

Les aspects intrinsèques de la motivation et de la satisfaction au travail et leur lien supposé avec la performance au travail

Daniel GilibertIsabelle GilletCaroline Perrin


[SHS.PSY] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychology[ SHS.PSY ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychologysatisfaction au travailmotivationautodéterminationself-determination[SHS.PSY]Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychologyerreur fondamentale d'attributionwork satisfactionperformancefundamental


This paper deals with the rather general and direct link that it would be tempting to envisage between motivation at work and performance. For example, multidimensional evaluations of motivation (IMTB) and job satisfaction (JDI) were related to a dichotomous variable of performance (objectives attained vs. not attained of 30 sales representatives of a bank). The differences observed only concerned the degree of demotivation of the employees known for not having reached their objectives (but without having affected their motivation in itself). Moreover, they appear less satisfied regarding the promotion system and more satisfied by their relations with their co-workers. The results are discussed from the perspective of using these research tools in the field and of the risks of a "psychologizing" interpretation which could be made from the first results that they make it possible to show.
