

Maximal Closed Substrings

Gabriele FiciSimon PuglisiGolnaz BadkobehAlessandro De Luca


Closed word Maximal closed substring Run


A string is closed if it has length 1 or has a nonempty border without internal occurrences. In this paper we introduce the definition of a maximal closed substring (MCS), which is an occurrence of a closed substring that cannot be extended to the left nor to the right into a longer closed substring. MCSs with exponent at least 2 are commonly called runs; those with exponent smaller than 2, instead, are particular cases of maximal gapped repeats. We show that a string of length n contains O(n1.5) MCSs. We also provide an output-sensitive algorithm that, given a string of length n over a constant-size alphabet, locates all m MCSs the string contains in O(nlog n+ m) time.
