Marko Järvinen

The Impact of the Changing Climate on the Supply and Recycling of Nitrate

A high proportion of the nitrogen found in lakes and rivers is present in the form of nitrate. The concentration of nitrate in many surface waters has increased over the last forty years (OECD, 1982; Roberts and Marsh, 1987; Johnes and Burt, 1993). The main source of nitrate is diffuse drainage from agricultural land (Vinten and Smith, 1993) but point sources can be important in populated areas (Jarvey et al., 1998). In 1991, the European Union introduced the Nitrates Directive (91.676) to protect waters from pollution by nitrate leached from agricultural land.

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The Impact of Variations in the Climate on Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton

Phytoplankton, an assemblage of suspended, primarily autotrophic single cells and colonies, forms part of the base of the pelagic food chain in lakes. The responses of phytoplankton to anthropogenic pressures frequently provide the most visible indication of a long-term change in water quality. Several attributes related to the growth and composition of phytoplankton, such as their community structure, abundance as well as the frequency and the intensity of blooms, are included as indicators of water quality in the Water Framework Directive. The growth and seasonal succession of phytoplankton is regulated by a variety of external as well as internal factors (Reynolds et al., 1993; Reynolds,…

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The Impact of Climate Change on Lakes in Northern Europe

In Northern Europe, most lakes are characterized by extended periods of winter ice cover, high spring inflow from snow melt and brown water produced by the transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from the surrounding catchments. In this chapter, the potential impact of climate change on the dynamics of these lakes is addressed by: (i) Describing the historical responses of the lakes to changes in the weather. (ii) Summarizing the results of modelling studies that quantify the impact of future changes in the climate on the lakes and the surrounding catchments. Many existing water quality problems could well be exacerbated by the effects of climatic change. It is therefore important to as…

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Modelling the Impacts of Climate Change on Dissolved Organic Carbon

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from peat soils has implications both for the ecology of receiving waters and for the quality and treatment costs of water used for human consumption. Fluxes of DOC from peat soils are also relevant in the context of the global carbon cycle. Chapter 12 in this volume has reviewed the evidence for the effects of different environmental factors on the decomposition of peat soils and the export of DOC, drawing on literature and long-term data acquired from a number of European sites. The conclusion from this and many other studies is that, although there may be other influences such as land management and recovery from acid deposition, climate factors are a major…

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The Impact of the Changing Climate on the Thermal Characteristics of Lakes

Meteorological forcing at the air-water interface is the main determinant of the heat balance of most lakes (Edinger et al., 1968; Sweers, 1976). Year-to-year changes in the weather therefore have a major effect on the thermal characteristics of lakes. However, lakes that differ with respect to their morphometry respond differently to these changes (Gorham, 1964), with deeper lakes integrating the effects of meteorological forcing over longer periods of time. Other important factors that can influence the thermal characteristics of lakes include hydraulic residence time, optical properties and landscape setting (e.g. Salonen et al., 1984; Fee et al., 1996; Livingstone et al., 1999). These f…

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Regional and Supra-Regional Coherence in Limnological Variabler

Limnologists and water resources managers have traditionally perceived lakes as discrete geographical entities. This has resulted in a tendency for scientific lake studies to concentrate on lakes as individuals, with little connection either to each other or to large-scale driving forces. Since the 1990s, however, a shift in the prevailing paradigm has occurred, with lakes increasingly being seen as responding to regional, rather than local, driving forces. The seminal work on regional coherence in lake behaviour was that of Magnuson et al. (1990), who showed that many features of lakes within the same region respond coherently to drivers such as climate forcing and catchment processes. Fro…

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Lake eutrophication and brownification downgrade availability and transfer of essential fatty acids for human consumption


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Modelling the Effects of Climate Change on the Supply of Inorganic Nitrogen

Human-induced changes in the nitrogen cycle due to the increased use of artificial fertilisers, the cultivation of nitrogen-fixing crops and atmospheric deposition have made nitrogen pollution to surface waters a long-standing cause for concern. In Europe, legislation has been introduced to minimise the risk of water quality degradation from excessive nitrogen inputs e.g., the European Union Nitrates Directive (EU, 1991), Drinking Water Directive (EU, 1998) and Water Framework Directive (EU, 2000). Coastal regions in particular have been an important focus, since coastal eutrophication has been attributed to increased fluxes of nitrogen from the landscape (Howarth et al., 1996; Boesch et al…

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Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Catchment Hydrology with the GWLF Model

The influence of catchment hydrology on the volume and timing of water inputs to waterbodies, and on the material loads of nutrients, sediment, and pollutants is central to any assessment of the impact of climate change on lakes. Changes in the timing and amount of precipitation, particularly when coupled with a change in air temperature, influence all the major components of the hydrological cycle, including evapotranspiration, snow dynamics, soil moisture, groundwater storage, baseflow, surface runoff, and streamflow.

