

Maintenance of genetic diversity in cyclic populations - a longitudinal analysis in Myodes glareolus

Kaisa RikalainenJouni AspiJuan GalarzaEsa KoskelaTapio Mappes


populaatiosykliprivate allelesMyodes glareolusallelic richnessgenetic diversityefektiivinen populaatiokokorodent cycleshuman activitieseffective population sizegeneettinen monimuotoisuus


Conspicuous cyclic changes in population density characterize many populations of small northern rodents. The extreme crashes in individual number are expected to reduce the amount of genetic variation within a population during the crash phases of the population cycle. By long-term monitoring of a bank vole (Myodes glareolus) population we show that despite the substantial and repetitive crashes in the population size, high heterozygosity is maintained throughout the population cycle. The striking population density fluctuation in fact only slightly reduced the allelic richness of the population during the crash phases. Effective population sizes of vole populations remained also relatively high even during the crash phases. The peak phases are characterized by both a change in spatial pattern of individuals and a rapid accession of new alleles. peerReviewed
