

Estudio interuniversitario en estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud: uso de los dispositivos móviles con fines educativos

Lucía Ortiz-cominoMario Lozano-lozanoÁNgela González-santosMaría Dolores MauricioPaula Postigo-martinTeresa San MiguelMaria Lopez-garzonEva Serna


Innovación educativaSmartphonesInnovaciónDispositivos móvilesEducación superiorHealth SciencesComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONMobile devicesCiencias de la SaludEnseñanza superiorTecnologías y educaciónInnovation


[EN] The use of smartphones, despite being mainly social, has begun to be implemented in the university environment as a tool for working in class and for communication between students regarding teaching material. However, before creating teaching methodologies that use these devices, it is important to know the opinion that the students have of them. Our objective was to analyze the personal and academic use of Smartphones by Health Sciences students from different Universities. With this objective, a form was created consisting of sociodemographic questions and the Questionnaire on perceptions and attitudes towards learning through mobile devices (CPAAM). Subsequently, a descriptive analysis of the results was carried out. In total, 233 students participated. Our results showed that the personal is the largest use of Smartphones in these students, while the perception of their educational use is relatively low. Obtaining these data is a starting point for future analyzes that associate the use of these devices with the individual situation of the student, as well as for the effectiveness of the implementation of new learning methodologies.
