

Core-Collapse Supernovae: Reflections and Directions

H. -Thomas JankaFlorian HankeLorenz HuedepohlAndreas MarekBernhard MuellerMartin Obergaulinger


Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar AstrophysicsAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaAstrophysics::Solar and Stellar AstrophysicsFOS: Physical sciencesAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic AstrophysicsAstrophysics::Galaxy AstrophysicsSolar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)


Core-collapse supernovae are among the most fascinating phenomena in astrophysics and provide a formidable challenge for theoretical investigation. They mark the spectacular end of the lives of massive stars and, in an explosive eruption, release as much energy as the sun produces during its whole life. A better understanding of the astrophysical role of supernovae as birth sites of neutron stars, black holes, and heavy chemical elements, and more reliable predictions of the observable signals from stellar death events are tightly linked to the solution of the long-standing puzzle how collapsing stars achieve to explode. In this article our current knowledge of the processes that contribute to the success of the explosion mechanism are concisely reviewed. After a short overview of the sequence of stages of stellar core-collapse events, the general properties of the progenitor-dependent neutrino emission will be briefly described. Applying sophisticated neutrino transport in axisymmetric (2D) simulations with general relativity as well as in simulations with an approximate treatment of relativistic effects, we could find successful neutrino-driven explosions for a growing set of progenitor stars. First results of three-dimensional (3D) models have been obtained, and magnetohydrodynamic simulations demonstrate that strong initial magnetic fields in the pre-collapse core can foster the onset of neutrino-powered supernova explosions even in nonrotating stars. These results are discussed in the context of the present controversy about the value of 2D simulations for exploring the supernova mechanism in realistic 3D environments, and they are interpreted against the background of the current disagreement on the question whether the standing accretion shock instability (SASI) or neutrino-driven convection is the crucial agency that supports the onset of the explosion.
