

Study of lecithin reverse micelles by FT-IR spectroscopy

V. ArcoleoFrancesco AliottaM. GoffrediV. Turco LiveriG. La Manna


food.ingredientCyclohexaneChemistryAnalytical chemistryInfrared spectroscopyLecithinMicelleCycloalkanechemistry.chemical_compoundfoodDeuteriumMicellar solutionsOrganic chemistryMicroemulsion


FT-IR spectra of water/lecithin/deuterated cyclohexane microemulsions as a function of water/lecithin molar ratio R (R=[water]/[lecithin]) at various lecithin volume fractions (φ) have been recorded. After elimination of the spectral contributions due to the deuterated cyclohexane and normalization, the band parameters of the CO and PO4 vibrational modes due to lecithin have been found dependent only upon R. This behaviour has been interpreted in terms of a progressive structural modification of the water/lecithin interface superimposed to the progressive hydration of CO and PO4 groups. Moreover, no correlation between the CO and PO4 band parameters and the formation of gel-like micellar solutions has been found. This and other spectral features allow us to raise some doubts on the current structural picture of gel-like micellar solutions.
