Babbage W

Production of Charmed Mesons In Z Decays

The production of charmed mesons $$\mathop {D^0 }\limits^{( - )} $$ ,D ± , andD *± is studied in a sample of 478,000 hadronicZ decays. The production rates are measured to be $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\Gamma ({\rm Z} \to D^{* \pm } X)}}{{\Gamma _{had} }} = 0.187 \pm 0.015(\exp .) \pm 0.013(BR), \hfill \\ \frac{{\Gamma ({\rm Z} \to D^ \pm X)}}{{\Gamma _{had} }} = 0.251 \pm 0.026(\exp .) \pm 0.025(BR), \hfill \\ \frac{{\Gamma ({\rm Z} \to \mathop {D^0 }\limits^{( - )} X)}}{{\Gamma _{had} }} = 0.518 \pm 0.052(\exp .) \pm 0.035(BR), \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where the errors from this analysis are separated from those coming from theD branching ratios (BR). TheD *± momentum distribution is ex…

research product

Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/ψ

From a data sample of 450 000 hadronic events recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP, 92 +/- 10 events are observed containing a J/psi meson decaying to mu+mu- or e+e-. From these data the measured inclusive branching fraction for a b flavoured hadron to decay to a J/psi is BR(b --> J/psiX) = (1.21 +/- 0.13 (stat.) +/- 0.08 (syst.))%, and the average b hadron lifetime in the events tagged with a J/psi is tau(b) = 1.35(-0.17)+0.19 +/- 0.05 ps. Five events are observed consistent with the exclusive decay B+/- --> J/psiK+/- and from these events the exclusive branching fraction is measured to be BR(B+/- --> J/psiK+/-) = (0.22 +/- 0.10 +/- 0.02)%. Upper limits for other exclusive branching rat…

research product

Properties of Hadronic Z-decays and Test of QCD Generators

Distributions are presented of event shape variables, jet roduction rates and charged particle momenta obtained from 53 000 hadronic Z decays. They are compared to the predictions of the QCD + hadronization models JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG, and are used to optimize several model parameters. The JETSET and ARIADNE coherent parton shower (PS) models with running alpha(s) and string fragmentation yield the best description of the data. The HERWIG parton shower model with cluster fragmentation fits the data less well. The data are in better agreement with JETSET PS than with JETSET O(alpha(s)2) matrix elements (ME) even when the renormalization scale is optimized.

research product

A measurement of the b baryon lifetime

In 451 000 hadronic Z0 decays, recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the yields of lambdal- and lambdal+ combinations are measured. Semileptonic decays of b baryons result in a signal of 122 +/- 18(stat.)+22/-23(syst.) lambdal- combinations. From a fit to the impact parameter distribution of the leptons in the lambdal- sample, the lifetime of b baryons is measured to be 1.12+0.32/-0.29(stat.) +/- 0.16(syst.) ps.

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Heavy Flavor Production and Decay With Prompt Leptons In the Aleph Detector

In 431 000 hadronicZ decays recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the yields of electrons and muons in events with one or more prompt leptons have been analysed to give information on the production and decay of heavy quarks. The fractions of $$b\bar b$$ and $$c\bar c$$ events are measured to be 0.219±0.006±0.005 and 0.165±0.005±0.020, and the corresponding forward-backward asymmetries at theZ mass are measured to be 0.090±0.013±0.003 and 0.111±0.021±0.018, after QED and QCD corrections. Measurements for the semileptonic branching ratios BR $$(b \to \ell ^ - \bar vX)$$ and BR (b→cl+ vX) yield 0.114±0.003±0.004 and 0.082±0.003±0.012, respectively. The dilepton events enable measurement of…

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Search for CP violation in ZmF ττ

Abstract Using the 18.8 pb−1 of data accumulated at LEP in 1990 and 1991 with the ALEPH detector, a direct test of neutral current CP-invariance is performed by a search for CP-odd correlations in Z decays to τ pairs where both τ decay modes are identified. No evidence for CP-violation is observed. The weak dipole moment of the τ has been measured to be dτ(mZ) = (1.3 ± 1.4 ± 0.1) × 10−17 e·cm which results in an upper limit on the weak dipole moment of |dτ(mZ)| ⩽ 3.7 × 10−17 e·cm with 95% confidence level.

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The decays eta --> gammagamma and eta' --> etapi+pi- have been observed in hadronic decays of the Z produced at LEP. The fragmentation functions of both the eta and eta' have been measured. The measured multiplicities for x > 0.1 are 0.298 +/- 0.023 +/- 0.021 and 0.068 +/- 0.018 +/- 0.016 for eta and eta' respectively. While the fragmentation function for the eta is fairly well described by the JETSET Monte Carlo, it is found that the production rate of the eta' is a factor of four less than the corresponding prediction.

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