Pablo Cerdá-durán


GW170817: Implications for the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Compact Binary Coalescences

The LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations have announced the first detection of gravitational waves from the coalescence of two neutron stars. The merger rate of binary neutron stars estimated from this event suggests that distant, unresolvable binary neutron stars create a significant astrophysical stochastic gravitational-wave background. The binary neutron star background will add to the background from binary black holes, increasing the amplitude of the total astrophysical background relative to previous expectations. In the Advanced LIGO-Virgo frequency band most sensitive to stochastic backgrounds (near 25 Hz), we predict a total astrophysical background with amplitude $\Omega_{\rm…

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Are pulsars born with a hidden magnetic field?

The observation of several neutron stars in the center of supernova remnants and with significantly lower values of the dipolar magnetic field than the average radio-pulsar population has motivated a lively debate about their formation and origin, with controversial interpretations. A possible explanation requires the slow rotation of the proto-neutron star at birth, which is unable to amplify its magnetic field to typical pulsar levels. An alternative possibility, the hidden magnetic field scenario, considers the accretion of the fallback of the supernova debris onto the neutron star as responsible for the submergence (or screening) of the field and its apparently low value. In this paper …

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Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein's revolution

This volume presents the proceedings of the international scientific conference ''Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2014): almost 100 years after Einstein's revolution''. The conference was devoted to discussing the current state-of-the-art of a wide variety of topics of research in the fields of Gravitation and General Relativity in the ''pre-centennial'' year of General Relativity. The name of the conference was chosen to highlight the importance of the upcoming one hundredth anniversary of Einstein's theory of General Relativity, officially established by the Internal Society on General Relativity and Gravitation in November 25th, 2015. In particular, the conference was organized along thr…

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On the Measurements of Numerical Viscosity and Resistivity in Eulerian MHD Codes

We propose a simple ansatz for estimating the value of the numerical resistivity and the numerical viscosity of any Eulerian MHD code. We test this ansatz with the help of simulations of the propagation of (magneto)sonic waves, Alfven waves, and the tearing mode instability using the MHD code Aenus. By comparing the simu- lation results with analytical solutions of the resistive-viscous MHD equations and an empirical ansatz for the growth rate of tearing modes we measure the numerical viscosity and resistivity of Aenus. The comparison shows that the fast-magnetosonic speed and wavelength are the characteristic velocity and length, respectively, of the aforementioned (relatively simple) syst…

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Gravitational wave signature of proto-neutron star convection: I. MHD numerical simulations

Gravitational waves provide a unique and powerful opportunity to constrain the dynamics in the interior of proto-neutron stars during core collapse supernovae. Convective motions play an important role in generating neutron stars magnetic fields, which could explain magnetar formation in the presence of fast rotation. We compute the gravitational wave emission from proto-neutron star convection and its associated dynamo, by post-processing three-dimensional MHD simulations of a model restricted to the convective zone in the anelastic approximation. We consider two different proto-neutron star structures representative of early times (with a convective layer) and late times (when the star is…

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Modulating magnetar emission by magneto-elastic oscillations

We present a new numerical tool to calculate the emission of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) and apply it to describe the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in magnetar giant flares. In previous work we have developed a model of magneto-elastic oscillations of magnetars that allows to reproduce the observed frequencies. These QPOs can couple to the star's exterior through the magnetic field and induce currents in the magnetosphere that provide scattering targets for resonant cyclotron scattering of the photons. The scattering is calculated with a Monte-Carlo approach and it is coupled to a code that calculates the momentum distribution of the charge carriers as an one-d…

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Non-Gaussian Signatures in the Lens Deformations of the CMB Sky. A New Ray-Tracing Procedure

We work in the framework of an inflationary cold dark matter universe with cosmological constant, in which the cosmological inhomogeneities are considered as gravitational lenses for the CMB photons. This lensing deforms the angular distribution of the CMB maps in such a way that the induced deformations are not Gaussian. Our main goal is the estimation of the deviations with respect to Gaussianity appeared in the distribution of deformations. In the new approach used in this paper, matter is evolved with a particle-mesh N-body code and, then, an useful ray-tracing technique designed to calculate the correlations of the lens deformations induced by nonlinear structures is applied. Our appro…

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Imprints of superfluidity on magnetoelastic quasiperiodic oscillations of soft gamma-ray repeaters.

Our numerical simulations show that axisymmetric, torsional, magnetoelastic oscillations of magnetars with a superfluid core can explain the whole range of observed quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) in the giant flares of soft gamma-ray repeaters. There exist constant phase QPOs at $f\ensuremath{\lesssim}150\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{Hz}$ and resonantly excited high-frequency QPOs ($fg500\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{Hz}$), in good agreement with observations. The range of magnetic field strengths required to match the observed QPO frequencies agrees with that from spin-down estimates. These results suggest that there is at least one superfluid species in magnetar cores.

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Crust-magnetosphere coupling during magnetar evolution and implications for the surface temperature

We study the coupling of the force-free magnetosphere to the long-term internal evolution of a magnetar. We allow the relation between the poloidal and toroidal stream functions - that characterizes the magnetosphere - to evolve freely without constraining its particular form. We find that, on time-scales of the order of kyr, the energy stored in the magnetosphere gradually increases, as the toroidal region grows and the field lines expand outwards. This continues until a critical point is reached beyond which force-free solutions for the magnetosphere can no longer be constructed, likely leading to some large-scale magnetospheric reorganization. The energy budget available for such events …

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All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown neutron stars in binary systems

Rapidly spinning neutron stars are promising sources of continuous gravitational waves. Detecting such a signal would allow probing of the physical properties of matter under extreme conditions. A significant fraction of the known pulsar population belongs to binary systems. Searching for unknown neutron stars in binary systems requires specialized algorithms to address unknown orbital frequency modulations. We present a search for continuous gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars in binary systems in early data from the third observing run of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors using the semicoherent, GPU-accelerated, binaryskyhough pipeline. The search analyzes the most s…

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Termination of the magnetorotational instability via parasitic instabilities in core-collapse supernovae

The magnetorotational instability (MRI) can be a powerful mechanism amplifying the magnetic field in core-collapse supernovae. Whether initially weak magnetic fields can be amplified by this instability to dynamically relevant strengths is still a matter of debate. One of the main uncertainties concerns the process that terminates the growth of the instability. Parasitic instabilities of both Kelvin-Helmholtz and tearing-mode type have been suggested to play a crucial role in this process, disrupting MRI channel flows and quenching magnetic field amplification. We perform two-dimensional and three-dimensional sheering-disc simulations of a differentially rotating protoneutron star layer in …

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Universal Relations for Gravitational-Wave Asteroseismology of Protoneutron Stars