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Impacts of Climate on the Flux of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Catchments

Recent increases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters across both Europe and North America have focused attention on the factors controlling the export of DOC compounds from catchments. Waters containing high concentrations of DOC generally have a characteristic brown colour and are associated with the presence of highly organic soils. Catchments dominated by these soils typically export between 10 and 300 kg DOC ha−1 year−1 (Billett et al., 2004; Laudon et al., 2004; Jonsson et al., 2006). A portion of this DOC is mineralised in streams and lakes to CO2, while the remainder is transported to the sea (Jonsson et al., 2006). Organic matter accumulates in soils w…

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A practical approach to improve the statistical performance of surface water monitoring networks

The representativeness of aquatic ecosystem monitoring and the precision of the assessment results are of high importance when implementing the EU’s Water Framework Directive that aims to secure a good status of waterbodies in Europe. However, adapting monitoring designs to answer the objectives and allocating the sampling resources effectively are seldom practiced. Here, we present a practical solution how the sampling effort could be re-allocated without decreasing the precision and confidence of status class assignment. For demonstrating this, we used a large data set of 272 intensively monitored Finnish lake, coastal, and river waterbodies utilizing an existing framework for quantifying…

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The stoichiometry of particulate nutrients in Lake Tanganyika — implications for nutrient limitation of phytoplankton

We studied the potential nutrient limitation of phytoplankton by means of seston nutrient stoichiometry and nutrient enrichment bioassays in the epilimnion of Lake Tanganyika. In most cases, the particulate carbon to phosphorus (C:P) ratio was high and indicated moderate P deficiency, while the respective C:N ratio mainly suggested moderate N deficiency. The N:P ratios of seston indicated rather balanced N and P supply. In three two-day enrichment bioassays in April—May 1995, a combined addition of P, N and organic carbon (glucose) always increased primary production in comparison to untreated controls. Primary production also slightly increased after the addition of phosphate-P, while the …

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Phytoplankton in Lake Tanganyika — vertical and horizontal distribution of in vivo fluorescence

Determinations of chlorophyll a and in vivo fluorescence of photosynthetic pigments were used to study vertical and horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in Lake Tanganyika (East Africa). Blue excited fluorescence (IVFb) was an approximate predictor of chlorophyll a at different depths and locations. Green excited fluorescence (IVFg), which reflects phycoerythrin in cyanobacteria, explained chlorophyll a variation equally well, and in combination with IVFb the degree of explanation was improved to 87% (n = 90). Particularly during the shallow stratification in March–May, the maxima of chlorophyll a, IVFb and IVFg were located within the thermocline. Such distribution may have resulted fr…

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Calibration of in situ chlorophyll fluorometers for organic matter

AbstractOrganic matter (OM) other than living phytoplankton is known to affect fluorometric in situ assessments of chlorophyll in lakes. For this reason, calibrating fluorometric measurements for OM error is important. In this study, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence was measured in situ in multiple Finnish lakes using two sondes equipped with Chl fluorometers (ex.470/em.650–700 nm). OM absorbance (A420) was measured from water samples, and one of the two sondes was also equipped with in situ fluorometer for OM (ex.350/em.430 nm). The sonde with Chl and OM fluorometers was also deployed continuously on an automated water quality monitoring station on Lake Konnevesi. For data from multiple lake…

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Changes in fish mercury concentrations over 20 years in an acidified lake subject to experimental liming

Abstract Lake Iso Valkjarvi (southern Finland, Europe) was divided in two with a plastic curtain in 1991. One half was neutralized with CaCO 3 , and the other acted as a control. Mercury concentrations of perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and northern pike ( Esox lucius ) in the limed and control side of the lake were studied both before and after the treatment. Average Hg concentrations of perch and pike were 0.40 and 1.2 μg g −1 (ww) in the early 1980s and 0.25 and 0.72 μg g −1 (ww) a decade later at the time of liming. Ten years after the liming the Hg concentrations of perch in the limed and control sides of the lake were 0.21 and 0.28 μg g −1 (ww) and those of pike were 0.69 and 0.43 μg g −1…

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Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on the Supply of Phosphate-Phosphorus

The transfer of phosphorus from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems is a key route through which climate can influence aquatic ecosystems. A number of climatic factors interact in complex ways to regulate the transfer of phosphorus and modulate its ecological effects on downstream lakes and reservoirs. Processes influencing both the amount and timing of phosphorus export from terrestrial watersheds must be quantified before we can assess the direct and indirect effects of the weather on the supply and recycling of phosphorus. Simulation of the export of phosphorus from the terrestrial environment is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to describe seasonal and inter-annual variations …

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Välimuistit Java EE:n olio-relaatiosovelluskehysten yhteydessä

Järvinen, Marko Terho Tapani Välimuistit Java EE:n olio-relaatiosovelluskehysten yhteydessä Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2012, 27 s. Tietojärjestelmätiede, kandidaatintutkielma Ohjaaja: Hirvonen, Pertti ORM-tason välimuisteja kannattaa vakavasti harkita osaksi Java EE-sovellusten arkkitehtuuria. Niiden avulla voidaan saada aikaan suuria parannuksia järjes-telmän suorituskykyyn ja vähentää alkuperäiseen tietolähteeseen kohdistuvaa kuormaa. Tutkielmassa kerrotaan lyhyesti, mitä Java EE:n olio-relaatiosovelluskehysten yhteydessä käytettävät välimuistit ovat ja listataan tarjolla olevia avoimen lähdekoodin välimuistitoteutuksia. Ennen välimuistien esittelyä käydään läpi taustalla olevat kes…

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Research data of article: "Practical calibration of in situ chlorophyll fluorometers for humic lakes"

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