Tapio Rajala


Interpolated measures with bounded density in metric spaces satisfying the curvature-dimension conditions of Sturm

We construct geodesics in the Wasserstein space of probability measure along which all the measures have an upper bound on their density that is determined by the densities of the endpoints of the geodesic. Using these geodesics we show that a local Poincar\'e inequality and the measure contraction property follow from the Ricci curvature bounds defined by Sturm. We also show for a large class of convex functionals that a local Poincar\'e inequality is implied by the weak displacement convexity of the functional.

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Ahlfors-regular distances on the Heisenberg group without biLipschitz pieces

We show that the Heisenberg group is not minimal in looking down. This answers Problem 11.15 in `Fractured fractals and broken dreams' by David and Semmes, or equivalently, Question 22 and hence also Question 24 in `Thirty-three yes or no questions about mappings, measures, and metrics' by Heinonen and Semmes. The non-minimality of the Heisenberg group is shown by giving an example of an Ahlfors $4$-regular metric space $X$ having big pieces of itself such that no Lipschitz map from a subset of $X$ to the Heisenberg group has image with positive measure, and by providing a Lipschitz map from the Heisenberg group to the space $X$ having as image the whole $X$. As part of proving the above re…

research product

Sharp estimate on the inner distance in planar domains

We show that the inner distance inside a bounded planar domain is at most the one-dimensional Hausdorff measure of the boundary of the domain. We prove this sharp result by establishing an improved Painlev\'e length estimate for connected sets and by using the metric removability of totally disconnected sets, proven by Kalmykov, Kovalev, and Rajala. We also give a totally disconnected example showing that for general sets the Painlev\'e length bound $\kappa(E) \le\pi \mathcal{H}^1(E)$ is sharp.

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Failure of topological rigidity results for the measure contraction property

We give two examples of metric measure spaces satisfying the measure contraction property MCP(K,N) but having different topological dimensions at different regions of the space. The first one satisfies MCP(0,3) and contains a subset isometric to $\mathbb{R}$, but does not topologically split. The second space satisfies MCP(2,3) and has diameter $\pi$, which is the maximal possible diameter for a space satisfying MCP(N-1,N), but is not a topological spherical suspension. The latter example gives an answer to a question by Ohta.

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Optimal transport maps on Alexandrov spaces revisited

We give an alternative proof for the fact that in $n$-dimensional Alexandrov spaces with curvature bounded below there exists a unique optimal transport plan from any purely $(n-1)$-unrectifiable starting measure, and that this plan is induced by an optimal map.

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Existence of doubling measures via generalised nested cubes

Working on doubling metric spaces, we construct generalised dyadic cubes adapting ultrametric structure. If the space is complete, then the existence of such cubes and the mass distribution principle lead into a simple proof for the existence of doubling measures. As an application, we show that for each $\epsilon>0$ there is a doubling measure having full measure on a set of packing dimension at most $\epsilon$.

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Weakly controlled Moran constructions and iterated functions systems in metric spaces

We study the Hausdorff measures of limit sets of weakly controlled Moran constructions in metric spaces. The separation of the construction pieces is closely related to the Hausdorff measure of the corresponding limit set. In particular, we investigate different separation conditions for semiconformal iterated function systems. Our work generalizes well known results on self-similar sets in metric spaces as well as results on controlled Moran constructions in Euclidean spaces.

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Dimension estimates for the boundary of planar Sobolev extension domains

We prove an asymptotically sharp dimension upper-bound for the boundary of bounded simply-connected planar Sobolev $W^{1,p}$-extension domains via the weak mean porosity of the boundary. The sharpness of our estimate is shown by examples.

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Approximation by uniform domains in doubling quasiconvex metric spaces

We show that any bounded domain in a doubling quasiconvex metric space can be approximated from inside and outside by uniform domains.

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Generalized Hausdorff dimension distortion in Euclidean spaces under Sobolev mappings

Abstract We investigate how the integrability of the derivatives of Orlicz–Sobolev mappings defined on open subsets of R n affect the sizes of the images of sets of Hausdorff dimension less than n. We measure the sizes of the image sets in terms of generalized Hausdorff measures.

