Lorenzo Antonio Gianguzzi
Flora e vegetazione dei Nebrodi. Itinerari didattici.
Investigations into the distribution of floristic emergencies of Pantelleria Island (Channel of Sicily, Italy)
La flora vascolare dei Monti di Palermo.
Viola ucriana
The habitat monitoring under article 17 of the 92/43/eec Directive in Italy: the contribution of vegetation science
The 4th National Report ex Art. 17 of the 92/43/EEC Directive in Italy (period 2013-2018) will try to fill a number of gaps still affecting the former versions of the Italian Reports, where territorial data were still missing for large parts of the country and the assessment was mostly based on the use of the expert opinion. Similar inconsistencies also emerged in other European countries (State of nature in the EU, EEA 2015). In order to reach this aim, a nationally shared protocol for monitoring the vegetation-based Annex I Habitats is currently under development. The most prominent issues addressed by the ongoing project are: i) fixing standardized, updated and scientifically grounded me…
Caratterizzazione sinfitosociologica e cartografica di alcuni aspetti del paesaggio vegetale del territorio siciliano.
Vegetation and habitats of Community interest of an isolated biotope of the “Gessoso-Solfifera” Formation (inland of Sicily): the Site of Community Importance “Monte Conca” (ITA050006)
L'evoluzione del paesaggio vegetale del comprensorio in una prospettiva storica
Habitat e specie d’interesse prioritario nel SIC Rocche di Entella (Sicilia centro-occidentale)
Dati distributivi in Sicilia su Stipa austroitalica subsp. appendiculata, specie prioritaria della Direttiva 92/43/CEE.
La Riserva naturale
The new “Vegetation map of Sicily (Italy)”: a synthetic overview of the distribution of European habitats on the territory.
The new "Vegetation map of Sicily (Italy)", recently published (Gianguzzi, Papini & Cusimano, 2015), shows also a synthetic overview of the distribution of European habitats in the territory; the study area has been extended to small islands circum-Sicilian (archipelago of the Aeolian; Aegadian, Pelagie Ustica and Pantelleria islands), for a total area of 25,703 km2. Our work allowed to resume the knowledge status of the phytosociological studies on vegetation carried out and to identify the actual plant landscape of the region; the map was compiled in a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment, in order to produce a cartographic representation in 1:10,000 scale (reduced to a 1:25…
Phytosociological characterization of the Celtis tournefortii subsp. aetnensis microwoods in Sicily
A work on the Celtis tournefortii subsp. aetnensis vegetation, endemic species located in disjointed sites in the Sicilian inland, is here presented. It forms microwoods with a relict character established on screes and detrital coverages, on a variety of lithological substrates (volcanics, limestones, quartzarenites). Based on the phytosociological analysis carried out in the territory, these vegetation aspects are framed in the alliance Oleo-Ceratonion, within which a new association (Pistacio terebinthi-Celtidetum aetnensis) is described, in turn diversified in the following subassociations: a) typicum subass. nova, on detrital calcareous cones of the north-western part of Sicily, in the…
Phytosociology applied to conservation of protected areas of Palermo Mts. (North-Western Sicily): the Site of Community Importance “Capo Gallo” (ITA020006)
8130 Ghiaioni del Mediterraneo occidentale e termofili
Caratterizzazione fitosociologica di alcuni nuclei residuali di laureto sui Monti Sicani (Sicilia centro-occidentale).
Preliminary checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora
The richness and uniqueness of the flora growing on gypsum substrates in Italy is known since the XIX century (Macchiati, 1888). Furthermore, the concept of plant gypsophily can be defined as the exclusiveness (or virtually exclusiveness) for living in gypsum outcropping rocks. Thus only those plant species, which show preference – or even exclusivity - for gypsum substrates, would be classified as gipsophilous (Mota et al., 2011). The main aim of this research has been the elaboration of a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora. The study was made possible through international collaboration between the "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) and the University of Almería…
9320 Foreste di Olea e Ceratonia.
Distribuzione, ecologia e status conservativo di Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert (Apiaceae).
