

O przeszłości i jej postrzeganiu, czyli kilka refleksji wokół książki Andrzeja Nowaka O historii nie dla idiotów. Rozmowy i przypadki, Kraków 2019, Wydawnictwo Literackie, ss. 623

Marek Białokur


PhilosophySubject (philosophy)ClassicsScientific achievement


The subject of the present review is a book intriguing both by its title and layout. At the same time, its author, Andrzej Nowak, is a historian whose scientific achievement is rich and widely commented on. The first part of the reviewed work comprises ten intriguing conversations with outstanding Polish and foreign historians, held by Andrzej Nowak over the past thirty years, such as Piotr Wandycz, Richard Pipes, Henryk Samsonowicz, and Antony Polonski. The second part consists of Nowak’s original essays written between 2009 and 2019 and devoted to Polish history’s most critical topics, with special emphasis on the history of the twentieth century.