State-of-the-art numerical simulations of core-collapse supernovae reveal that the main source of gravitational waves is the excitation of proto-neutron star modes during post-bounce evolution. In this work we derive universal relations that relate the frequencies of the most common oscillation modes observed, i.e. g-modes, p-modes and the f-mode, with fundamental properties of the system, such as the surface gravity of the proto-neutron star or the mean density in the region enclosed by the shock. These relations are independent of the equation of state, the neutrino treatment, and the progenitor mass and hence can be used to build methods to infer proto-neutron star properties from gravit…

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Search for Tensor, Vector, and Scalar Polarizations in the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background

The detection of gravitational waves with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo has enabled novel tests of general relativity, including direct study of the polarization of gravitational waves. While general relativity allows for only two tensor gravitational-wave polarizations, general metric theories can additionally predict two vector and two scalar polarizations. The polarization of gravitational waves is encoded in the spectral shape of the stochastic gravitational-wave background, formed by the superposition of cosmological and individually-unresolved astrophysical sources. Using data recorded by Advanced LIGO during its first observing run, we search for a stochastic background of generic…

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Maximum mass and stability of differentially rotating neutrons stars

We present our study of stability of differentially rotating, axisymmetric neutron stars described by a polytropic equation of state with $\Gamma = 2$. We focus on quasi-toroidal solutions with a degree of differential rotation $\widetilde A=1$. Our results show that for a wide range of parameters hypermassive, quasi-toroidal neutron stars are dynamically stable against quasi-radial perturbations, which may have implications for newly born neutron stars and binary neutron stars mergers.

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General relativistic simulations of pasive-magneto-rotational core collapse with microphysics

This paper presents results from axisymmetric simulations of magneto-rotational stellar core collapse to neutron stars in general relativity using the passive field approximation for the magnetic field. These simulations are performed using a new general relativistic numerical code specifically designed to study this astrophysical scenario. The code is based on the conformally-flat approximation of Einstein's field equations and conservative formulations of the magneto-hydrodynamics equations. The code has been recently upgraded to incorporate a tabulated, microphysical equation of state and an approximate deleptonization scheme. This allows us to perform the most realistic simulations of m…

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Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs

We report results from searches for anisotropic stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from the first three observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. For the first time, we include Virgo data in our analysis and run our search with a new efficient pipeline called {\tt PyStoch} on data folded over one sidereal day. We use gravitational-wave radiometry (broadband and narrow band) to produce sky maps of stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds and to search for gravitational waves from point sources. A spherical harmonic decomposition method is employed to look for gravitational-wave emission from spatially-extended sources. Neither technique found eviden…

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All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the first Advanced LIGO observing run

Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-26T17:45:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2018-03-22 Australian Research Council Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India Department of Science and Technology, India Science AMP; Engineering Research Board (SERB), India Ministry of Human Resource Development, India Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion Vicepresidencia i Conselleria d'Innovacio, Recerca i Turisme Conselleria d'Educacio i Universitat del Govern de les Illes Balears Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana National Science Centre of Poland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Russian Foundation for Basic Rese…

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Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave observations – I. Cowling approximation

Gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae are produced by the excitation of different oscillation modes in the protoneutron star (PNS) and its surroundings, including the shock. In this work we study the relationship between the post-bounce oscillation spectrum of the PNS–shock system and the characteristic frequencies observed in gravitational-wave signals from core-collapse simulations. This is a fundamental first step in order to develop a procedure to infer astrophysical parameters of the PNS formed in core-collapse supernovae. Our method combines information from the oscillation spectrum of the PNS, obtained through linear perturbation analysis in general relativity of a backgr…

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Tests of General Relativity with GW170817

The recent discovery by Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo of a gravitational wave signal from a binary neutron star inspiral has enabled tests of general relativity (GR) with this new type of source. This source, for the first time, permits tests of strong-field dynamics of compact binaries in presence of matter. In this paper, we place constraints on the dipole radiation and possible deviations from GR in the post-Newtonian coefficients that govern the inspiral regime. Bounds on modified dispersion of gravitational waves are obtained; in combination with information from the observed electromagnetic counterpart we can also constrain effects due to large extra dimensions. Finally, the polari…

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Erratum: “Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in 2015–2017 LIGO Data” (2019, ApJ, 879, 10)

Two analysis errors have been identified that affect the results for a handful of the high-value pulsars given in Table 1 of Abbott et al. (2019). One affects the Bayesian analysis for the five pulsars that glitched during the analysis period, and the other affects the 5n-vector analysis for J0711-6830. Updated results after correcting the errors are shown in Table 1, which now supersedes the results given for those pulsars in Table 1 of Abbott et al. (2019). Updated versions of figures can be seen in Figures 1-4. Bayesian analysis.-For the glitching pulsars, the signal phase evolution caused by the glitch was wrongly applied twice and was therefore not consistent with our expected model of…

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Status of Advanced Virgo

The LIGO and the Virgo collaborations have recently announced the first detections of Gravitational Waves. Due to their weak amplitude, Gravitational Waves are expected to produce a very small effect on free-falling masses, which undergo a displacement of the order of 10-18 m for a Km-scale mutual distance. This discovery showed that interferometric detectors are suitable to reveal such a feeble effect, and therefore represent a new tool for astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology in the understanding of the Universe. To better reconstruct the position of the Gravitational Wave source and increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the events by means of multiple coincidence, a network of detectors…

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The transient gravitational-wave sky

Interferometric detectors will very soon give us an unprecedented view of the gravitational-wave sky, and in particular of the explosive and transient Universe. Now is the time to challenge our theoretical understanding of short-duration gravitational-wave signatures from cataclysmic events, their connection to more traditional electromagnetic and particle astrophysics, and the data analysis techniques that will make the observations a reality. This paper summarizes the state of the art, future science opportunities, and current challenges in understanding gravitational-wave transients.

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Partially Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Wave-Like Equations

Runge-Kutta methods are used to integrate in time systems of differential equations. Implicit methods are designed to overcome numerical instabilities appearing during the evolution of a system of equations. We will present partially implicit Runge-Kutta methods for a particular structure of equations, generalization of a wave equation; the partially implicit term refers to this structure, where the implicit term appears only in a subset of the system of equations. These methods do not require any inversion of operators and the computational costs are similar to those of explicit Runge-Kutta methods. Partially implicit Runge-Kutta methods are derived up to third-order of convergence. We ana…

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Imprints of superfluidity on magneto-elastic QPOs of SGRs

Our numerical simulations show that axisymmetric, torsional, magneto-elastic oscillations of magnetars with a superfluid core can explain the whole range of observed quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the giant flares of soft gamma-ray repeaters. There exist constant phase, magneto-elastic QPOs at both low (f<150 Hz) and high frequencies (f>500 Hz), in full agreement with observations. The range of magnetic field strengths required to match the observed QPO frequencies agrees with that from spin-down estimates. These results strongly suggest that neutrons in magnetar cores are superfluid.