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Isometric embeddings of snowflakes into finite-dimensional Banach spaces

We consider a general notion of snowflake of a metric space by composing the distance by a nontrivial concave function. We prove that a snowflake of a metric space $X$ isometrically embeds into some finite-dimensional normed space if and only if $X$ is finite. In the case of power functions we give a uniform bound on the cardinality of $X$ depending only on the power exponent and the dimension of the vector space.

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Euclidean spaces as weak tangents of infinitesimally Hilbertian metric spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below

We show that in any infinitesimally Hilbertian CD* (K,N)-space at almost every point there exists a Euclidean weak tangent, i.e., there exists a sequence of dilations of the space that converges to Euclidean space in the pointed measured Gromov-Hausdorff topology. The proof follows by considering iterated tangents and the splitting theorem for infinitesimally Hilbertian CD* (0,N)-spaces.

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Assouad dimension, Nagata dimension, and uniformly close metric tangents

We study the Assouad dimension and the Nagata dimension of metric spaces. As a general result, we prove that the Nagata dimension of a metric space is always bounded from above by the Assouad dimension. Most of the paper is devoted to the study of when these metric dimensions of a metric space are locally given by the dimensions of its metric tangents. Having uniformly close tangents is not sufficient. What is needed in addition is either that the tangents have dimension with uniform constants independent from the point and the tangent, or that the tangents are unique. We will apply our results to equiregular subRiemannian manifolds and show that locally their Nagata dimension equals the to…

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Characterisation of upper gradients on the weighted Euclidean space and applications

In the context of Euclidean spaces equipped with an arbitrary Radon measure, we prove the equivalence among several different notions of Sobolev space present in the literature and we characterise the minimal weak upper gradient of all Lipschitz functions.

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Radon–Nikodym Property and Area Formula for Banach Homogeneous Group Targets

We prove a Rademacher-type theorem for Lipschitz mappings from a subset of a Carnot group to a Banach homogeneous group, equipped with a suitably weakened Radon-Nikodym property. We provide a metric area formula that applies to these mappings and more generally to all almost everywhere metrically differentiable Lipschitz mappings defined on a Carnot group. peerReviewed

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Indecomposable sets of finite perimeter in doubling metric measure spaces

We study a measure-theoretic notion of connectedness for sets of finite perimeter in the setting of doubling metric measure spaces supporting a weak $(1,1)$-Poincar\'{e} inequality. The two main results we obtain are a decomposition theorem into indecomposable sets and a characterisation of extreme points in the space of BV functions. In both cases, the proof we propose requires an additional assumption on the space, which is called isotropicity and concerns the Hausdorff-type representation of the perimeter measure.

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Failure of the local-to-global property for CD(K,N) spaces

Given any K and N we show that there exists a compact geodesic metric measure space satisfying locally the CD(0,4) condition but failing CD(K,N) globally. The space with this property is a suitable non convex subset of R^2 equipped with the l^\infty-norm and the Lebesgue measure. Combining many such spaces gives a (non compact) complete geodesic metric measure space satisfying CD(0,4) locally but failing CD(K,N) globally for every K and N.

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Thin and fat sets for doubling measures in metric spaces

We consider sets in uniformly perfect metric spaces which are null for every doubling measure of the space or which have positive measure for all doubling measures. These sets are called thin and fat, respectively. In our main results, we give sufficient conditions for certain cut-out sets being thin or fat.

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Optimal maps and exponentiation on finite dimensional spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below

We prove existence and uniqueness of optimal maps on $RCD^*(K,N)$ spaces under the assumption that the starting measure is absolutely continuous. We also discuss how this result naturally leads to the notion of exponentiation.

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Bi-Lipschitz invariance of planar BV- and W1,1-extension domains

We prove that a bi-Lipschitz image of a planar $BV$-extension domain is also a $BV$-extension domain, and that a bi-Lipschitz image of a planar $W^{1,1}$-extension domain is again a $W^{1,1}$-extension domain.

