Measurement of the chi(b) (3 P) mass and of the relative rate of chi(b1) (1 P) and chi(b2) (1 P) production
Lhcb CollaborationR. AaijB. AdevaM. AdinolfiA. AffolderZ. AjaltouniS. AkarJ. AlbrechtF. AlessioM. AlexanderS. AliG. AlkhazovP. Alvarez CartelleA. A. Alves JrS. AmatoS. AmerioY. AmhisL. AnL. AnderliniJ. AndersonR. AndreassenM. AndreottiJ. E. AndrewsR. B. ApplebyO. Aquines GutierrezF. ArchilliA. ArtamonovM. ArtusoE. AslanidesG. AuriemmaM. BaalouchS. BachmannJ. J. BackA. BadalovC. BaessoW. BaldiniR. J. BarlowC. BarschelS. BarsukW. BarterV. BatozskayaV. BattistaA. BayL. BeaucourtJ. BeddowF. BedeschiI. BediagaS. BelogurovK. BelousI. BelyaevE. Ben-haimG. BencivenniS. BensonJ. BentonA. BerezhnoyR. BernetM. -O. BettlerM. Van BeuzekomA. BienS. BifaniT. BirdA. BizzetiP. M. BjørnstadT. BlakeF. BlancJ. BlouwS. BluskV. BocciA. BondarN. BondarW. BoniventoS. BorghiA. BorgiaM. BorsatoT. J. V. BowcockE. BowenC. BozziT. BrambachJ. Van Den BrandJ. BressieuxD. BrettM. BritschT. BrittonJ. BrodzickaN. H. BrookH. BrownA. BurscheG. BusettoJ. BuytaertS. CadedduR. CalabreseM. CalviM. Calvo GomezP. CampanaD. Campora PerezA. CarboneG. CarboniR. CardinaleA. CardiniL. CarsonK. Carvalho AkibaG. CasseL. CassinaL. Castillo GarciaM. CattaneoCh. CauetR. CenciM. CharlesPh. CharpentierM. ChefdevilleS. ChenS. -F. CheungN. ChiapoliniM. ChrzaszczK. CibaX. Cid VidalG. CiezarekP. E. L. ClarkeM. ClemencicH. V. CliffJ. ClosierV. CocoJ. CoganE. CognerasL. CojocariuP. CollinsA. Comerma-montellsA. ContuA. CookM. CoombesS. CoquereauG. CortiM. CorvoI. CountsB. CouturierG. A. CowanD. C. CraikM. Cruz TorresS. CunliffeR. CurrieC. D'ambrosioJ. DalsenoP. DavidP. N. Y. DavidA. DavisK. De BruynS. De CapuaM. De CianJ. M. De MirandaL. De PaulaW. De SilvaP. De SimoneD. DecampM. DeckenhoffL. Del BuonoN. DéléageD. DerkachO. DeschampsF. DettoriA. Di CantoH. DijkstraS. DonleavyF. DordeiM. DorigoA. Dosil SuárezD. DossettA. DovbnyaK. DreimanisG. DujanyF. DupertuisP. DuranteR. DzhelyadinA. DziurdaA. DzyubaS. EasoU. EgedeV. EgorychevS. EidelmanS. EisenhardtU. EitschbergerR. EkelhofL. EklundI. El RifaiCh. ElsasserS. ElyS. EsenH. -M. EvansT. EvansA. FalabellaC. FärberC. FarinelliN. FarleyS. FarryRf FayD. FergusonV. Fernandez AlborF. Ferreira RodriguesM. Ferro-luzziS. FilippovM. FioreM. FioriniM. FirlejC. FitzpatrickT. FiutowskiM. FontanaF. FontanelliR. FortyO. FranciscoM. FrankC. FreiM. FrosiniJ. FuE. FurfaroA. Gallas TorreiraD. GalliS. GalloriniS. GambettaM. GandelmanP. GandiniY. GaoJ. García PardiñasJ. GarofoliJ. Garra TicoL. GarridoC. GasparR. GauldL. GavardiG. GavrilovA. GeraciE. GersabeckM. GersabeckT. GershonPh. GhezA. GianelleS. GianìV. GibsonL. GiubegaV. V. GligorovC. GöbelD. GolubkovA. GolutvinA. GomesC. GottiM. Grabalosa GándaraR. Graciani DiazL. A. Granado CardosoE. GraugésG. GrazianiA. GrecuE. GreeningS. GregsonP. GriffithL. GrilloO. GrünbergB. GuiE. GushchinYu. GuzT. GysC. HadjivasiliouG. HaefeliC. HaenS. C. HainesS. HallB. HamiltonT. HampsonX. HanS. Hansmann-menzemerN. HarnewS. T. HarnewJ. HarrisonJ. HeT. HeadV. HeijneK. HennessyP. HenrardL. HenryJ. A. Hernando MorataE. Van HerwijnenM. HeßA. HicheurD. HillM. HoballahC. HombachW. HulsbergenP. HuntN. HussainD. HutchcroftD. HyndsM. IdzikP. IltenR. JacobssonA. JaegerJ. JalochaE. JansP. JatonA. JawaheryF. JingM. JohnD. JohnsonC. R. JonesC. JoramB. JostN. JurikS. KandybeiW. KansoM. KaracsonT. M. KarbachS. KarodiaM. KelseyI. R. KenyonT. KetelB. KhanjiC. KhurewathanakulS. KlaverK. KlimaszewskiO. KochebinaM. KolpinI. KomarovR. F. KoopmanP. KoppenburgM. KorolevA. KozlinskiyL. KravchukK. KreplinM. KrepsG. KrockerP. KrokovnyF. KruseW. KucewiczM. KucharczykV. KudryavtsevK. KurekT. KvaratskheliyaV. N. La