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Magneto-elastic oscillations of neutron stars: exploring different magnetic field configurations

We study magneto-elastic oscillations of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) which have been proposed as an explanation for the quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) appearing in the decaying tail of the giant flares of soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs). We extend previous studies by investigating various magnetic field configurations, computing the Alfv��n spectrum in each case and performing magneto-elastic simulations for a selected number of models. By identifying the observed frequencies of 28 Hz (SGR 1900+14) and 30 Hz (SGR 1806-20) with the fundamental Alfv��n QPOs, we estimate the required surface magnetic field strength. For the magnetic field configurations investigated (dipole…

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Termination of the MRI via parasitic instabilities in core-collapse supernovae: influence of numerical methods

We study the influence of numerical methods and grid resolution on the termination of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) by means of parasitic instabilities in three-dimensional shearing-disc simulations reproducing typical conditions found in core-collapse supernovae. Whether or not the MRI is able to amplify weak magnetic fields in this context strongly depends, among other factors, on the amplitude at which its growth terminates. The qualitative results of our study do not depend on the numerical scheme. In all our models, MRI termination is caused by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, consistent with theoretical predictions. Quantitatively, however, there are differences, but numerica…

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Improved constrained scheme for the Einstein equations: An approach to the uniqueness issue

Uniqueness problems in the elliptic sector of constrained formulations of Einstein equations have a dramatic effect on the physical validity of some numerical solutions, for instance when calculating the spacetime of very compact stars or nascent black holes. The fully constrained formulation (FCF) proposed by Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon, Grandcl\'ement, and Novak is one of these formulations. It contains, as a particular case, the approximation of the conformal flatness condition (CFC) which, in the last ten years, has been used in many astrophysical applications. The elliptic part of the FCF basically shares the same differential operators as the elliptic equations in CFC scheme. We present he…

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Magneto‐elastic oscillations modulating the emission of magnetars

Magneto-elastic oscillations of neutron stars are believed to explain observed quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the decaying tail of the giant flares of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars). Strong efforts of the theoretical modelling from different groups have increased our understanding of this phenomenon significantly. Here, we discuss some constraints on the matter in neutron stars that arise if the interpretation of the observations in terms of superfluid, magneto-elastic oscillations is correct. To explain the observed modulation of the light curve of the giant flare, we describe a model that allows the QPOs to couple to the stellar exterior through the magnetic field. In …

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Gravitational waves in Fully Constrained Formulation in a dynamical spacetime with matter content

We analyze numerically the behaviour of the hyperbolic sector of the Fully Constrained Formulation (FCF) (Bonazzola et al. 2004). The numerical experiments allow us to be confident in the performances of the upgraded version of the CoCoNuT code (Dimmelmeier et al. 2005) by replacing the Conformally Flat Condition (CFC), an approximation of Einstein equations, by FCF. First gravitational waves in FCF in a dynamical spacetime with matter content will be shown.

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GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of 150  M⊙

LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration: et al.

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Prospects for the inference of inertial modes from hypermassive neutron stars with future gravitational-wave detectors

Some recent, long-term numerical simulations of binary neutron star mergers have shown that the long-lived remnants produced in such mergers might be affected by convective instabilities. Those would trigger the excitation of inertial modes, providing a potential method to improve our understanding of the rotational and thermal properties of neutron stars through the analysis of the modes' imprint in the late post-merger gravitational-wave signal. In this paper we assess the detectability of those modes by injecting numerically generated post-merger waveforms into colored Gaussian noise of second-generation and future detectors. Signals are recovered using BayesWave, a Bayesian data-analysi…

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Computational general relativistic force-free electrodynamics

General relativistic force-free electrodynamics is one possible plasma-limit employed to analyze energetic outflows in which strong magnetic fields are dominant over all inertial phenomena. The amazing images of black hole shadows from the galactic center and the M87 galaxy provide a first direct glimpse into the physics of accretion flows in the most extreme environments of the universe. The efficient extraction of energy in the form of collimated outflows or jets from a rotating BH is directly linked to the topology of the surrounding magnetic field. We aim at providing a tool to numerically model the dynamics of such fields in magnetospheres around compact objects, such as black holes an…

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Relativistic MHD simulations of stellar core collapse and magnetars

We present results from simulations of magneto-rotational stellar core collapse along with Alfven oscillations in magnetars. These simulations are performed with the CoCoA/CoCoNuT code, which is able to handle ideal MHD flows in dynamical spacetimes in general relativity. Our core collapse simulations highlight the importance of genuine magnetic effects, like the magneto-rotational instability, for the dynamics of the flow. For the modelling of magnetars we use the anelastic approximation to general relativistic MHD, which allows for an effective suppression of fluid modes and an accurate description of Alfven waves. We further compute Alfven oscillation frequencies along individual magneti…

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Estimation of the mechanical properties of the eye through the study of its vibrational modes.

Measuring the eye's mechanical properties in vivo and with minimally invasive techniques can be the key for individualized solutions to a number of eye pathologies. The development of such techniques largely relies on a computational modelling of the eyeball and, it optimally requires the synergic interplay between experimentation and numerical simulation. In Astrophysics and Geophysics the remote measurement of structural properties of the systems of their realm is performed on the basis of (helio-)seismic techniques. As a biomechanical system, the eyeball possesses normal vibrational modes encompassing rich information about its structure and mechanical properties. However, the integral a…

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Computational general relativistic force-free electrodynamics

Scientific codes are an indispensable link between theory and experiment; in (astro-)plasma physics, such numerical tools are one window into the universe's most extreme flows of energy. The discretization of Maxwell's equations - needed to make highly magnetized (astro)physical plasma amenable to its numerical modeling - introduces numerical diffusion. It acts as a source of dissipation independent of the system's physical constituents. Understanding the numerical diffusion of scientific codes is the key to classify their reliability. It gives specific limits in which the results of numerical experiments are physical. We aim at quantifying and characterizing the numerical diffusion propert…

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Advanced Virgo Status

Abstract The detection of a gravitational wave signal in September 2015 by LIGO interferometers, announced jointly by LIGO collaboration and Virgo collaboration in February 2016, opened a new era in Astrophysics and brought to the whole community a new way to look at - or “listen” to - the Universe. In this regard, the next big step was the joint observation with at least three detectors at the same time. This configuration provides a twofold benefit: it increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the events by means of triple coincidence and allows a narrower pinpointing of GW sources, and, in turn, the search for Electromagnetic counterparts to GW signals. Advanced Virgo (AdV) is the second ge…

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Can fermion-boson stars reconcile multi-messenger observations of compact stars?

