Teresa San Miguel
Experiencia de gamificación en Docencia Universitaria: aprendizaje activo y entretenido
[EN] The main objective of this paper is to describe the experience developed in university teaching using gamification as a teaching tool. Gamification is the term used to refer to the application of game mechanics in areas in which gaming is not typically used. Our working hypothesis is based on the idea that gaming can be a new methodology that favors the settlement and internalizing the concepts taught by making the learning process and integrate asset and related contents of an attractive and motivating way for students.In order to assess the experience of students we have spent an anonymous survey and we have analyzed their answers. Our conclusion is that gamification has a good welco…
Gamificación en la universidad: una experiencia basada en el “bring your own device” en educación superior
[EN] Technological development offers several new opportunities to improve the quality of teaching. Under the ongoing task as a teachers of motivating and teaching how to learn to our students, we present the results of a session that consisted of two gamificated and groupal activities (quiz format) and a single self-assessment, based all of them on the use of their own electronic enabled devices (bring your own device). This implies an enriching, fun and practical experience to approach the course, and it provided interesting feedback to continue implementing new technologies at the university.
Estudio interuniversitario en estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud: uso de los dispositivos móviles con fines educativos
[EN] The use of smartphones, despite being mainly social, has begun to be implemented in the university environment as a tool for working in class and for communication between students regarding teaching material. However, before creating teaching methodologies that use these devices, it is important to know the opinion that the students have of them. Our objective was to analyze the personal and academic use of Smartphones by Health Sciences students from different Universities. With this objective, a form was created consisting of sociodemographic questions and the Questionnaire on perceptions and attitudes towards learning through mobile devices (CPAAM). Subsequently, a descriptive anal…
Gamificación en la universidad II: aprendemos a divertirnos enseñando. Se divierten aprendiendo
[EN] After the success last year using gamification as a motivating method in the degree of Biomedical Engineering (UV-UPV), we introduce it this year in degree in Podiatry (UV). On the basis of the results of our first study, we focus on the use of Kahoot application in order to improve our students’ motivation and subsequently, their califications. Despite the short timeexperience, the improvement in academic results has been evident. Although it could be due to many causes, it has been influenciated by this action. In addition, during the development of this type of activity the involvement and fun of our students does not cease to amaze us. They enjoy their successes and also their fail…
Monitoring of the action of drugs in melanoma cells by dynamic laser speckle
Abstract. This work presents the development of a protocol based on the dynamic laser speckle designed tomonitor the reaction of cancer cells of line MEL-RC08 to the application of the drug Colcemid in two differentconcentrations: 0.2 and 0.4 μg∕mL. The protocol was designed using the forward scattering approach with anHe-Ne laser of 632.8 nm illuminating the samples, a control, and two variations of Colcemid, being monitoredalong 8 h. The data were analyzed numerically in the time and in the frequency domain, and the results pre-sented the ability of the technique to monitor the action of the drug, particularly Colcemid (0.4 μg∕mL). © 2014Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers …
Expression of chemokine receptor CXCR3, CXCR4, and CXCR7 and their respective ligands in rhabdomyosarcoma
Análisis de la percepción del alumnado ante la metodología de trabajar en grupos tutorizados
[EN] The main objective of this paper is to analyze the opinion and perspective that the students have in view of the methodology of working in tutored groups. This methodology adopted in the teaching-learning process is important for the development of competences. The ability to work in a team and the ability to communicate are very significant transversal competences that have a great impact or potential in student learning. This paper presents an analysis of student assessments collected through anonymous opinions after the elaboration of a tutorial work carried out in a group in the Medicine Degree of the University of Valencia during the years 2015-2016 and 2016- 2017. It is essential…
Teatralización en grupos tutorizados de Biología en Medicina: una estrategia diferente para el aprendizaje colaborativo.
[EN] Dramatization as a teaching methodology remains relatively unknown in higher education. It can be especially useful to work cross-disciplinary skills because of the cooperative nature that is intrinsic to the theater itself. The subjects and disciplines that can benefit from it must be adequately valued by teachers. Here we present an activity in small groups, focused on rare diseases with a known genetic cause, in which the theater is used as a motivating axis to gather information and organize it by creating a storyline.
Cellusim: Un simulador 3D en entorno videojuego para la docencia del laboratorio de cultivos celulares
[EN] Cell cultures allow the maintenance of living cells outside the body. This technique is fundamental to study the biological, biochemical and physiological properties of cells and can be used as an experimental model in vitro in the field of biomedical research. The teaching in the laboratory of this technique presents numerous difficulties at a practical, logistical and economic level. On the other hand, the learning of cell culture protocols is an important part of the student's training in Cell Biology. Based on the routine practices carried out within a cell culture laboratory, we have developed the virtual 3D simulator of a cell culture laboratory "Cellusim". In "Cellusim" you can …
La motivación de las tareas digitales mediante “pseudo-ApS” en Biología Celular del grado de Medicina
[ES] Los grupos tutorizados de la asignatura “Biología” de 1º de Medicina (Universitat de València) son un entorno estupendo en el que desarrollas actividades que aúnen el carácter formativo conceptual con el desarrollo competencial transversal. Para ello, en el curso 19-20, hemos implementado la vinculación de la cuenta institucional UV con Microsoft 365, gracias al convenio existente entre ambas entidades para facilitar la utilización de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en la gestión del tiempo y del intercambio de información. Se propone a los alumnos la elaboración de objetos de aprendizaje propios y originales, en formato animación, que serán utilizados durant…