Iconografia botanica
Osservazioni fitosociologiche, sinecologiche e sincorologiche sulla vegetazione relittuale a Petagnaea gussonei (Galio-Urticetea) nell’area dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia nord-orientale)
Petagnaea gussonei (Spreng.) Rauschert. In GARGANO & ROSSI: Schede per una Lista Rossa della Flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana.
Hieracium lucidum
Sulla gestione del paesaggio vegetale
Flora and vegetation of pastures utilized by the Sicilian Black Pig of the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily).
La flora vascolare dell’Isola di Marettimo (Arcipelago delle Egadi, Canale di Sicilia): aggiornamento ed analisi fitogeografica. – Webbia 61 (2) 359-402.
The vascular flora of Marettimo Island (Egadi’s Archipelago, W Sicily): updating and phytogeographic analysis – Exactly 50 years after the work of FRANCINI & MESSERI (1956), the present contribution, deriving from both field collections and thorough checking of literature and herbarium available data, provides an up-to-date synthesis about the vascular flora of Marettimo, which at present consists of 492 infra-generic taxa (i. e. species, subspecies and varietes), pertaining to 291 genera and 92 families. Among these taxa, 28 are here reported for the first time, 37 are confirmed more or less one century after their first and unique record (GUSSONE, 1832-34; 1842-45; LOJACONO-POJERO, 1888-1…
Su alcuni aspetti di vegetazione relitta nella Valle dell’Oreto (Palermo) e l’opportunità di una loro tutela finalizzata anche al recupero del paesaggio.
Petagnaea gussonei
The relictual woodlands with Laurus nobilis L. of Sicily (Italy): phytosociological, phytogeographical, ecological and distributional considerations
Elementi di Geobotanica
Note ecologiche e distributive su Poaceae di interesse fitogeografico in Sicilia.
Note distributive ed ecologiche su alcune rare entità della flora vascolare siciliana
Distributive and ecological notes on some rare species of the Sicilian vascular flora. In this paper we point out some new populations of some vascular species found during floristic investigations carried out mostly in the inland of Sicily. For each taxon we provide also data regarding ecological characterization and geographical distribution in the island. Among this taxa, three are Sicilian endemics [Brassica villosa Biv. subsp. tinei (Lojac.) Raimondo et Mazzola, Erysimum metlesicsii Polatschek and Euphorbia papillaris (Boiss.) Raffaelli et Ricceri], four species of biogeographical importance [Allium cupanii Raf., Chaenorhinum rupestre (Guss.) Speta, Sedum gypsicola Boiss. et Reuter and…
Bupleurum dianthifolium, Bupleurum elatum, Hieracium lucidum, Petagnaea gussonei, Viola ucriana
Il supporto della SISV alla realizzazione di un manuale nazionale per il monitoraggio degli habitat della Direttiva 92/43/EEC in Italia
A partire dall’entrata in vigore della Direttiva 92/43/EEC, la sorveglianza dello stato di conservazione degli habitat elencati nell’Allegato I ed il relativo monitoraggio periodico a intervalli di sei anni sono diventati un obbligo per tutti i paesi membri dell’UE, in base a quanto previsto negli Articoli 11 e 17. Nel 2011 è stato pubblicato un documento che fornisce le linee guida di riferimento europee per il monitoraggio di habitat e specie (Evans & Arvela 2011). Su questa base metodologica, la Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione (SISV), avvalendosi di un ampio gruppo di soci esperti, ha avviato un dibattito interno su principi, criteri, parametri e strumenti per il monitoragg…
Note tassonomiche su Tillaea alata Viv. (Crassulaceae), nuova per la flora italiana – Inform. Bot. Ital.
Bupleurum dianthifolium
Carta della vegetazione (scala 1:20 000) della Riserva Naturale Orientata “Bosco Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere e Gorgo del Drago”.
La carta della vegetazione di Monte Carcaci, Sito d’Interesse Comunitario dei Monti Sicani (Sicilia centro-occidentale).
Le serie di vegetazione
Dati preliminari sulla flora vascolare delle Rocche del Crasto (Monti Nebrodi, Sicilia nord-orientale).
Il paesaggio vegetale della Riserva Naturale Orientata "Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere, Gorgo del Drago"
Phytosociological and distributional researches on the grasslands of the class Lygeo-Stipetea in western Sicily.
