

Sanctuaries and religious practices from the 3rd to 5th c. AD in central-eastern Gaul (Lugdunensis I and Maxima Sequanorum)

Antony HosteinMartine JolyMichel KasprzykPierre Nouvel


Gaule de l’Estsanctuary[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistoryabandon de sanctuaireEastern Gaul[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/Historyabandonment of sanctuarypratiques cultuellessanctuairecult practicesabandonmentabandon


The available documentation (archaeological data from former and new excavations, written sources) regarding the eastern areas of Gaul is quite copious, offering the possibility to get on main questions about the evolution of the traditional paganism between the Early Empire and Late Antiquity. This collation and classification of sources allows, in particular, to put forward a rather precise phasing of events concerning the changes in cult practices as well about the transformation of equipments and cult sites.
