

Dual compensation control-system for offshore logistic equipment

L. CannizzaroA. GiallanzaGiuseppe Vincenzo MarannanoE. MuracaM. Palladino




In offshore applications and moreover in transports from ship-to-ship, the needs of highly sophisticated motion compensation solution are increasing. They consist of sensors, actuators and control units. To design the best mechatronic solution, it is necessary modeling the mechanical system in order to identify the transfer function and the dynamic behaviour of the system. Currently Active Heave Compensation system are widely used in order to compensate for heave vessel motion. between a vessel moving under sea state and a fixed base or viceversa. Several research project are ongoing in order to develop solution able to compensate undesired movements also in ship to ship offloading operations especially in defense and military area in ship to ship operations. In this work we present an application of multibody modeling in Matlab/Simulink platform to simulate the dynamic behaviour of Mother-Feeder ships during thansfer made by a marine crane, installed on Mother ship. In particular it will be payed attention on the dynamic quantities like position, velocity and acceleration needed to compensate for heave load movement.