Mixed fermion-boson stars are stable, horizonless, everywhere regular solutions of the coupled Einstein-(complex, massive) Klein-Gordon-Euler system. While isolated neutron stars and boson stars are uniquely determined by their central energy density, mixed configurations conform an extended parameter space that depends on the combination of the number of fermions and (ultra-light) bosons. The wider possibilities offered by fermion-boson stars could help explain the tension in the measurements of neutron star masses and radii reported in recent multi-messenger observations and nuclear-physics experiments. In this work we construct equilibrium configurations of mixed fermion-boson stars with…

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Magneto-elastic oscillations and the damping of crustal shear modes in magnetars

In a realistic model of magneto-elastic oscillations in magnetars, we find that crustal shear oscillations, often invoked as an explanation of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) seen after giant flares in soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs), are damped by resonant absorption on timescales of at most 0.2s, for a lower limit on the dipole magnetic field strength of 5 10 13 G. At higher magnetic field strengths (typical in magnetars) the damping timescale is even shorter, as anticipated by earlier toy-models. We have investigated a range of equations of state and masses and if magnetars are dominated by a dipole magnetic field, our findings exclude torsional shear oscillations of the crust from ex…

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First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data

Spinning neutron stars asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis are potential sources of continuous gravitational waves for ground-based interferometric detectors. In the case of known pulsars a fully coherent search, based on matched filtering, which uses the position and rotational parameters obtained from electromagnetic observations, can be carried out. Matched filtering maximizes the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio, but a large sensitivity loss is expected in case of even a very small mismatch between the assumed and the true signal parameters. For this reason, {\it narrow-band} analyses methods have been developed, allowing a fully coherent search for gravitational waves from known …

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Nonlinear dynamics of spinning bosonic stars: formation and stability

We perform numerical evolutions of the fully non-linear Einstein-(complex, massive)Klein-Gordon and Einstein-(complex)Proca systems, to assess the formation and stability of spinning bosonic stars. In the scalar/vector case these are known as boson/Proca stars. Firstly, we consider the formation scenario. Starting with constraint-obeying initial data, describing a dilute, axisymmetric cloud of spinning scalar/Proca field, gravitational collapse towards a spinning star occurs, via gravitational cooling. In the scalar case the formation is transient, even for a non-perturbed initial cloud; a non-axisymmetric instability always develops ejecting all the angular momentum from the scalar star. I…

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GW170814: A Three-Detector Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Coalescence

On August 14, 2017 at 10 30:43 UTC, the Advanced Virgo detector and the two Advanced LIGO detectors coherently observed a transient gravitational-wave signal produced by the coalescence of two stellar mass black holes, with a false-alarm rate of 1 in 27 000 years. The signal was observed with a three-detector network matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 18. The inferred masses of the initial black holes are 30.5-3.0+5.7M and 25.3-4.2+2.8M (at the 90% credible level). The luminosity distance of the source is 540-210+130 Mpc, corresponding to a redshift of z=0.11-0.04+0.03. A network of three detectors improves the sky localization of the source, reducing the area of the 90% credible regio…

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Coherent magneto-elastic oscillations in superfluid magnetars

We study the effect of superfluidity on torsional oscillations of highly magnetised neutron stars (magnetars) with a microphysical equation of state by means of two-dimensional, magnetohydrodynamical- elastic simulations. The superfluid properties of the neutrons in the neutron star core are treated in a parametric way in which we effectively decouple part of the core matter from the oscillations. Our simulations confirm the existence of two groups of oscillations, namely continuum oscillations that are confined to the neutron star core and are of Alfv\'enic character, and global oscillations with constant phase and that are of mixed magneto-elastic type. The latter might explain the quasi-…

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The force-free twisted magnetosphere of a neutron star – II. Degeneracies of the Grad–Shafranov equation

We extend our previous study of equilibrium solutions of non-rotating force-free magnetospheres of neutron stars. We show that multiple solutions exist for the same sets of parameters, implying that the solutions are degenerate. We are able to obtain configurations with disconnected field lines, however, in nearly all cases these correspond to degenerate higher energy solutions. We carry out a wide parametric search in order to understand the properties of the solutions. We confirm our previous results that the lower energy solutions have up to $\sim 25\%$ more energy than the vacuum case, helicity of the order of $\sim 5$ (in some defined units), maximum twist of $\sim 1.5$ rad, and a dipo…

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Dynamical spacetimes and gravitational radiation in a Fully Constrained Formulation

This contribution summarizes the recent work carried out to analyze the behavior of the hyperbolic sector of the Fully Constrained Formulation (FCF) derived in Bonazzola et al. 2004. The numerical experiments presented here allows one to be confident in the performances of the upgraded version of CoCoNuT's code by replacing the Conformally Flat Condition (CFC) approximation of the Einstein equations by the FCF.

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Constraining the p -Mode– g -Mode Tidal Instability with GW170817

We analyze the impact of a proposed tidal instability coupling p modes and g modes within neutron stars on GW170817. This nonresonant instability transfers energy from the orbit of the binary to internal modes of the stars, accelerating the gravitational-wave driven inspiral. We model the impact of this instability on the phasing of the gravitational wave signal using three parameters per star: An overall amplitude, a saturation frequency, and a spectral index. Incorporating these additional parameters, we compute the Bayes factor (lnB!pgpg) comparing our p-g model to a standard one. We find that the observed signal is consistent with waveform models that neglect p-g effects, with lnB!pgpg=…

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Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave observations - II. Spacetime perturbations

Improvements in ground-based, advanced gravitational wave (GW) detectors may allow in the near future to observe the GW signal of a nearby core-collapse supernova. For the most common type of progenitors, likely with slowly rotating cores, the dominant GW emission mechanisms are the post-bounce oscillations of the proto-neutron star (PNS) before the explosion. We present a new procedure to compute the eigenmodes of the system formed by the PNS and the stalled accretion shock in general relativity including spacetime perturbations. The new method improves on previous results by accounting for perturbations of both the lapse function and the conformal factor. We apply our analysis to two nume…

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The advanced Virgo longitudinal control system for the O2 observing run

Following a successful period of data-taking between 2006 and 2011, the Virgo gravitational-wave detector was taken offline for a major upgrade. The changes made to the instrument significantly increased the complexity of the control systems and meant that an extended period of commissioning was required to reach a sensitivity appropriate for science data-taking. This commissioning period was completed in July of 2017 and the second-generation Advanced Virgo detector went on to join the Advanced LIGO detectors in the O2 science run in August of the same year. The upgraded detector was approximately twice as sensitive to binary neutron star mergers as the first-generation instrument. During …

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Magnetoelastic oscillations of neutron stars with dipolar magnetic fields

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Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network

Gravitational wave astronomy has been firmly established with the detection of gravitational waves from the merger of ten stellar mass binary black holes and a neutron star binary. This paper reports on the all-sky search for gravitational waves from intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network. The search uses three independent algorithms: two based on matched filtering of the data with waveform templates of gravitational wave signals from compact binaries, and a third, model-independent algorithm that employs no signal model for the incoming signal. No intermediate mass black hole binary event was detected in this sear…

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A new general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics code for dynamical spacetimes