ThiD. LacarrereG. LaffertyA. LaiD. LambertR. W. LambertG. LanfranchiC. LangenbruchB. LanghansT. LathamC. LazzeroniR. Le GacJ. Van LeerdamJ. -P. LeesR. LefèvreA. LeflatJ. LefrançoisS. LeoO. LeroyT. LesiakM. LespinasseB. LeveringtonY. LiT. LikhomanenkoM. LilesR. LindnerC. LinnF. LionettoB. LiuS. LohnI. LongstaffJ. H. LopesN. Lopez-marchP. LowdonH. LuD. LucchesiH. LuoA. LupatoE. LuppiO. LuptonF. MachefertI. V. MachikhiliyanF. MaciucO. MaevS. MaldeA. MalininG. MancaG. MancinelliA. MapelliJ. MaratasJ. F. MarchandU. MarconiC. Marin BenitoP. MarinoR. MärkiJ. MarksG. MartellottiA. MartensA. Martín SánchezM. MartinelliD. Martinez SantosF. Martinez VidalD. Martins TostesA. MassafferriR. MatevZ. MatheC. MatteuzziA. MazurovM. MccannJ. MccarthyA. McnabR. McnultyB. McskellyB. MeadowsF. MeierM. MeissnerM. MerkD. A. MilanesM. -N. MinardN. MoggiJ. Molina RodriguezS. MonteilM. MorandinP. MorawskiA. MordàM. J. MorelloJ. MoronA. -B. MorrisR. MountainF. MuheimK. MüllerM. MussiniB. MusterP. NaikT. NakadaR. NandakumarI. NastevaM. NeedhamN. NeriS. NeubertN. NeufeldM. NeunerA. D. NguyenT. D. NguyenC. Nguyen-mauM. NicolV. NiessR. NietN. NikitinT. NikodemA. NovoselovD. P. O'hanlonA. Oblakowska-muchaV. ObraztsovS. OggeroS. OgilvyO. OkhrimenkoR. OldemanC. J. G. OnderwaterM. OrlandeaJ. M. Otalora GoicocheaP. OwenA. OyangurenB. K. PalA. PalanoF. PalomboM. PalutanJ. PanmanA. PapanestisM. PappagalloL. L. PappalardoC. ParkesC. J. ParkinsonG. PassalevaG. D. PatelM. PatelC. PatrignaniA. PearceA. PellegrinoM. Pepe AltarelliS. PerazziniP. PerretM. Perrin-terrinL. PescatoreE. PesenK. PetridisA. PetroliniE. Picatoste OlloquiB. PietrzykT. PilařD. PinciA. PistoneS. PlayferM. Plo CasasusF. PolciA. PoluektovE. PolycarpoA. PopovD. PopovB. PopoviciC. PotteratE. PriceJ. PrisciandaroA. PritchardC. ProuveV. PugatchA. Puig NavarroG. PunziW. QianB. RachwalJ. H. RademackerB. RakotomiaramananaM. RamaM. S. RangelI. RaniukN. RauschmayrG. RavenS. ReichertM. M. ReidA. C. Dos ReisS. RicciardiS. RichardsM. RihlK. RinnertV. Rives MolinaD. A. Roa RomeroP. RobbeA. B. RodriguesE. RodriguesP. Rodriguez PerezS. RoiserV. RomanovskyA. Romero VidalM. RotondoJ. RouvinetT. RufH. RuizP. Ruiz VallsJ. J. Saborido SilvaN. SagidovaP. SailB. SaittaV. Salustino GuimaraesC. Sanchez MayordomoB. Sanmartin SedesR. SantacesariaC. Santamarina RiosE. SantovettiA. SartiC. SatrianoA. SattaD. M. SaundersD. SavrinaM. SchillerH. SchindlerM. SchluppM. SchmellingB. SchmidtO. SchneiderA. SchopperM. -H. SchuneR. SchwemmerB. SciasciaA. SciubbaA. SemennikovI. SeppN. SerraJ. SerranoL. SestiniP. SeyfertM. ShapkinI. ShapovalY. ShcheglovT. ShearsL. ShekhtmanV. ShevchenkoA. ShiresR. Silva CoutinhoG. SimiM. SirendiN. SkidmoreT. SkwarnickiN. A. SmithE. SmithE. SmithJ. SmithM. SmithH. SnoekM. D. SokoloffF. J. P. SolerF. SoomroD. SouzaB. Souza De PaulaB. SpaanA. SparkesP. SpradlinS. SridharanF. StagniM. StahlS. StahlO. SteinkampO. StenyakinS. StevensonS. StoicaS. StoneB. StoraciS. StrackaM. StraticiucU. StraumannR. StroiliV. K. SubbiahL. SunW. SutcliffeK. SwientekS. SwientekV. SyropoulosM. SzczekowskiP. SzczypkaT. SzumlakS. T'jampensM. TeklishynG. TellariniF. TeubertC. ThomasE. ThomasJ. Van