Sanna M. Kinnunen
Päiväkirjatutkimus työhyvinvoinnista : tarmokkuuden, uupumusasteisen väsymyksen ja palautumisen väliset yhteydet
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin tarmokkuuden ja uupumusasteisen väsymyksen kokemista työviikon aikana muuttujakeskeisestä ja henkilökeskeisestä näkökulmasta käsin. Lisäksi tutkittiin palautumisen yhteyttä tarmokkuuden ja uupumusasteisen väsymyksen kokemiseen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 256 hoito- ja palvelualojen työntekijää, jotka täyttivät päiväkirjaa viikon ajan. Tilastollisina analyysimenetelminä käytettiin toistomittausten varianssianalyysia ja latentin kasvukäyrämallin mixture-analyysiä. Tulokset osoittivat, että tarmokkuutta koettiin kohtuullisen paljon ja uupumusasteista väsymystä melko vähän ilman merkittävää vaihtelua työpäivien välillä. Tarmokkuuden ja uupumusasteisen väsymyksen välillä…
Does mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based intervention alleviate burnout? : A person-centered approach
This study investigated individual differences in changes in burnout symptoms during a brief mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based intervention. It also studied whether the changes in burnout were simultaneous with the changes in mindfulness skills. The role of practices and learning experiences in these changes were investigated. The participants were employees of various occupations (n = 105, 80% women, Mage = 48 years). Latent profile analysis was used to investigate the associations between burnout and mindfulness skills during the intervention and a 4-month follow-up period. Six distinct profiles were found that differed in levels and changes of both burnout and mindfulness skills…
Mindfulness-, hyväksyntä- ja arvopohjaisen (MIHA) ohjelman vaikuttavuus työuupumusoireiden lievittäjänä : tutkimusyhteenveto Muupu-hankkeesta
Työuupumuksen lievittämiseksi on alettu maailmalla käyttää mindfulness-, hyväksyntä- ja arvopohjaisia (MIHA) -menetelmiä. Muupu-tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voidaanko uudenlaisella, kahdeksanviikkoisella MIHA- ohjelmalla lievittää työuupumusoireita tehokkaasti. Ohjelma toteutettiin ryhmä- ja verkkointervention yhdistelmänä. Muupu-tutkimuksessa selvitettiin sekä ohjelman vaikuttavuutta että sen vaikutusmekanismeja. 218 tutkittavaa satunnaistettiin kahteen ryhmään: MIHA-interventioryhmään ja tavanomaista tukea (TAV) saavien ryhmään. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin myös pilottiryhmän (n = 24) ja heidän vastinpariensa (n = 24) kyselyvastauksia. Noin 80 % tutkittavista oli naisia, ja yli…
Does a Mindfulness-, Acceptance-, and Value-Based Intervention for Burnout Have Long-Term Effects on Different Levels of Subjective Well-Being?
This study investigated whether beneficial intervention effects on burnout and mindfulness skills diffuse and facilitate the long-term development of different levels of subjective well-being: experiential (perceived stress), eudaimonic (psychological and social well-being), and evaluative (life satisfaction). Participants were Finnish employees with notable burnout (n = 105, 80% women). The study utilized individual profiles of burnout and mindfulness skills identified in a previous study (Kinnunen, Puolakanaho, Tolvanen, Mäkikangas, & Lappalainen, 2019). The profiles were based on levels and changes in burnout and mindfulness skills during an 8-week intervention and 4-month follow-up. In …
Association between vigor and exhaustion during the workweek: a person-centered approach to daily assessments.
The purpose of this quantitative diary study was to investigate daily vigor and exhaustion using a person-centered approach. The study also investigated whether and how experiences of vigor and exhaustion relate to a state of being recovered. A total of 256 Finnish employees filled in a diary questionnaire during five consecutive workdays. Vigor and exhaustion showed strong negative interdependence within and between days. However, by applying a person-centered analysis, we were able to differentiate three groups with meaningful variation in vigor and exhaustion. The groups were labeled as Constantly vigorous (n = 179), Concurrently vigorous and exhausted (n = 30) and Constantly exhausted (…
Burnout-related ill-being at work : Associations between mindfulness and acceptance skills, worksite factors, and experienced well-being in life
The aim of this paper was to investigate the associations between mindfulness and acceptance (MAA) skills and burnout-related ill-being at work (ILLB) after eliminating the impact of worksite (WS) and general well-being in life (WELLB) factors. The results were derived from data on employees (n = 168) of varying professional backgrounds, who experienced relatively high levels of burnout. Analyses were conducted using structural equation modelling (SEM) and the Cholesky decomposition method, since these allow for the investigation of multiple measures and multiple factors in relation to one another. In relation to ill-being at work, the analyses revealed a general MAA factor as well as a spe…
A psychological flexibility -based intervention for burnout : A randomized controlled trial
A novel eight-week program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) principles was created to alleviate burnout-related ill-being and to enhance well-being. This randomized controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of the program and explored whether changes in psychological flexibility mediated the results of the intervention. The program consisted of structured weekly face-to-face group meetings and daily practices provided via a website. Employees from varying professional backgrounds with burnout (mean age = 47 years, 79% female), who all received usual treatment, 1 were randomized into control (TAU, n = 80, receiving no other support) and ACT + TAU intervention (n = 88, r…
Improvements in Mindfulness Facets Mediate the Alleviation of Burnout Dimensions
Abstract Objectives While interventions using mindfulness have been effective in treating burnout, the mechanisms of change need more research. This study investigated which of five mindfulness facets (observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging, and non-reacting) mediated the intervention effects on three burnout dimensions (exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy) during an 8-week mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based (MAV) intervention and a 10-month follow-up. Methods The participants were a heterogeneous sample of employees suffering from burnout (n = 202, 80% women, mean age = 47.5 years). Latent change score modeling was conducted for each combinati…