We present a new numerical code which solves the general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics (GRMHD) equations coupled to the Einstein equations for the evolution of a dynamical spacetime within the conformally-flat approximation. This code has been developed with the main objective of studying astrophysical scenarios in which both, high magnetic fields and strong gravitational fields appear, such as the magneto-rotational collapse of stellar cores, the collapsar model of GRBs, and the evolution of neutron stars. The code is based on an existing and thoroughly tested purely hydrodynamics code and on its extension to accommodate weakly magnetized fluids (passive magnetic field approximation).…

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Inference of proto-neutron star properties from gravitational-wave data in core-collapse supernovae

The eventual detection of gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae (CCSN) will help improve our current understanding of the explosion mechanism of massive stars. The stochastic nature of the late post-bounce gravitational wave signal due to the non-linear dynamics of the matter involved and the large number of degrees of freedom of the phenomenon make the source parameter inference problem very challenging. In this paper we take a step towards that goal and present a parameter estimation approach which is based on the gravitational waves associated with oscillations of proto-neutron stars (PNS). Numerical simulations of CCSN have shown that buoyancy-driven g-modes are responsible …

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The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing

The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) was studied within ESA M3 Cosmic Vision framework and participated in the final down-selection for a launch slot in 2022-2024. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument, LOFT will study the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions of accretion flows close to black holes and neutron stars, and the supra-nuclear densities in the interior of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, 10 m 2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1 deg collimated field of view) and a WideFi…

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On the equivalence between the Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi method and Richardson's non-stationary method

The Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi (SRJ) method is an extension of the classical Jacobi iterative method to solve linear systems of equations ($Au=b$) associated with elliptic problems. It inherits its robustness and accelerates its convergence rate computing a set of $P$ relaxation factors that result from a minimization problem. In a typical SRJ scheme, the former set of factors is employed in cycles of $M$ consecutive iterations until a prescribed tolerance is reached. We present the analytic form for the optimal set of relaxation factors for the case in which all of them are different, and find that the resulting algorithm is equivalent to a non-stationary generalized Richardson's method. …

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How to form a millisecond magnetar? Magnetic field amplification in protoneutron stars

Extremely strong magnetic fields of the order of $10^{15}\,{\rm G}$ are required to explain the properties of magnetars, the most magnetic neutron stars. Such a strong magnetic field is expected to play an important role for the dynamics of core-collapse supernovae, and in the presence of rapid rotation may power superluminous supernovae and hypernovae associated to long gamma-ray bursts. The origin of these strong magnetic fields remains, however, obscure and most likely requires an amplification over many orders of magnitude in the protoneutron star. One of the most promising agents is the magnetorotational instability (MRI), which can in principle amplify exponentially fast a weak initia…

research product

Gravitational waves in dynamical spacetimes with matter content in the fully constrained formulation

The Fully Constrained Formulation (FCF) of General Relativity is a novel framework introduced as an alternative to the hyperbolic formulations traditionally used in numerical relativity. The FCF equations form a hybrid elliptic-hyperbolic system of equations including explicitly the constraints. We present an implicit-explicit numerical algorithm to solve the hyperbolic part, whereas the elliptic sector shares the form and properties with the well known Conformally Flat Condition (CFC) approximation. We show the stability andconvergence properties of the numerical scheme with numerical simulations of vacuum solutions. We have performed the first numerical evolutions of the coupled system of…

research product

Instability of twisted magnetar magnetospheres

We present three-dimensional force-free electrodynamics simulations of magnetar magnetospheres that demonstrate the instability of certain degenerate, high energy equilibrium solutions of the Grad-Shafranov equation. This result indicates the existence of an unstable branch of twisted magnetospheric solutions and allows to formulate an instability criterion. The rearrangement of magnetic field lines as a consequence of this instability triggers the dissipation of up to 30% of the magnetospheric energy on a thin layer above the magnetar surface. During this process, we predict an increase of the mechanical stresses onto the stellar crust, which can potentially result in a global mechanical f…

research product

Hydromagnetic instabilities and magnetic field amplification in core collapse supernovae

Some of the most violent events in the universe, the gamma ray burst, could be related to the gravitational collapse of massive stellar cores. The recent association of long GRBs to some class of type Ic supernova seems to support this view. In such scenario fast rotation, strong magnetic fields and general relativistic effects are key ingredients. It is thus important to understand the mechanism that amplifies the magnetic field under that conditions. I present global simulations of the magneto-rotational collapse of stellar cores in general relativity and semi-global simulations of hydromagnetic instabilities under core collapse conditions. I discuss effect of the magneto-rotational insta…

research product

The force-free twisted magnetosphere of a neutron star

We present a detailed analysis of the properties of twisted, force-free magnetospheres of non-rotating neutron stars, which are of interest in the modelling of magnetar properties and evolution. In our models the magnetic field smoothly matches to a current-free (vacuum) solution at some large external radius, and they are specifically built to avoid pathological surface currents at any of the interfaces. By exploring a large range of parameters, we find a few remarkable general trends. We find that the total dipolar moment can be increased by up to $40\%$ with respect to a vacuum model with the same surface magnetic field, due to the contribution of magnetospheric currents to the global ma…

research product

Long-term evolution of the force-free twisted magnetosphere of a magnetar

We study the long-term quasi-steady evolution of the force-free magnetosphere of a magnetar coupled to its internal magnetic field. We find that magnetospheric currents can be maintained on long timescales of the order of thousands of years. Meanwhile, the energy, helicity and twist stored in the magnetosphere all gradually increase over the course of this evolution, until a critical point is reached, beyond which a force-free magnetosphere cannot be constructed. At this point, some large-scale magnetospheric rearrangement, possibly resulting in an outburst or a flare, must occur, releasing a large fraction of the stored energy, helicity and twist. After that, the quasi-steady evolution sho…

research product

Neutron Stars Formation and Core Collapse Supernovae

In the last decade there has been a remarkable increase in our knowledge about core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe), and the birthplace of neutron stars, from both the observational and the theoretical point of view. Since the 1930s, with the first systematic supernova search, the techniques for discovering and studying extragalactic SNe have improved. Many SNe have been observed, and some of them, have been followed through efficiently and with detail. Furthermore, there has been a significant progress in the theoretical modelling of the scenario, boosted by the arrival of new generations of supercomputers that have allowed to perform multidimensional numerical simulations with unprecedented …

research product

All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO O2 data

We present results of an all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves (CWs), which can be produced by fast-spinning neutron stars with an asymmetry around their rotation axis, using data from the second observing run of the Advanced LIGO detectors. We employ three different semi-coherent methods ($\textit{FrequencyHough}$, $\textit{SkyHough}$, and $\textit{Time-Domain $\mathcal{F}$-statistic}$) to search in a gravitational-wave frequency band from 20 to 1922 Hz and a first frequency derivative from $-1\times10^{-8}$ to $2\times10^{-9}$ Hz/s. None of these searches has found clear evidence for a CW signal, so we present upper limits on the gravitational-wave strain amplitude $h_0$ (the …

research product

Semi-global simulations of the magneto-rotational instability in core collapse supernovae

