

Appunti per una ricerca sui servizi di disposizione di ordini di pagamento

Maria Vittoria Zammitti


Servizi di pagamento Servizi di disposizione di ordini di pagamento Third Party Providers Dir. 2015/2366/UE


This essay will explore issues related to the Payment Initiation Service, which are currently subject to Directive 2015/2366/EC (Payment Services Directive II) and, in Italy, to the Law Decree n. 11, 27th January 2010. The analysis will examine its key points, through the study of the nature of relations between payment service users and payment initiation service providers; as well as those between the latter and account servicing payment service providers. Moreover, this article will explore rights and obligations of all parties in payment transaction. Lastly, it will access criteria to allocate liability when a transaction initiated through a payment initiation service provider was unauthorized, non-executed, wrongfully or lately executed