The thermo and meso-xerophilous pseudo-steppic vegetation is widespread in the driest areas of the Mediterranean Region and is primarily referred at the class Lygeo-Stipetea. This sintaxon includes communities dominated by several hemicryptophytes, which are also associated to some geophytes and therophytes. In Sicily this vegetation is distributed from sea level to 1300-1400 m, on different substrates (limestone, gypsum, schists, calcarenites, conglomerates, etc.), within the thermo and mesomediterranean belt dry to subhumid. Principally, are secondary grasslands used for grazing, localized on previously deforested areas, where the periodic burnings play a fundamental role in maintaining t…
Vegetazione dei corsi d’acqua della Sicilia in sistemi paesaggistici con problematiche d’impatto ambientale: il bacino del Fiume Oreto (Palermo)
92C0 Foreste di Platanus orientalis e Liquidambar orientalis (Platanion orientalis)
Phytosociological and phytogeographical considerations on the orophilous alliance Berberido aetnensis-Crataegion laciniatae (Rhamno-Prunetea)
2008 – Osservazioni fitosociologiche ed ecologiche su una formazione forestale a Quercus suber dei Monti di Palermo (Sicilia centro-occidentale) percorsa dal fuoco nell’estate del 2007.
Primi dati sulla flora vascolare del SIC “Sistema dunale Capo Granitola, Porto Palo e Foce del Belice” (Sicilia sud-occidentale).
Come realizzare un’illustrazione botanica
La flora vascolare e lichenica della Riserva Naturale Grotta Conza (Sicilia nord-occidentale). – Naturalista sicil., s. 4, 33 (1-2): 3-68.
Vascular and lichenic flora of Grotta Conza Nature Reserve (NW Sicily). Based on field investigation, bibliographic and herbarium researches we present a vascular and lichen flora of Grotta Conza Nature Reserve, a protected area of speleological and antropological interest located along the northern slopes of Pizzo Manolfo, very close the city of Palermo. The main outcrops of the area are represented by limestones of mesozoic and tertiary origin, while, bioclimate can be referred to thermomediterranean thermotype with subhumid ombrotype. Landscape, strongly influenced by the past prolonged historical utilization of the territory, shows total absence of primary woodlands, whose place is now …
Bupleurum dianthifolium Guss. In: Rossi G., Foggi B., Gennai M., Gargano D., Montagnani C., Orsenigo S., Pedrini S. Schede per una Lista Rossa della Flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana
Towards a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous vascular flora.
The strict relationship between plants and particular types of substrate has long been known to botanists and plant ecologists who have dealt with this issue. The peculiar flora growing on Italian gypsum substrates has been underlined since the nineteenth century (1, 2, 3). The concept of plant gypsophily can be defined as the exclusiveness or marked preference for living on gypsum outcropping rocks. Thus, only those plant species which show preference, or even exclusivity, for gypsum substrates, should be classified as gypsophilous (4). The main aim of this research has been to provide a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora. The study was made possible through international collabor…
The plant landscape of an interesting stretch of coastline in southern Sicily: the area between Punta Grande and Capo Rossello (Realmonte, Agrigento), biotope worthy of preservation
Su alcuni aspetti di boscaglia relittuale a Juniperus turbinata Guss. nella Valle del Sosio (Monti Sicani, Sicilia centro-occidentale).
Phytosociologic method and Grazing Value of mediterranean rangelands: analysis of Ampelodesmos mauritanicus grasslands in Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily)
The area of Settefrati, lying along the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily, shows noteworthy naturalistic value. This biotope was so far untouched by the intensive urbanistic development which affected in the last decades the coastal belt of the Palermo district. In this paper the results of a plant landscape survey of Settefrati, including a vegetation map (scale 1:10.00), are presented. It is underlined the presence of an interesting aspect of mediterranean maquis (Myrto communis-Pistacietum lentisci), as well as of patches of Tamarix africana xerophilous woodlands and Populus nigra riverine formations. Along the coast psammophilous (Salsolo-Cakiletum maritimae and Sporobolo arenarii-Agropyretum …
Habitat e specie d’interesse prioritario nel SIC ITA020042 – Rocche di Entella (Sicilia centro-occidentale).
