

Una didattica per project work nelle comunità dei minori

Egle MocciaroAdele PellitteriAdriana Arcuri


Italiano L2 Didattica dell'italiano


Scopo di questo contributo è descrivere una specifica applicazione del project work, gli apprendimenti professionali che da essa scaturiscono e gli effetti sugli apprendenti cui è destinata, in questo caso un gruppo di minori stranieri non accompagnati. In 2014, a group of students of the 2nd level Master in Theory, design and didactics of Italian as L2/LS of the University of Palermo carried out part of the trainingship with unaccompanied foreign minors, both in the classrooms as teachers and through the method of "project work". This choice represented an atypical application of the method and, at the same time, a new and very rich training situation, because students were involved simoultaneously in: a) their own project work - as teachers in learning supporting minors; b) minors' project work - as learners of the Italian language. The paper describes the professional learning arising from the training path and the results for language acquisition by minors.
