Scientific production in bioethics in Spain through MEDLINE
Isabel BelinchónVicente BellverJosé Ramossubject
Ethicsmedicine.medical_specialtybusiness.industryMEDLINEPublicationsScientific productionÉticaPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthAlternative medicineMEDLINEEthics committeeLibrary scienceBioethicsBioethicsAbortionBibliometricsSpainPublicacionesBibliometríamedicinebusinessMedline databaseHuman cloningBioéticadescription
Fundamento: Describir la producción científica española en bioética entre 1966 y 2003. Métodos: Se seleccionaron los documentos publicados por autores españoles y recogidos en la base de datos MEDLINE, mediante el cruce de las palabras bioética con otras diversas del mismo ámbito. Resultados: Se estudiaron 858 documentos, de los cuales 78 (9,1%) se publicaron entre 1966 y 1983, 163 (19%) entre 1984 y 1993, y 617 (71,9%) entre 1994 y 2003. Los principales temas publicados fueron: legislación y derechos (15,4%) e investigación y comités de ética (13,1%). En el último período se ha observado un aumento significativo de las publicaciones sobre genética y clonación y un descenso sobre las de aborto. El 38,9% de los documentos se atribuyó a universidades y el 38,5% a hospitales. Conclusiones: La publicaciones científicas de bioética se incrementó durante el período de estudio, lo que demuestra un aumento progresivo de la producción científica española en bioética. Objective: To describe Spain's scientific production in the field of bioethics from 1966 to 2003. Methods: Manuscripts published by Spanish authors between 1966 and 2003 and containing key word references to bioethics, ethics, and 22 other related terms were retrieved from the Medline database. Results: 858 documents were selected: 78 (9.1%) were published between 1966 and 1983, 163 (19%) between 1984 and 1993, and 617 (71.9%) between 1994 and 2003. The main subject areas treated were laws and rights (15.4%) and research and ethics committees (13.1%). The last of these periods witnessed an increase in publications on genetics and human cloning and a decrease in those treating abortion. Institutional affiliations referred mainly to universities (38.9%) and hospitals (38.5%). Conclusions: There was a progressive increase in the number of scientific publications on bioethics by Spanish authors during the study period.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2007-09-01 | Gaceta Sanitaria |