

Multicenter validation of the magnetic resonance t2* technique for segmental and global quantification of myocardial iron

Massimo MidiriGiuseppina SallustioGianluca ValeriVincenzo CarusoAurelio MaggioMassimo LombardiPaolo CianciulliAnna RamazzottiMaria Gabriella BriziGiuseppe RossiAlessia PepeMichele CentraVincenzo PositanoAntongiulio LucianiVincenzo De SanctisDaniele De Marchi


Adultmyocardial iron; T2* techniqueCorrelation coefficientHeart VentriclesIronReference siteTransferabilityMyocardial ironReference ValuesImage Processing Computer-AssistedmedicineHumansRadiology Nuclear Medicine and imagingMultislicemyocardial ironAnalysis of VarianceReproducibilitymedicine.diagnostic_testbusiness.industryMyocardiumHealthy subjectsT2* techniqueReproducibility of ResultsMagnetic resonance imagingMagnetic Resonance ImagingItalyLiverThalassemiabusinessNuclear medicine


Purpose To assess the transferability of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) multislice multiecho T2* technique for global and segmental measurement of iron overload in thalassemia patients. Materials and Methods Multiecho T2* sequences were installed on six MRI scanners. Five healthy subjects (n = 30) were scanned at each site; five thalassemia major (TM) patients were scanned at the reference site and were rescanned locally (n = 25) within 1 month. T2* images were analyzed using previously validated software. Results T2* values of healthy subjects showed intersite homogeneity. On TM patients, for global heart T2* values the correlation coefficient was 0.97, coefficients of variation (CoVs) ranged from 0.04–0.12, and intraclass coefficients (ICCs) ranged from 0.94–0.99. The mean CoV and ICC for segmental T2* distribution were 0.198 and 88, respectively. Conclusion The multislice multiecho T2* technique is transferable among scanners with good reproducibility. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009;30:62–68. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