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Products of snowflaked Euclidean lines are not minimal for looking down

We show that products of snowflaked Euclidean lines are not minimal for looking down. This question was raised in Fractured fractals and broken dreams, Problem 11.17, by David and Semmes. The proof uses arguments developed by Le Donne, Li and Rajala to prove that the Heisenberg group is not minimal for looking down. By a method of shortcuts, we define a new distance $d$ such that the product of snowflaked Euclidean lines looks down on $(\mathbb R^N,d)$, but not vice versa.

research product

Local multifractal analysis in metric spaces

We study the local dimensions and local multifractal properties of measures on doubling metric spaces. Our aim is twofold. On one hand, we show that there are plenty of multifractal type measures in all metric spaces which satisfy only mild regularity conditions. On the other hand, we consider a local spectrum that can be used to gain finer information on the local behaviour of measures than its global counterpart.

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A function whose graph has positive doubling measure

We show that a doubling measure on the plane can give positive measure to the graph of a continuous function. This answers a question by Wang, Wen and Wen. Moreover we show that the doubling constant of the measure can be chosen to be arbitrarily close to the doubling constant of the Lebesgue measure.

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Generalized Dimension Distortion under Mappings of Sub-Exponentially Integrable Distortion

We prove a dimension distortion estimate for mappings of sub-exponentially integrable distortion in Euclidean spaces, which is essentially sharp in the plane.

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A Density Result for Homogeneous Sobolev Spaces on Planar Domains

We show that in a bounded simply connected planar domain $\Omega$ the smooth Sobolev functions $W^{k,\infty}(\Omega)\cap C^\infty(\Omega)$ are dense in the homogeneous Sobolev spaces $L^{k,p}(\Omega)$.

research product

Riemannian Ricci curvature lower bounds in metric measure spaces with σ-finite measure

In a prior work of the first two authors with Savar´e, a new Riemannian notion of a lower bound for Ricci curvature in the class of metric measure spaces (X, d, m) was introduced, and the corresponding class of spaces was denoted by RCD(K,∞). This notion relates the CD(K, N) theory of Sturm and Lott-Villani, in the case N = ∞, to the Bakry-Emery approach. In this prior work the RCD(K,∞) property is defined in three equivalent ways and several properties of RCD(K,∞) spaces, including the regularization properties of the heat flow, the connections with the theory of Dirichlet forms and the stability under tensor products, are provided. In the above-mentioned work only finite reference measure…

research product

Porosity and dimension of sets and measures

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Slopes of Kantorovich potentials and existence of optimal transport maps in metric measure spaces

We study optimal transportation with the quadratic cost function in geodesic metric spaces satisfying suitable non-branching assumptions. We introduce and study the notions of slope along curves and along geodesics and we apply the latter to prove suitable generalizations of Brenier's theorem of existence of optimal maps.

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Tensorization of quasi-Hilbertian Sobolev spaces

The tensorization problem for Sobolev spaces asks for a characterization of how the Sobolev space on a product metric measure space $X\times Y$ can be determined from its factors. We show that two natural descriptions of the Sobolev space from the literature coincide, $W^{1,2}(X\times Y)=J^{1,2}(X,Y)$, thus settling the tensorization problem for Sobolev spaces in the case $p=2$, when $X$ and $Y$ are infinitesimally quasi-Hilbertian, i.e. the Sobolev space $W^{1,2}$ admits an equivalent renorming by a Dirichlet form. This class includes in particular metric measure spaces $X,Y$ of finite Hausdorff dimension as well as infinitesimally Hilbertian spaces. More generally for $p\in (1,\infty)$ we…

research product

A density problem for Sobolev spaces on Gromov hyperbolic domains

We prove that for a bounded domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$ which is Gromov hyperbolic with respect to the quasihyperbolic metric, especially when $\Omega$ is a finitely connected planar domain, the Sobolev space $W^{1,\,\infty}(\Omega)$ is dense in $W^{1,\,p}(\Omega)$ for any $1\le p<\infty$. Moreover if $\Omega$ is also Jordan or quasiconvex, then $C^{\infty}(\mathbb R^n)$ is dense in $W^{1,\,p}(\Omega)$ for $1\le p<\infty$.