Ricerche fitosociologiche su alcuni aspetti di vegetazione xerofila a graminacee perenni localizzati in aree sommitali della Sicilia occidentale.
Segnalazione sulle Madonie di Ribes uva-crispa, nuova specie per la flora della Sicilia.
La flora vascolare delle Rocche di Entella (entroterra della Sicilia occidentale)
We present the results of a study on the vascular flora of the Rocche di Entella (Contessa Entellina, Palermo province); this biotope, extending over an area of 178 hectares and including a Nature Reserve, has been recognized as a Site of Community Interest (ITA020042). The biotope is characterized by the Messinian gypseous-sulphureous series and falls within the lower mesomediterranean bioclimatic belt, with upper dry ombrotype, locally tending towards thermomediterranean thermotype. Local landscape is affected by prolonged historical exploitation of the territory, which led to the impoverishment of climacic forest communities, almost totally replaced by secondary vegetation (grasslands) a…
Endangered plant species of Marettimo Island (Sicily, Italy)
Fitosociologia applicata alla conservazione delle aree protette in Sicilia: la Carta della vegetazione Riserva “Pizzo Cane, Pizzo Trigna e Grotte Mazzamuto” (Monti di Trabia, Sicilia nord-occidentale)
Contribution to the phytosociological characterization of the forest vegetation of the Sicani Mountains (inland of north-western Sicily).
The results of a phytosociological survey on the main forest vegetation aspects of the Sicani Mountains (inland of north-western Sicily), in turn included in the homonymous Regional Park recently established, are presented. This expansive territory (43,687 hectares), located between the Agrigento and Palermo provinces, is mainly composed by carbonate and silico-carbonate formations of the Sicani Units, whose highest peaks are represented by Mount Cammarata (1578 m a.s.l.), Mount delle Rose (1436 m), Pizzo Cangialoso (1420 m) and Mount Pernice (1393 m). Under the bioclimatic aspect, the area falls within the thermo- and supramediterranean belts, with ombrotype ranging from upper dry (annual …
Dati preliminari sulla flora vascolare della Riserva naturale “Pizzo Cane, Pizzo Trigna e Grotta Mazzamuto” (Sicilia nord-occidentale).
Il paesaggio vegetale del tratto meandriforme del Fiume Jato (Sicilia nord-occidentale), interessante biotopo meritevole di tutela
5230* Matorral arborescenti di Laurus nobilis
La "Macchia di Settefrati" (Cefalù, Sicilia Settentrionale): interesse naturalistico e proposte di tutela
Bupleurum elatum
Aspetti di vegetazione ripariale in ambiente mediterraneo.
9380 Foreste di Ilex aquifolium
Nuovi dati distributivi su Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert, paleoendemita dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia nord-orientale)
Phytosociological characterization of the Juniperus phoenicea L. subsp. turbinata (Guss.) Nyman formations in the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province (Mediterranean Region)
The Juniperus phoenicea subsp. turbinata formations of the Italo-Tyrrhenian biogeographical province (Mediterranean Region), are analyzed on the basis of literature data and unpublished relevés. The floristic-synecological characterization of the identified phytocoenoses, confirmed by multivariate analysis on a synoptic basis, has allowed their breakdown in four different alliances of the order Pistacio lentisci-Rhamnetalia alaterni: 1) Periplocion angustifoliae, with the association Periploco angustifoliae-Juniperetum turbinatae; 2) Juniperion turbinatae, with the associations Junipero turbinatae-Quercetum calliprini, Rusco aculeati-Quercetum calliprini, Phillyreo angustifoliae-Juniperetum…
Su alcuni aspetti di vegetazione forestali localizzati nella Valle del Fiume Oreto e l’opportunità di una loro tutela finalizzata anche al recupero del paesaggio naturale.
