

General relativistic simulations of pasive-magneto-rotational core collapse with microphysics

Harald DimmelmeierPablo Cerdá-duránJosé A. Font


Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)General relativityRotational symmetryFOS: Physical sciencesGravitation ; Hydrodynamics ; Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) ; Numerical ; Stars ; Supernovae ; RelativityAstrophysicsGeneral Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)UNESCO::ASTRONOMÍA Y ASTROFÍSICAAstrophysicsInstabilityGeneral Relativity and Quantum CosmologyRelativityStellar evolutionPhysicsNumericalMicrophysicsAstrophysics (astro-ph)Astronomy and AstrophysicsStars:ASTRONOMÍA Y ASTROFÍSICA::Cosmología y cosmogonia [UNESCO]Magnetic fieldComputational physicsNeutron starSupernovaeSpace and Planetary ScienceHydrodynamicsUNESCO::ASTRONOMÍA Y ASTROFÍSICA::Cosmología y cosmogonia:ASTRONOMÍA Y ASTROFÍSICA [UNESCO]DynamoGravitation


This paper presents results from axisymmetric simulations of magneto-rotational stellar core collapse to neutron stars in general relativity using the passive field approximation for the magnetic field. These simulations are performed using a new general relativistic numerical code specifically designed to study this astrophysical scenario. The code is based on the conformally-flat approximation of Einstein's field equations and conservative formulations of the magneto-hydrodynamics equations. The code has been recently upgraded to incorporate a tabulated, microphysical equation of state and an approximate deleptonization scheme. This allows us to perform the most realistic simulations of magneto-rotational core collapse to date, which are compared with simulations employing a simplified (hybrid) equation of state, widely used in the relativistic core collapse community. Furthermore, state-of-the-art (unmagnetized) initial models from stellar evolution are used. In general, stellar evolution models predict weak magnetic fields in the progenitors, which justifies our simplification of performing the computations under the approach that we call the passive field approximation for the magnetic field. Our results show that for the core collapse models with microphysics the saturation of the magnetic field cannot be reached within dynamical time scales by winding up the poloidal magnetic field into a toroidal one. We estimate the effect of other amplification mechanisms including the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) and several types of dynamos.
