

Experiencia de gamificación en Docencia Universitaria: aprendizaje activo y entretenido

Eva SernaTeresa San MiguelJavier MegíasMaría Dolores Mauricio


Innovación educativaEducación superiorEnseñanza superiorTecnologías y educación


[EN] The main objective of this paper is to describe the experience developed in university teaching using gamification as a teaching tool. Gamification is the term used to refer to the application of game mechanics in areas in which gaming is not typically used. Our working hypothesis is based on the idea that gaming can be a new methodology that favors the settlement and internalizing the concepts taught by making the learning process and integrate asset and related contents of an attractive and motivating way for students.In order to assess the experience of students we have spent an anonymous survey and we have analyzed their answers. Our conclusion is that gamification has a good welcome and it is able to increase the level of attention and knowledge consolidation
