime fra tutte quelle aritmetiche, nonché di rivedere criticamente alcune precognizioni che noi tutti abbiamo della nozione di razionalità. Nonostante sia stato elaborato in ambito prettamente filosofico, l’esposizione divulgativa che di que…

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On Jacques Lacan Psychosis Theory and ERPs Analysis

If properly interpreted, some recent neurolinguistic researches based on the so-called Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) and conducted on patients showing schizophrenic spectrum disorders, seem to confirm the main Jacques Lacan theses on psychosis. In this brief note, we simply want put to the attention the existence of this possible and interesting correlation.

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