

Level-spacing distribution in the tight-binding model of fcc clusters.

E. HammarénM. ManninenJ. Mansikka-aho


Physicssymbols.namesakeTight bindingCondensed matter physicsBinding energyFermi levelDensity of statessymbolsFermi energyLevel-spacing distributionElectronic band structureFermi gas


A lattice-gas Monte Carlo method is used to simulate metallic fcc clusters at finite temperatures. A tight-binding model including s and p electrons has been derived for reproducing the free-electron-like energy band for the bulk metal and this model is used for calculating the electronic structures of the fcc cluster. The resulting level-spacing distribution at the Fermi energy is a Wigner distribution. The width of the distribution in small clusters is smaller than that calculated from the bulk density of states. In the lattice gas clusters the energy gaps related to the electronic magic numbers do not show up at the Fermi level. The energy between the last occupied and the first unoccupied levels is, on average, larger than other level spacings near the Fermi level.