Caratterizzazione sinfitosociologica e cartografica (1:10.000) dei siti con vegetazione a Petagnaea gussonei (Petagnaeetum gussonei, Galio-Urticetea) nell’area dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia nord-orientale)
Bio-ecological, phytosociological and conservation aspects of relictual and disjointed populations of Simethis mattiazzi (Vandelli) Sacc. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) in the Channel of Sicily
Two populations of Simethis mattiazzi (Xanthorrhoeaceae) were recently discovered in the Channel of Sicily – (1) Punta Bassana (Marettimo Island) and (2) Mount S. Giuliano (western Sicily) – at a considerable distance from the nearest stations hitherto known, located in southern Sardinia, the Pontine Islands Archipelago and Tunisia. The taxonomical and distributive aspects of this species are analysed to highlight the relictual and biogeographical significance of the disjointed and fragmentary nuclei distributed in several small islands of the Channel of Sicily, the Italian Peninsula and North Africa. Some morphological, biological, ecological and phytosociological aspects of the two new po…
La classe Quercetea ilicis in Sicilia.
On the basis of literature data and numerous unpublished relevès, a syntaxonomic revision of Quercetea ilicis class in Sicily is given. The surveyed associations are represented by evergreen, deciduous o mixed plant communities forming shrubland, maquis, bushland and woodland. They are communities dominated by sclerophylls or deciduous trees, widespread from the shoreline up to 1400 (1600) m of altitude, within the bioclimatic belts between the inframediterranean dry lower one and the mesomediterranean subhumid-humid one, extending to the supramediterranean belt. The study, regarding all the Sicilian territory including the neighboring islets, was carried out through the elaboration of syno…
Considerazioni su aspetti termofili di vegetazione a Taxus baccata L. nella fascia submontana dei Nebrodi (Sicilia nord-orientale)
La flora vascolare
Platanus orientalis L. In Rossi G., Foggi B., Gennai M., Gargano D., Montagnani C., Orsenigo S., Pedrini S.: Schede per una Lista Rossa della Flora vascolare e crittogamica Italiana.
Orophilous aspects of relictual vegetation of the class Rhamno-Prunetea localizated on the Madonie Mountains (NW Sicily).
The deciduos shrubby mantle coenoses referred to the class Rhamno catharticae-Prunetea spinosae are secondary communities - sometimes permanent - localized in the climactical dominion of the forests of Querco-Fagetea and Quercetea ilicis or the riparian woodlands of Salici-Populetea nigrae. These communities are widespread from the Eurosiberian to the Mediterranean region, and are linked to rich nutrient humic soils, rocky slopes and screes (1). In Italy, the class Rhamno-Prunetea is represented by the alliances Cytision sessilifolii, Berberidion vulgaris, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii and Salici-Viburnion opali, the latter showing hygrophilous character (2). As concerns the mountain and submounta…
In situ conservation strategies of a threatened species: the case of Carex panormitana Guss. in Sicily
A methodological protocol for Annex I Habitats monitoring: the contribution of Vegetation science.
The methodological foundations of the recently published Manual for Annex I Habitats monitoring in Italy, edited by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) with the scientific support of the Italian Society for Vegetation Science (SISV), are here presented, discussed and related to the most consolidated and acknowledged scientific advances in the field of Vegetation science. The proposed methodologies aim at offering simple, yet effective, protocols and procedures towards a harmonized data collection, by way of standardized and shared technical tools, resulting in comparable evaluations of the conservation status of Annex I Habitats. The methodological framew…
A survey conservation status of Petagnaea gussonei (Apiaceae), an endemic species to Nebrodi Mountains (Sicily, Italy).
Contributo alla conoscenza della vegetazione e del paesaggio vegetale della Riserva Naturale “Monte Cofano” (Sicilia occidentale).
It is here presented the results of a study of the phytosociological and plant landscape of Mount Cofano Natural Reserve (Custonaci, Trapani) together with a cartographic representation to a scale of 1:10000 (reduced to a scale of 1:20000). The studied area is localised along the western side of Sicily island and it is spread out for 537,5 ha, dominated by Mt. Cofano rocky promontory (659 mts.), regarded as one of the most interesting biotopes of the regional territory linked to its floristic, zoological and environmental features. From a geolithological point of view, the area is characterized by carbonathic substrata relative to Monte Sparacio-Monte Cofano and Monte Speziale-Monte Palatim…