

Properties of Hadronic Z-decays and Test of QCD Generators

Buskulic DDecamp DGoy CLees JpMinard MnMours BAlemany RAriztizabal FComas PCrespo JmDelfino MFernandez EGaitan VGarrido LMir LmPacheco APascual ACreanza DDeplama MFarilla AIaselli GMaggi GMaggi MNatali SNuzzo SQuattromini MRanieri ARaso GRomano FRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PZito GGao YHu HHuang DHuang XLou JQiao CWang TXie YXu DXu RZhang JLin JZhao WAtwood WbBauerdick LatBlucher EBonvicini GBossi FBoudreau JBurnett ThDrevermann HForty RwHagelberg RHarvey JHaywood SHilgart JJacobsen RJost BKnobloch JLancon ELehraus ILohse TMartinez MMato PMattison TMeinhard HMenary SMeyer TMinten AMiotto AMiquel RMoser HgNash JPalazzi PPerlas JaRanjard GRedlinger GRolandi LRoth ARothberg JRuan TSaich MSchlatter DSchmelling MSefkow FTejessy WWachsmuth HWiedenmann WWildish TWitzeling WWotschak JAjaltouni ZBadaud FBardadinotwinowska MBencheikh AmElfellous RFalvard AGay PGuicheney CHenrard PJousset JMichel BMontret JcPallin DPerret PPietrzyk BProriol JPreulhiere FStimpfl GFearnley THansen JdHansen JrHansen PhMollerud RNilsson BsEfthymiopoulos IKyriakis ASimopoulou EVayaki AZachariadou KBadier JBlondel ABonneaud GBrient JcFouque GGamess AOrteu SRosowsky ARouge ARumpf MTanaka RVideau HCandlin DjParsons MiVeitch EMoneta LParrini GCorden MGeorgiopoulos CIkeda MLannutti JLevinthal DMermikides MSawyer LWasserbaech SAntonelli ABaldini RBencivenni GBologna GCampana PCapon GCerutti FChiarella VDettorrepiazzoli BFelici GLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas FMurtas GpPassalacqua LPepealtarelli MPicchi PAltoon BBoyle OColrain PTenhave ILynch JgMaitland WMorton WtRaine CScarr JmSmith KThompson AsTurnbull RmBrandl BBraun OGeiges RGeweniger CHanke PHepp VKluge EeMaumary YPutzer ARensch BStahl ATittel KWunsch MBelk AtBeuselinck RBinnie DmCameron WCattaneo MColling DjDornan PjDugeay SGreene AmHassard JfLieske NmPatton SjPayne DgPhillips MjSedgbeer JkTomalin IrWright AgKneringer EKuhn DRudolph GBowdery CkBrodbeck TjFinch AjFoster FHughes GJackson DKeemer NrNuttall MPatel ASloan TSnow SwWhelan EpBarczewski TKleinknecht KRaab JRenk BRoehn SSander HgSchmidt HSteeg FWalther SmWolf BAubert JjBenchouk CBernard VBonissent ACarr JCoyle PDrinkard JEtienne FPapalexiou SPayre PQian ZRousseau DSchwemling PTalby MAdlung SBecker HBlum WBrown DCattaneo PCowan GDehning BDietl HDydak FFernandezbosman MFrank MHalley AwHanslkozanecka TLauber JLutjens GLutz GManner WPan YRichter RRotscheidt HSchroder JSchwarz AsSettles RStierlin UStiegler UStdenis RTakashima MThomas JWolf GBertin VBoucrot JCallot OChen XCordier ADavier MGrivaz JfHeusse PJanot PKim DwLediberder FLefrancois JLutz AmSchune MhVeillet JjVideau IZhang ZZomer FAbbaneo DAmendolia SrBagliesi GBatignani GBosisio LBottigli UBradaschia CCarpinelli MCiocci MaDellorso RFerrante IFidecaro FFoa LFocardi EForti FGiassi AGiorgi MaMannelli EbMarrocchesi PsMessineo APalla FRizzo GSanguinetti GSteinberger JTechini RTonelli GTriggiani GVannini CVenturi AVerdini PgWalsh JCarter JmGreen MgMarch PvMedcalf TQuazi IsStrong JaWest LrBotterill DrClifft RwEdgecock TrEdwards MFisher SmJones TjNorton PrSalmon DpThompson JcBlochdevaux BColas PKozanecki WLemaire McLocci ELoucatos SMonnier EPerez PPerrier FRander JRenardy JfRoussarie ASchuller JpSchwindling JMohand DsVallage BJohnson RpLitke AmTaylor GWear JAshman JgBabbage WBooth CnButtar CCarney ReCartwright SCombley FHatfield FReeves PThompson LfBarberio EBrandt SGrupen CMirabito LSchafer USeywerd HGanis GGiannini GGobbo BRagusa FBellantoni LCinabro DConway JsCowen DfFeng ZFerguson DpsGao YsGrahl JHarton JlJared RcLeclaire BwLishka CPan YbPater JrSaadi YSharma VSchmitt MShi ZhTang YhWalsh AmWeber FvWhitney MhWu SlWu XZobernig GRi Perrier Frederic/a 5953 2011 Antonelli Antonella/c 6238 2011 Buttar Craig/d 3706 2011 Stahl Achim/e 8846 2011 Passalacqua Luca/f 5127 2011 Murtas Fabrizio/b 5729 2012 S.t. Denis Richard/c 8997 2012 Forti Francesco/h 3035 2011 Ferrante Isidoro/f 1017 2012Alberto LusianiFranco Ligabue


Quantum chromodynamicsPhysicsParticle physicsAlephPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)Electron–positron annihilationPhysicsHadronHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyCharged particleHadronizationNuclear physicsRenormalizationHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentParton showerNuclear ExperimentEngineering (miscellaneous)Particle Physics - Experiment


Distributions are presented of event shape variables, jet roduction rates and charged particle momenta obtained from 53 000 hadronic Z decays. They are compared to the predictions of the QCD + hadronization models JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG, and are used to optimize several model parameters. The JETSET and ARIADNE coherent parton shower (PS) models with running alpha(s) and string fragmentation yield the best description of the data. The HERWIG parton shower model with cluster fragmentation fits the data less well. The data are in better agreement with JETSET PS than with JETSET O(alpha(s)2) matrix elements (ME) even when the renormalization scale is optimized.