Possible effects of magnetic fields in core collapse supernovae rely on an efficient amplification of the weak pre-collapse fields. It has been suggested that the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) leads to rapid field growth. Although MRI studies exist for accretion discs, the application of their results to core collapse supernovae is inhibited as the physics of supernova cores is substantially different from that of accretion discs. We address the problem of growth and saturation of the MRI by means of semi-global simulations, which combine elements of global and local simulations by taking the presence of global background gradients into account and using a local computational grid. W…

research product

Time-domain effective-one-body gravitational waveforms for coalescing compact binaries with nonprecessing spins, tides and self-spin effects

We present TEOBResumS, a new effective-one-body (EOB) waveform model for nonprecessing (spin-aligned) and tidally interacting compact binaries.Spin-orbit and spin-spin effects are blended together by making use of the concept of centrifugal EOB radius. The point-mass sector through merger and ringdown is informed by numerical relativity (NR) simulations of binary black holes (BBH) computed with the SpEC and BAM codes. An improved, NR-based phenomenological description of the postmerger waveform is developed.The tidal sector of TEOBResumS describes the dynamics of neutron star binaries up to merger and incorporates a resummed attractive potential motivated by recent advances in the post-Newt…

research product

Numerically solving the relativistic Grad–Shafranov equation in Kerr spacetimes: numerical techniques

The study of the electrodynamics of static, axisymmetric and force-free Kerr magnetospheres relies vastly on solutions of the so called relativistic Grad-Shafranov equation (GSE). Different numerical approaches to the solution of the GSE have been introduced in the literature, but none of them has been fully assessed from the numerical point of view in terms of efficiency and quality of the solutions found. We present a generalization of these algorithms and give detailed background on the algorithmic implementation. We assess the numerical stability of the implemented algorithms and quantify the convergence of the presented methodology for the most established setups (split-monopole, parab…

research product

Magnetorotational Instability in Core-Collapse Supernovae

We discuss the relevance of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe). Our recent numerical studies show that in CCSNe, the MRI is terminated by parasitic instabilities of the Kelvin-Helmholtz type. To determine whether the MRI can amplify initially weak magnetic fields to dynamically relevant strengths in CCSNe, we performed three-dimensional simulations of a region close to the surface of a differentially rotating proto-neutron star in non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics with two different numerical codes. We find that under the conditions prevailing in proto-neutron stars, the MRI can amplify the magnetic field by (only) one order of magnitude. This severely …

research product

Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi method: improvements and applications

Elliptic partial differential equations (ePDEs) appear in a wide variety of areas of mathematics, physics and engineering. Typically, ePDEs must be solved numerically, which sets an ever growing demand for efficient and highly parallel algorithms to tackle their computational solution. The Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi (SRJ) is a promising class of methods, atypical for combining simplicity and efficiency, that has been recently introduced for solving linear Poisson-like ePDEs. The SRJ methodology relies on computing the appropriate parameters of a multilevel approach with the goal of minimizing the number of iterations needed to cut down the residuals below specified tolerances. The efficien…

research product

New methods for approximating general relativity in numerical simulations of stellar core collapse

We review various approaches to approximating general relativistic effects in hydrodynamic simulations of stellar core collapse and post-bounce evolution. Different formulations of a modified Newtonian gravitational potential are presented. Such an effective relativistic potential can be used in an otherwise standard Newtonian hydrodynamic code. An alternative approximation of general relativity is the assumption of conformal flatness for the three-metric, and its extension by adding second post-Newtonian order terms. Using a code which evolves the coupled system of metric and fluid equations, we apply the various approximation methods to numerically simulate axisymmetric models for the col…

research product

Gravitational-wave Constraints on the Equatorial Ellipticity of Millisecond Pulsars

We present a search for continuous gravitational waves from five radio pulsars, comprising three recycled pulsars (PSR J0437-4715, PSR J0711-6830, and PSR J0737-3039A) and two young pulsars: the Crab pulsar (J0534+2200) and the Vela pulsar (J0835-4510). We use data from the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo combined with data from their first and second observing runs. For the first time, we are able to match (for PSR J0437-4715) or surpass (for PSR J0711-6830) the indirect limits on gravitational-wave emission from recycled pulsars inferred from their observed spin-downs, and constrain their equatorial ellipticities to be less than 10-8. For each of the five pulsars, we perfor…

research product

New method to observe gravitational waves emitted by core collapse supernovae

While gravitational waves have been detected from mergers of binary black holes and binary neutron stars, signals from core collapse supernovae, the most energetic explosions in the modern Universe, have not been detected yet. Here we present a new method to analyse the data of the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA network to enhance the detection efficiency of this category of signals. The method takes advantage of a peculiarity of the gravitational wave signal emitted in the core collapse supernova and it is based on a classification procedure of the time-frequency images of the network data performed by a convolutional neural network trained to perform the task to recognize the signal. We validate …

research product

Efficient magnetic-field amplification due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in binary neutron star mergers

We explore magnetic-field amplification due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability during binary neutron star mergers. By performing high-resolution general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations with a resolution of $17.5$ m for $4$--$5$ ms after the onset of the merger on the Japanese supercomputer "K", we find that an initial magnetic field of moderate maximum strength $10^{13}$ G is amplified at least by a factor of $\approx 10^3$. We also explore the saturation of the magnetic-field energy and our result shows that it is likely to be $\gtrsim 4 \times 10^{50}$ erg, which is $\gtrsim 0.1\%$ of the bulk kinetic energy of the merging binary neutron stars.

research product

GW170817: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral

On August 17, 2017 at 12-41:04 UTC the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detectors made their first observation of a binary neutron star inspiral. The signal, GW170817, was detected with a combined signal-to-noise ratio of 32.4 and a false-alarm-rate estimate of less than one per 8.0×104 years. We infer the component masses of the binary to be between 0.86 and 2.26 M, in agreement with masses of known neutron stars. Restricting the component spins to the range inferred in binary neutron stars, we find the component masses to be in the range 1.17-1.60 M, with the total mass of the system 2.74-0.01+0.04M. The source was localized within a sky region of 28 deg2 (90% probabili…

research product

Magneto-elastic torsional oscillations of magnetars

We extend a general-relativistic ideal magneto-hydrodynamical code to include the effects of elasticity. Using this numerical tool we analyse the magneto-elastic oscillations of highly magnetised neutron stars (magnetars). In simulations without magnetic field we are able to recover the purely crustal shear oscillations within an accuracy of about a few per cent. For dipole magnetic fields between 5 x 10^13 and 10^15 G the Alfv\'en oscillations become modified substantially by the presence of the crust. Those quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) split into three families: Lower QPOs near the equator, Edge QPOs related to the last open field line and Upper QPOs at larger distance from the equa…

