Regular Strength and Sprint Training Counteracts Bone Aging: a 10- year Follow-up in Male Masters Athletes
Jörn RittwegerJörn RittwegerHans DegensHans DegensAri HeinonenMarko KorhonenHarri SuominenTimo TörmäkangasTuuli H SuominenMarkku Alensubject
bone pQCTStrength trainingEndocrinology Diabetes and Metabolismeducation030209 endocrinology & metabolismEXERCISEDiseases of the musculoskeletal systempitkittäistutkimusMuskel- und KnochenstoffwechselAGING03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineEndurance trainingMale Masters Athleteslongitudinal studiesharjoitteluMedicineHIGH‐IMPACT TRAININGOrthopedics and Sports MedicineTibia030304 developmental biologyOrthopedic surgeryOrthodonticsluusto0303 health sciencesexercisebiologykuntoliikuntabusiness.industryAthletesBone AgingagingLONGITUDINAL STUDIESOriginal Articlesbiology.organism_classificationmusculoskeletal systemSprint trainingikääntyminenCompressive strengthRC925-935SprintBONE pQCTMasters athletesRegular StrengthOriginal ArticlevoimaharjoittelubusinessRD701-811high‐impact trainingdescription
According to cross-sectional and interventional studies, high-intensity strength and impact-type training provide a powerful osteogenic stimulus even in old age. Longitudinal evidence on the ability of high-intensity training to attenuate age-related bone deterioration is currently lacking, however. This follow-up study assessed the role of continued strength and sprint training on bone aging in 40- to 85-year-old male sprinters (n=69) with long-term training background. pQCT-derived bone structural, strength and densitometric parameters of the distal tibia (5% distal-proximal tibia length) and tibial midshaft (50% length) were assessed at baseline and after 10 years. The groups of well-trained (actively competing, sprint training including strength training >=2 times/wk; n=36) and less-trained (<2 times/wk, no strength training, switched to endurance training; n=33) athletes were defined based on the self-reports at follow-up. The association of continued strength and sprint training with longitudinal changes in bone traits was assessed using an interaction term (group*time) in linear mixed models. Over the 10-year period, the mid-tibia showed a significant group*time interaction in cortical cross-sectional area, cortical thickness, total BMC, and BMC at the anterior and the posterior sites (polar mass distribution analysis) (p<0.05, raw values). At distal tibia, there was a significant interaction in total BMC, trabecular vBMD and compressive strength index (p<0.05, raw values). After adjustment for multiple comparisons, mid-tibia posterior BMC and distal tibia trabecular vBMD remained significant (p<0.05). Overall, the mean differences in changes in the bone traits in well-trained compared to less-trained ranged from 2 to 6%. These were reflected as improved (mid-tibia) or maintained (distal tibia) bone properties in well-trained and decreased in less-trained athletes over the 10-year period. The structural improvements at mid-tibia tended to be more pronounced among older (65-85-yr) well-trained, whereas the densitometric properties were best preserved among younger (40-64-yr) well-trained. In conclusion, our longitudinal findings indicate that con156 P-346 ASBMR 2020 Annual Meeting tinued strength and sprint training is associated with maintained or even improved tibial properties in middle-aged and older male sprint athletes, suggesting that regular, intensive exercise counteracts bone aging
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-07-31 |