

Fatal multi-organ failure following anaphylactic shock induced by ceftriaxone

E. Ventura SpagnoloS. ImbesiV. CafeoC. MannucciL. MiloneP. L. MinciulloM. NavarraSebastiano GangemiG. Calapai


Adverse drug reaction; Anaphylaxis; Ceftriaxone; Cephalosporins; Multi-organ failure; Shock; Immunology and AllergySettore MED/43 - Medicina LegaleAnaphylaxiCeftriaxoneCephalosporinAdverse drug reactionImmunology and AllergyShockMulti-organ failureAnaphylaxisCephalosporins


In the latest years, based on the wide use of cephalosporins for antibiotic therapy, a large interest focused on the identification of causal relationship of adverse reactions after their prescription. We report a case of fatal anaphylactic shock following the administration of ceftriaxone in a woman who had tolerated the previous exposure to the drug. This case adds a contribution to the few cases reported in literature to further suggest the possibility of severe anaphylaxis after the administration of ceftriaxone even in patients without any previous reaction to this drug.
