

Production of Charmed Mesons In Z Decays

Buskulic DDebonis IDecamp DGhez PGoy CLees JpMinard MnPietrzyk BAriztizabal FComas PCrespo JmEfthymiopoulos IFernandez EFernandezbosman MGaitan VGarrido LMattison TOrteu SPacheco APadilla CPascual ACreanza DDepalma MFarilla AIaselli GMaggi GMarinelli NNatali SNuzzo SRanieri ARaso GRomano FRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PZito GChai YHu HHuang DHuang XLin JWang TXie YXu DXu RZhang JZhang LZhao WBonvicini GBoudreau JCasper DDrevermann HForty RwGanis GGay CGirone MHagelberg RHarvey JHilgart JJacobsen RJost BKnobloch JLehraus IMaggi MMarkou CMartinez MMato PMeinhard HMinten AMiquel RMoser HgPalazzi PPater JrPerlas JaPerrodo PPusztaszeri JfRanjard FRothberg JRuan TSaich MSchlatter DSchmelling MSefkow FTejessy WTomalin IrVeenhof RWachsmuth HWasserbaech SWiedenmann WWildish TWitzeling WWotschack JAjaltouni ZBardadinotwinowska MBarres ABoyer CFalvard AGay PGuicheney CHenrard PJousset JMichel BMontret JcPallin DPerret PPodlyski FProriol JSaadi FFearnley THansen JbHansen JdHansen JrHansen PhJohnson SdMollerud RNilsson BsKyriakis ASimopoulou ESiotis IVayaki AZachariadou KBadier JBlondel ABonneaud GBrient JcBourdon BFouque GPassalacqua LRouge ARumpf MTanaka RVerderi MVideau HCandlin DjParsons MiVeitch EFocardi EMoneta LParrini GCorden MDelfino MGeorgiopoulos CIkeda MJaffe DeLevinthal DAntonelli ABencivenni GBologna GBossi FCampana PCapon GCerutti FChiarella VFelici GLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas FMurtas GpPepealtarelli MSalomone SColrain PTenhave ILynch JgMaitland WMorton WtRaine CReeves PScarr JmSmith KSmith MgThompson AsThorn STurnbull RmBrandl BBraun OGeweniger CGraefe GHanke PHepp VKarger CKluge EeMaumary YPutzer ARensch BStahl ATittel KWunsch MBeuselinck RBinnie DmCameron WCattaneo MColling DjDornan PjHassard JfLieske NmMoutoussi ANash JPatton SPayne DgPhillips MjSanmartin GSedgbeer JkWright AgGirtler PKuhn DRudolph GVogl RBowdery CkBrodbeck TjFinch AjFoster FHughes GJackson DKeemer NrNuttall MPatel ASloan TSnow SwWhelan EpGalla AGreene AmKleinknecht KRaab JRenk BSander HgSchmidt HWalther SmWanke RWolf BBencheikh AmBenchouk CBonissent ACalvet DCarr JCoyle PDiaconu CDrinkard JEtienne FNicod DPayre PRoos LRousseau DSchwemling PTalby MAdlung SAssmann RBauer CBlum WBrown DCattaneo PDehning BDietl HDydak FFrank MHalley AwJakobs KLauber JLutjens GLutz GManner WRichter RSchroder JSchwarz AsSettles RSeywerd HStierlin UStiegler UStdenis RWolf GAlemany RBoucrot JCallot OCordier ADavier MDuflot LGrivaz JfHeusse PJanot PKim DwLediberder FLefrancois JLutz AmMusolino GSchune MhVeillet JjVideau IAbbaneo DBagliesi GBatignani GBottigli UBozzi CCalderini GCarpinelli MCiocci MaCiulli VDellorso RFerrante IFidecaro FFoa LForti FGiassi AGiorgi MaGregorio ALuisiani AMannelli EbMarrocchesi PsMessineo APalla FRizzo GSanguinetti GSpagnolo PSteinberger JTenchini RTonelli GTriggiani GValassi AVannini CVenturi AVerdini PgWalsh JBetteridge ApGao YGreen MgJohnson DlMarch PvMedcalf TMir LmQuazi IsStrong JaBertin VBotterill DrClifft RwEdgecock TrHaywood SEdwards MNorton PrThompson JcBlochdevaux BColas PDuarte HEmery SKozanecki WLancon ELemaire McLocci EMarx BPerez PRander JRenardy JfRosowsky ARoussarie ASchuller JpSchwindling JSimohand DVallage BJohnson RpLitke AmTaylor GWear JBabbage WBooth CnButtar CCartwright SCombley FDawson IThompson LfBarberio EBohrer ABrandt SCowan GGrupen CLutters GRivera FSchafer USmolik LBosisio LDellamarina RGiannini GGobbo BPitis LRagusa FBellantoni LChen WConway JsFeng ZFerguson DpsGao YsGrahl JHarton JlHayes OjNachtman JmPan YbSaadi YSchmitt MScott ISharma VShi ZhTurk JdWalsh AmWeber FvWu SlWu XZheng MZobernig GRi Antonelli Antonella/c 6238 2011 Buttar Craig/d 3706 2011 Stahl Achim/e 8846 2011 Passalacqua Luca/f 5127 2011 Murtas Fabrizio/b 5729 2012 S.t. Denis Richard/c 8997 2012 Ferrante Isidoro/f 1017 2012Luigi RolandiFranco Ligabue


PhysicsParticle physicsE+E ANNIHILATIONPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)Meson010308 nuclear & particles physicsElectron–positron annihilationRESONANCEALEPH01 natural sciencesCharm quarkPseudoscalarNuclear physicsALEPH Experiment0103 physical sciencesFragmentation function[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]HEAVY QUARKSFRAGMENTATION010306 general physicsEngineering (miscellaneous)Beam energyALEPH experimentParticle Physics - Experiment


The production of charmed mesons $$\mathop {D^0 }\limits^{( - )} $$ ,D ± , andD *± is studied in a sample of 478,000 hadronicZ decays. The production rates are measured to be $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\Gamma ({\rm Z} \to D^{* \pm } X)}}{{\Gamma _{had} }} = 0.187 \pm 0.015(\exp .) \pm 0.013(BR), \hfill \\ \frac{{\Gamma ({\rm Z} \to D^ \pm X)}}{{\Gamma _{had} }} = 0.251 \pm 0.026(\exp .) \pm 0.025(BR), \hfill \\ \frac{{\Gamma ({\rm Z} \to \mathop {D^0 }\limits^{( - )} X)}}{{\Gamma _{had} }} = 0.518 \pm 0.052(\exp .) \pm 0.035(BR), \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where the errors from this analysis are separated from those coming from theD branching ratios (BR). TheD *± momentum distribution is extracted separately for $$Z \to c\bar c$$ and $$Z \to b\bar b$$ events with the help of event shape variables. It is consistent with the prediction of the JETSET Monte Carlo program after adjustment of the charm fragmentation function. Constraining the shape of the $$Z \to b\bar b$$ contribution, the average fraction of the beam energy taken by aD * meson produced in the fragmentation of a charm quark is extracted by a parametric fit to be c =0.495±0.011±0.007. Evidence forD **0 (D 1(2420)0 and/orD 2 * (2460)0) production is found in the $$D^{* \pm } \pi ^ \mp $$ channel, accounting for a fraction (18±5±2)% of allD *± production. The relative production of vector and pseudoscalar mesons is dicussed, together with the possible effects ofD ** production. Thec-quark forward-backwardZ-pole asymmetry is detrmined from that of high momentumD *± to beA =(7.7±4.4)%.
