

O ensino da língua em sociedades bilíngues. Aspectos gramaticais e culturais do espanhol de Valência

Jorge Roselló Verdeguer


EmbryologyHistoryForeign languagelanguageCatalanCell BiologyAnatomyValencianlanguage.human_languageLinguisticsDevelopmental Biology


Despite their homogeneity, all languages have linguistic variety, both geographical and social, and these variations should be taken into account in the teaching and learning of a (foreign) language. In bilingual territories there are constant interferences between the spoken languages, a phenomenon which has attracted the attention of many specialists. In this article, we describe the most outstanding characteristics of spoken Spanish in Valencia, a bilingual territory where, in addition to Spanish, Valencian –a dialect of Catalan- is spoken. We also make some proposals of morphosyntactic and lexical as well as social and cultural character to apply these characteristics to the classroom of Spanish as a foreign language.
