

Weakly controlled Moran constructions and iterated functions systems in metric spaces

Tapio RajalaMarkku Vilppolainen


Pure mathematicsClosed set28A8028A80 28A78 (Primary); 37C45 (Secondary)General MathematicsHausdorff dimensionDynamical Systems (math.DS)Hausdorff measureCombinatoricsopen set conditionsemikonforminen iteroitu funktiojärjestelmäsemiconformal iterated function systemFOS: Mathematics37C45 (Secondary)Hausdorff measureHausdorff-ulottuvuusMathematics - Dynamical SystemsHausdorffin mittaMathematicsball condition37C45avoimen joukon ehtoMoran-konstruktiofinite clustering propertyInjective metric spaceHausdorff spaceMoran constructionäärellinen pakkautuminenConvex metric space28A80 28A78 (Primary)Metric spaceHausdorff distance28A78palloehtoNormal space


We study the Hausdorff measures of limit sets of weakly controlled Moran constructions in metric spaces. The separation of the construction pieces is closely related to the Hausdorff measure of the corresponding limit set. In particular, we investigate different separation conditions for semiconformal iterated function systems. Our work generalizes well known results on self-similar sets in metric spaces as well as results on controlled Moran constructions in Euclidean spaces.