research product

A Gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo

This paper presents the gravitational-wave measurement of the Hubble constant (H 0) using the detections from the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detector network. The presence of the transient electromagnetic counterpart of the binary neutron star GW170817 led to the first standard-siren measurement of H 0. Here we additionally use binary black hole detections in conjunction with galaxy catalogs and report a joint measurement. Our updated measurement is H 0 = km s-1 Mpc-1 (68.3% of the highest density posterior interval with a flat-in-log prior) which is an improvement by a factor of 1.04 (about 4%) over the GW170817-only value of km s-1 Mpc-1. A significant …

research product

Evolutionary sequences of rotating protoneutron stars

We investigate the evolution of rigidly and differentially rotating protoneutron stars (PNSs) during the first twenty seconds of their life. We solve the equations describing stationary axisymmetric configurations in general relativity coupled to a finite temperature, relativistic equation of state, to obtain a sequence of quasi-equilibrium configurations describing the evolution of newly born neutron stars. Our estimates show that the scale of variation of the angular velocity in a PNSs is of the order of 7-10 km. We obtain the maximum rotation frequency that can be reached as the protoneutron stars deleptonizes and cools down, as well as other relevant parameters such as total angular mom…

research product

Dynamical bar-mode instability in spinning bosonic stars

Spinning bosonic stars (SBSs) can form from the gravitational collapse of a dilute cloud of scalar/Proca particles with nonzero angular momentum, via gravitational cooling. The scalar stars are, however, transient due to a nonaxisymmetric instability which triggers the loss of angular momentum. By contrast, no such instability was observed for the fundamental ( m = 1 ) Proca stars. In [N. Sanchis-Gual et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 221101 (2019)] we tentatively related the different stability properties to the different toroidal/spheroidal morphology of the scalar/Proca models. Here, we continue this investigation, using three-dimensional numerical-relativity simulations of the Einstein-(mas…

research product

All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the second Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run

We present the results of a search for short-duration gravitational-wave transients in the data from the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. We search for gravitational-wave transients with a duration of milliseconds to approximately one second in the 32-4096 Hz frequency band with minimal assumptions about the signal properties, thus targeting a wide variety of sources. We also perform a matched-filter search for gravitational-wave transients from cosmic string cusps for which the waveform is well-modeled. The unmodeled search detected gravitational waves from several binary black hole mergers which have been identified by previous analyses. No other significant event…

research product

Search for Subsolar-Mass Ultracompact Binaries in Advanced LIGO's First Observing Run

We present the first Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo search for ultracompact binary systems with component masses between 0.2 $M_\odot$ - 1.0 $M_\odot$ using data taken between September 12, 2015 and January 19, 2016. We find no viable gravitational wave candidates. Our null result constrains the coalescence rate of monochromatic (delta function) distributions of non-spinning (0.2 $M_\odot$, 0.2 $M_\odot$) ultracompact binaries to be less than $1.0 \times 10^6 \text{Gpc}^{-3} \text{yr}^{-1}$ and the coalescence rate of a similar distribution of (1.0 $M_\odot$, 1.0 $M_\odot$) ultracompact binaries to be less than $1.9 \times 10^4 \text{Gpc}^{-3} \text{yr}^{-1}$ (at 90 percent confidence). N…

research product

Deep learning algorithms for gravitational waves core-collapse supernova detection

The detection of gravitational waves from core-collapse supernova (CCSN) explosions is a challenging task, yet to be achieved, in which it is key the connection between multiple messengers, including neutrinos and electromagnetic signals. In this work, we present a method for detecting these kind of signals based on machine learning techniques. We tested its robustness by injecting signals in the real noise data taken by the Advanced LIGO-Virgo network during the second observation run, O2. We trained three newly developed convolutional neural networks using time-frequency images corresponding to injections of simulated phenomenological signals, which mimic the waveforms obtained in 3D nume…

research product

The impact of non-dipolar magnetic fields in core-collapse supernovae

The magnetic field is believed to play an important role in at least some core-collapse supernovae if its magnitude reaches $10^{15}\,\rm{G}$, which is a typical value for a magnetar. In the presence of fast rotation, such a strong magnetic field can drive powerful jet-like explosions if it has the large-scale coherence of a dipole. The topology of the magnetic field is, however, probably much more complex with strong multipolar and small-scale components and the consequences for the explosion are so far unclear. We investigate the effects of the magnetic field topology on the dynamics of core-collapse supernovae and the properties of forming proto-neutron star (PNS) by comparing pre-collap…

research product

Constraining properties of high-density matter in neutron stars with magneto-elastic oscillations

We discuss torsional oscillations of highly magnetised neutron stars (magnetars) using two-dimensional, magneto-elastic-hydrodynamical simulations. Our model is able to explain both the low- and high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in magnetars. The analysis of these oscillations provides constraints on the breakout magnetic-field strength, on the fundamental QPO frequency, and on the frequency of a particularly excited overtone. More importantly, we show how to use this information to generically constraint properties of high-density matter in neutron stars, employing Bayesian analysis. In spite of current uncertainties and computational approximations, our model-depe…

research product

Neutron stars formation and Core Collapse Supernovae

In the last decade there has been a remarkable increase in our knowledge about core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe), and the birthplace of neutron stars, from both the observational and the theoretical point of view. Since the 1930's, with the first systematic supernova search, the techniques for discovering and studying extragalactic SNe have improved. Many SNe have been observed, and some of them, have been followed through efficiently and with detail. Furthermore, there has been a significant progress in the theoretical modelling of the scenario, boosted by the arrival of new generations of supercomputers that have allowed to perform multidimensional numerical simulations with unprecedented…

research product

Towards relativistic simulations of magneto-rotational core collapse

We present a new general relativistic hydrodynamics code specifically designed to study magneto-rotational, relativistic, stellar core collapse. The code is an extension of an existing (and thoroughly tested) hydrodynamics code, which has been applied in the recent past to study relativistic rotational core collapse. It is based on the conformally-flat approximation of Einstein's field equations and conservative formulations for the magneto-hydrodynamics equations. As a first step towards magneto-rotational core collapse simulations the code assumes a passive (test) magnetic field. The paper is focused on the description of the technical details of the numerical implementation, with emphasi…

research product

Modulating the magnetosphere of magnetars by internal magneto-elastic oscillations

We couple internal torsional, magneto-elastic oscillations of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) to their magnetospheres. The corresponding axisymmetric perturbations of the external magnetic field configuration evolve as a sequence of linear, force-free equilibria that are completely determined by the background magnetic field configuration and by the perturbations of the magnetic field at the surface. The perturbations are obtained from simulations of magneto-elastic oscillations in the interior of the magnetar. While such oscillations can excite travelling Alfv\'en waves in the exterior of the star only in a very limited region close to the poles, they still modulate the near ma…

research product

A Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Search for Electromagnetic Signals Coincident with Gravitational-wave Candidates in Advanced LIGO's First Observing Run

