

Accurate Test of Chiral Dynamics in the \boldmath$\vec{\gamma} p \rightarrow \pi^0p$ Reaction

D. HornidgeP. Aguar BartolomeJ. R. M. AnnandH. J. ArendsR. BeckV. BekrenevH. BerghaeuserA. M. BernsteinA. BraghieriW. J. BriscoeS. CherepnyaM. DieterleE. J. DownieP. DrexlerC. Fernandez-ramirezL. V. FilkovD. I. GlazierP. Hall BarrientosE. HeidM. HiltI. JaegleO. JahnT. C. JudeV. L. KashevarovI. KeshelashviliR. KondratievM. KorolijaA. KoulbardisD. KrambrichS. KruglovB. KruscheA. T. LaffoleyV. LisinK. LivingstonI. J. D. MacgregorJ. MancellD. M. ManleyE. F. McnicollD. MekterovicV. MetagS. MicanovicD. G. MiddletonK. W. MooresA. MushkarenkovB. M. K. NefkensM. OberleM. OstrickP. B. OtteB. OussenaP. PedroniF. PheronA. PolonskiS. PrakhovJ. RobinsonT. RostomyanS. SchererS. SchumannM. H. SikoraA. StarostinI. SupekM. ThielA. ThomasL. TiatorM. UnverzagtD. P. WattsD. WerthmuellerL. Witthauer


Nuclear ExperimentNuclear Experiment


A precision measurement of the differential cross sections $d\sigma/d\Omega$ and the linearly polarized photon asymmetry $\Sigma \equiv (d\sigma_\perp - d\sigma_\parallel) \slash (d\sigma_\perp + d\sigma_\parallel)$ for the $\vec{\gamma} p \rightarrow \pi^0p$ reaction in the near-threshold region has been performed with a tagged photon beam and almost $4\pi$ detector at the Mainz Microtron. The Glasgow-Mainz photon tagging facility along with the Crystal Ball/TAPS multi-photon detector system and a cryogenic liquid hydrogen target were used. These data allowed for a precise determination of the energy dependence of the real parts of the $S$- and all three $P$-wave amplitudes for the first time and provide the most stringent test to date of the predictions of Chiral Perturbation Theory and its energy region of agreement with experiment.
