Does a Mindfulness-, Acceptance-, and Value-Based Intervention for Burnout Have Long-Term Effects on Different Levels of Subjective Well-Being?
Asko TolvanenAnne PuolakanahoAnne MäkikangasRaimo LappalainenSanna M. Kinnunensubject
Mindfulnessmindfulnesseducationhyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiahyvinvointiBurnouthyväksyminen (psykologia)uupumusEducationIntervention (counseling)hoitomenetelmätSubjective well-beingGeneral PsychologyApplied Psychologytietoinen läsnäoloburnoutPsykologia - PsychologyLife satisfactionGeneral MedicineGeneral Business Management and AccountingTerm (time)subjective well-beingWell-beingOccupational stressPsychologyClinical psychologyacceptancedescription
This study investigated whether beneficial intervention effects on burnout and mindfulness skills diffuse and facilitate the long-term development of different levels of subjective well-being: experiential (perceived stress), eudaimonic (psychological and social well-being), and evaluative (life satisfaction). Participants were Finnish employees with notable burnout (n = 105, 80% women). The study utilized individual profiles of burnout and mindfulness skills identified in a previous study (Kinnunen, Puolakanaho, Tolvanen, Mäkikangas, & Lappalainen, 2019). The profiles were based on levels and changes in burnout and mindfulness skills during an 8-week intervention and 4-month follow-up. In the present study, the same profiles were compared using a χ2 test for changes in the different levels of subjective well-being over 12 months. Although most profiles showed benefits in experiential subjective well-being, achieving a significant increase in eudaimonic or evaluative levels at the 12-month study period required a considerable decrease in burnout and increase in mindfulness skills during the preceding 6 months. Those who initially benefited the most from the intervention, that is, showed a decrease in burnout and increase in mindfulness skills, also showed the most favorable development in all 3 levels of subjective well-being during the 12-month study period. The differences in well-being between those who initially benefited from the intervention and those who did not seemed unlikely to diminish over time. It is thus important to monitor intervention effects on each level of subjective well-being to identify participants who are likely to need additional support to achieve long-term changes in well-being in all levels. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2020-02-01 |