

Does mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based intervention alleviate burnout? : A person-centered approach

Anne MäkikangasRaimo LappalainenAnne PuolakanahoAsko TolvanenSanna M. Kinnunen


PsychotherapistMindfulnessmindfulnesseducationhyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaInterventionBurnoutAcceptance and commitment therapyPerson-centered therapyuupumusEducationIntervention (counseling)General PsychologyApplied Psychologyta515interventiotietoinen läsnäoloPracticeburnoutPsykologia - PsychologyAcceptance and commitment therapyGeneral MedicinekäytäntöGeneral Business Management and Accountingpracticeacceptance and commitment therapyinterventiohoitoOccupational stresssense organsPsychologyValue (mathematics)Mindfulness


This study investigated individual differences in changes in burnout symptoms during a brief mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based intervention. It also studied whether the changes in burnout were simultaneous with the changes in mindfulness skills. The role of practices and learning experiences in these changes were investigated. The participants were employees of various occupations (n = 105, 80% women, Mage = 48 years). Latent profile analysis was used to investigate the associations between burnout and mindfulness skills during the intervention and a 4-month follow-up period. Six distinct profiles were found that differed in levels and changes of both burnout and mindfulness skills. Burnout was reduced and mindfulness skills increased with large effect sizes in three of the profiles (47.4% of the participants). Two profiles (31.1%) presented smaller changes in burnout but had significant increases in mindfulness skills. One profile (11.5%) did not benefit from the intervention. The obtained profiles were compared on practice quantity and frequency, practice continuation, and learning experiences. There were no differences between the profiles in the practice quantity or frequency during the intervention. However, the profiles with the most beneficial changes showed higher learning during the intervention and continued to practice more often after the intervention. These findings show that there are considerable differences in the responses to a brief mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based intervention. The investigated intervention turned out to be effective in alleviating burnout symptoms, even when the initial burnout was high. Attention should be devoted to enhancing learning and practice continuation to improve intervention outcomes. peerReviewed