We present a search for prompt gamma-ray counterparts to compact binary coalescence gravitational wave (GW) candidates from Advanced LIGO's first observing run (O1). As demonstrated by the multimessenger observations of GW170817/GRB 170817A, electromagnetic and GW observations provide complementary information about the astrophysical source and, in the case of weaker candidates, may strengthen the case for an astrophysical origin. Here we investigate low-significance GW candidates from the O1 compact-binary coalescence searches using the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), leveraging its all-sky and broad energy coverage. Candidates are ranked and compared to background to measure signific…

research product

General Relativistic Simulations of the Collapsar Scenario

We are exploring the viability of the collapsar model for long-soft gamma-ray bursts. For this we perform state-of-the-art general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations in a dynamically evolving space-time with the CoCoNuT code. We start from massive low metallicity stellar models evolved up to core gravitational instability, and then follow the subsequent evolution until the system collapses forming a compact remnant. A preliminary study of the collapse outcome is performed by varying the typical parameters of the scenario, such as the initial stellar mass, metallicity, and rotational profile of the stellar progenitor. 1D models (without rotation) have been used to test our newly developed…

research product

AMR simulations of the low bar-mode instability of neutron stars

It has been recently argued through numerical work that rotating stars with a high degree of differential rotation are dynamically unstable against bar-mode deformation, even for values of the ratio of rotational kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy as low as O(0.01). This may have implications for gravitational wave astronomy in high-frequency sources such as core collapse supernovae. In this paper we present high-resolution simulations, performed with an adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamics code, of such low T/|W| bar-mode instability. The complex morphological features involved in the nonlinear dynamics of the instability are revealed in our simulations, which show that the…

research product

Increasing the Astrophysical Reach of the Advanced Virgo Detector via the Application of Squeezed Vacuum States of Light

Current interferometric gravitational-wave detectors are limited by quantum noise over a wide range of their measurement bandwidth. One method to overcome the quantum limit is the injection of squeezed vacuum states of light into the interferometer's dark port. Here, we report on the successful application of this quantum technology to improve the shot noise limited sensitivity of the Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave detector. A sensitivity enhancement of up to 3.2±0.1 dB beyond the shot noise limit is achieved. This nonclassical improvement corresponds to a 5%-8% increase of the binary neutron star horizon. The squeezing injection was fully automated and over the first 5 months of the thi…

research product

CFC+: Improved dynamics and gravitational waveforms from relativistic core collapse simulations

Core collapse supernovae are a promising source of detectable gravitational waves. Most of the existing (multidimensional) numerical simulations of core collapse in general relativity have been done using approximations of the Einstein field equations. As recently shown by Dimmelmeier et al (2002a,b), one of the most interesting such approximation is the so-called conformal flatness condition (CFC) of Isenberg, Wilson and Mathews. Building on this previous work we present here new results from numerical simulations of relativistic rotational core collapse in axisymmetry, aiming at improving the dynamics and the gravitational waveforms. The computer code used for these simulations evolves th…

research product


We present numerical simulations in general relativity of collapsing stellar cores. Our initial model consists of a low metallicity rapidly-rotating progenitor which is evolved in axisymmetry with the latest version of our general relativistic code CoCoNuT, which allows for black hole formation and includes the effects of a microphysical equation of state (LS220) and a neutrino leakage scheme to account for radiative losses. The motivation of our study is to analyze in detail the emission of gravitational waves in the collapsar scenario of long gamma-ray bursts. Our simulations show that the phase during which the proto-neutron star (PNS) survives before ultimately collapsing to a black hol…

research product

On the dynamical bar-mode instability in spinning bosonic stars

Spinning bosonic stars (SBSs) can form from the gravitational collapse of a dilute cloud of scalar/Proca particles with non-zero angular momentum. In a recent work we found that the scalar stars are transient due to a non-axisymmetric instability which triggers the loss of angular momentum. We further study the dynamical formation of SBSs using 3-dimensional numerical-relativity simulations of the Einstein-(massive, complex)Klein-Gordon system and of the Einstein-(complex)Proca system. We incorporate a quartic self-interaction potential in the scalar case to gauge its effect on the instability; we investigate (m=2) Proca stars to assess their stability; we attempt to relate the instability …

research product

High-order methods for the simulation of hydromagnetic instabilities in core-collapse supernovae

AbstractWe present an assessment of the accuracy of a recently developed MHD code used to study hydromagnetic flows in supernovae and related events. The code, based on the constrained transport formulation, incorporates unprecedented ultra-high-order methods (up to 9th order) for the reconstruction and the most accurate approximate Riemann solvers. We estimate the numerical resistivity of these schemes in tearing instability simulations.

research product

Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational wave observations – II. Inclusion of space–time perturbations

Improvements in ground-based, advanced gravitational wave (GW) detectors may allow in the near future to observe the GW signal of a nearby core-collapse supernova. For the most common type of progenitors, likely with slowly rotating cores, the dominant GW emission mechanisms are the post-bounce oscillations of the proto-neutron star (PNS) before the explosion. We present a new procedure to compute the eigenmodes of the system formed by the PNS and the stalled accretion shock in general relativity including spacetime perturbations. The new method improves on previous results by accounting for perturbations of both the lapse function and the conformal factor. We apply our analysis to two nume…

research product

Alfven QPOs in magnetars in the anelastic approximation

We perform two-dimensional simulations of Alfven oscillations in magnetars, modeled as relativistic stars with a dipolar magnetic field. We use the anelastic approximation to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, which allows for an effective suppression of fluid modes and an accurate description of Alfven waves. In addition, we compute Alfven oscillation frequencies along individual magnetic field lines with a semi-analytic approach, employing a short-wavelength approximation. Our main findings are as follows: a) we confirm the existence of two families of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), with harmonics at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency, as was found in the linear s…

research product

On the maximum magnetic field amplification by the magnetorotational instability in core-collapse supernovae

Whether the magnetorotational instability (MRI) can amplify initially weak magnetic fields to dynamically relevant strengths in core collapse supernovae is still a matter of active scientific debate. Recent numerical studies have shown that the first phase of MRI growth dominated by channel flows is terminated by parasitic instabilities of the Kelvin-Helmholtz type that disrupt MRI channel flows and quench further magnetic field growth. However, it remains to be prop- erly assessed by what factor the initial magnetic field can be amplified and how it depends on the initial field strength and the amplitude of the perturbations. Different termination criteria leading to different estimates of…

research product

GW170817: Measurements of Neutron Star Radii and Equation of State

On 17 August 2017, the LIGO and Virgo observatories made the first direct detection of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a neutron star binary system. The detection of this gravitational-wave signal, GW170817, offers a novel opportunity to directly probe the properties of matter at the extreme conditions found in the interior of these stars. The initial, minimal-assumption analysis of the LIGO and Virgo data placed constraints on the tidal effects of the coalescing bodies, which were then translated to constraints on neutron star radii. Here, we expand upon previous analyses by working under the hypothesis that both bodies were neutron stars that are described by the same equation…

research product