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A density result on Orlicz-Sobolev spaces in the plane

We show the density of smooth Sobolev functions $W^{k,\infty}(\Omega)\cap C^\infty(\Omega)$ in the Orlicz-Sobolev spaces $L^{k,\Psi}(\Omega)$ for bounded simply connected planar domains $\Omega$ and doubling Young functions $\Psi$.

research product

L∞ estimates in optimal mass transportation

We show that in any complete metric space the probability measures μ with compact and connected support are the ones having the property that the optimal transportation distance to any other probability measure ν living on the support of μ is bounded below by a positive function of the L∞ transportation distance between μ and ν. The function giving the lower bound depends only on the lower bound of the μ-measures of balls centered at the support of μ and on the cost function used in the optimal transport. We obtain an essentially sharp form of this function. In the case of strictly convex cost functions we show that a similar estimate holds on the level of optimal transport plans if and onl…

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Planar Sobolev homeomorphisms and Hausdorff dimension distortion

We investigate how planar Sobolev-Orlicz homeomorphisms map sets of Hausdorff dimension less than two. With the correct gauge functions the generalized Hausdorff measures of the image sets are shown to be zero.

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Multi-marginal entropy-transport with repulsive cost

In this paper we study theoretical properties of the entropy-transport functional with repulsive cost functions. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence of a minimizer in a class of metric spaces and prove the $\Gamma$-convergence of the entropy-transport functional to a multi-marginal optimal transport problem with a repulsive cost. We also prove the entropy-regularized version of the Kantorovich duality.

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Strong BV-extension and W1,1-extension domains

We show that a bounded domain in a Euclidean space is a $W^{1,1}$-extension domain if and only if it is a strong $BV$-extension domain. In the planar case, bounded and strong $BV$-extension domains are shown to be exactly those $BV$-extension domains for which the set $\partial\Omega \setminus \bigcup_{i} \overline{\Omega}_i$ is purely $1$-unrectifiable, where $\Omega_i$ are the open connected components of $\mathbb{R}^2\setminus\overline{\Omega}$.

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Tangent lines and Lipschitz differentiability spaces

We study the existence of tangent lines, i.e. subsets of the tangent space isometric to the real line, in tangent spaces of metric spaces. We first revisit the almost everywhere metric differentiability of Lipschitz continuous curves. We then show that any blow-up done at a point of metric differentiability and of density one for the domain of the curve gives a tangent line. Metric differentiability enjoys a Borel measurability property and this will permit us to use it in the framework of Lipschitz differentiability spaces. We show that any tangent space of a Lipschitz differentiability space contains at least $n$ distinct tangent lines, obtained as the blow-up of $n$ Lipschitz curves, whe…

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Removable sets for intrinsic metric and for holomorphic functions

We study the subsets of metric spaces that are negligible for the infimal length of connecting curves; such sets are called metrically removable. In particular, we show that every totally disconnected set with finite Hausdorff measure of codimension 1 is metrically removable, which answers a question raised by Hakobyan and Herron. The metrically removable sets are shown to be related to other classes of "thin" sets that appeared in the literature. They are also related to the removability problems for classes of holomorphic functions with restrictions on the derivative.

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Non-branching geodesics and optimal maps in strong CD(K,∞) -spaces

We prove that in metric measure spaces where the entropy functional is Kconvex along every Wasserstein geodesic any optimal transport between two absolutely continuous measures with finite second moments lives on a non-branching set of geodesics. As a corollary we obtain that in these spaces there exists only one optimal transport plan between any two absolutely continuous measures with finite second moments and this plan is given by a map. The results are applicable in metric measure spaces having Riemannian Ricci curvature bounded below, and in particular they hold also for Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below by some constant. peerReview…

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Duality theory for multi-marginal optimal transport with repulsive costs in metric spaces

In this paper we extend the duality theory of the multi-marginal optimal transport problem for cost functions depending on a decreasing function of the distance (not necessarily bounded). This class of cost functions appears in the context of SCE Density Functional Theory introduced in "Strong-interaction limit of density-functional theory" by M. Seidl.

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