Effects of Prior Knowledge on Comprehending Text About Learning Strategies
Eve KikasGintautas SilinskasKaja MädamürkKaja MädamürkPiret Soodlasubject
comprehension-oriented learning strategiesyläkoululaisetrehearsalschool-aged childrenPRIMARY-SCHOOL STUDENTSQUESTIONNAIRECHILDREN050105 experimental psychologyMemorizationEducationTask (project management)Text comprehensionMEMORY STRATEGIESschool—aged childrenUTILIZATION DEFICIENCIESCATEGORIZATION0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesL7-991oppimaan oppiminenrefutation textWord listoppimistyylitACQUISITION4. Education05 social sciencesalakoululaisetword memorizing050301 educationEducation (General)PERFORMANCEComprehensionSELF-REGULATIONmetakognitiotekstinymmärtäminen516 Educational sciencesPsychology0503 educationWord (computer architecture)Cognitive psychologydescription
Good knowledge and skills in using different learning strategies is important for learning with understanding and even more critical during distance learning. Findings indicate that students tend to use and value ineffective learning strategies, thus there is need to educate students. This study aimed to analyze the possibility of using refutation text on learning strategies that students can study independently. The study examined how reported use of learning strategies and preexisting beliefs about the effectiveness of rehearsal and comprehension-oriented strategies relate to the comprehension of text about learning strategies, and how text comprehension is related to later use of strategies and the completion of learning tasks. Participants included 2,706 students from primary school (Grades 3 and 4) and 3,782 students from the end of middle school (Grade 9) across Estonia. Students’ learning strategies and learning outcomes were assessed via a web-based word list memorization task with follow-up questions. Students were asked to read a written text that was specifically developed to explain the advantages of abstract grouping. Text comprehension was assessed using multiple-choice questions. SEM models were used to answer the research questions. At both school levels, valuing comprehension-oriented learning strategies enhanced text comprehension, suggesting that prior beliefs are important to fully understand written text. In addition, student beliefs and text comprehension also increased use of more advanced strategies. However, students who used comprehension-oriented strategies showed ambiguous improvements in word memorization performance. These findings emphasize that reading about complex topics may be a starting point for learning, but should be followed up with additional discussions, examples, demonstrations, and practice.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-10-11 | Frontiers in Education |