

Per una didattica della Geografia sociale: sopralluoghi ed esplorazioni urbane

Giulia De Spuches


periferieGeography (General)didatticadidacticGeneral MedicinesopralluogoUrban StudiesGF1-900Human ecology. AnthropogeographyBorgo Ulivia (Palermo)G1-922surveySettore M-GGR/01 - Geografiastudi urbani.suburb


This article analyses a didactic experience in the Borgo Ulivia neighborhood (Palermo), which originates from a research on council housing’s requalifying as a planning laboratory. In particular, its aim is to answer three questions: which choice guides the research in the field? What kind of didactic approach can we use? What kind of didactic restitution should be used? Within the didactic framework, answering these questions has three roles. First of all, we identify places capable of talking about tensions present at the local level but also in other geographical areas. Secondly, we reflect on the possible methods of research. Finally, we show how teaching is practiced both in the reflective approach and in the process of sharing with the class.