TilburgV. TisserandM. TobinS. TolkL. TomassettiD. TonelliS. Topp-joergensenN. TorrE. TournefierS. TourneurM. T. TranM. TreschAna TrisovicA. TsaregorodtsevP. TsopelasN. TuningM. Ubeda GarciaA. UklejaA. UstyuzhaninU. UwerV. VagnoniG. ValentiA. VallierR. Vazquez GomezP. Vazquez RegueiroC. Vázquez SierraS. VecchiJ. J. VelthuisM. VeltriG. VenezianoM. VesterinenB. ViaudD. VieiraM. Vieites DiazX. Vilasis-cardonaA. VollhardtD. VolyanskyyD. VoongA. VorobyevV. VorobyevC. VoßJ. A. De VriesR. WaldiC. WallaceR. WallaceJ. WalshS. WandernothJ. WangD. R. WardN. K. WatsonD. WebsdaleM. WhiteheadJ. WichtD. WiednerG. WilkinsonM. P. WilliamsM. WilliamsF. F. WilsonJ. WimberleyJ. WishahiW. WislickiM. WitekG. WormserS. A. WottonS. WrightS. WuK. WyllieY. XieZ. XingZ. XuZ. YangX. YuanO. YushchenkoM. ZangoliM. ZavertyaevL. ZhangW. C. ZhangY. ZhangA. ZhelezovA. ZhokhovL. ZhongA. Zvyaginsubject
Quantum chromodynamics: Experimental testPhysics::Instrumentation and DetectorsNuclear TheoryQuarkoniumFlavor physics; Hadron-Hadron Scattering; Quarkonium01 natural sciencesPhysics Particles & FieldsHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentLuminositySettore FIS/04 - Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare14.40.PqFlavor physicsDECAY; UPSILON; PSI[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]Flavor physics; Hadron-Hadron Scattering; Quarkonium; Nuclear and High Energy PhysicsPSINuclear ExperimentQCPhysicsPhysicsHadron-induced high- and super-high-energy interactions (energy > 10 GeV): Inclusive production with identified hadronParticle physicsLeptonic semileptonic and radiative decays of J/ψ Υ and other quarkoniaQuarkonium Hadron-Hadron Scattering Flavor physicsPhysical SciencesTransverse momentumFísica nuclearProduction (computer science)LHCParticle Physics - ExperimentNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsMesonLHCb - Abteilung HofmannAstrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic AstrophysicsUPSILONHadronsNO13.20.Gd0103 physical sciencesRapiditySDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy010306 general physicsLarge Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland)/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/affordable_and_clean_energyScience & TechnologyHadron-Hadron Scattering010308 nuclear & particles physicsGran Col·lisionador d'HadronsLHCb12.38.QkFlavor physicHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentHeavy quarkonia13.85.NiFísica de partículesExperimentsDECAYProduction ratedescription
The production of $\chi_b$ mesons in proton-proton collisions is studied using a data sample collected by the LHCb detector, at centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s}=7$ and $8$ TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb$^{-1}$. The $\chi_b$ mesons are identified through their decays to $\Upsilon(1S)\gamma$ and $\Upsilon(2S)\gamma$ using photons that converted to $e^+e^-$ pairs in the detector. The $\chi_b(3P)$ meson mass, and the relative prompt production rate of $\chi_{b1}(1P)$ and $\chi_{b2}(1P)$ mesons as a function of the $\Upsilon(1S)$ transverse momentum in the $\chi_b$ rapidity range 2.0< $y$<4.5, are measured. Assuming a mass splitting between the $\chi_{b1}(3P)$ and the $\chi_{b2}(3P)$ states of 10.5 MeV/$c^2$, the mass of the $\chi_{b1}(3P)$ meson is \begin{equation*} m(\chi_{b1}(3P))= 10515.7^{+2.2}_{-3.9}(stat) ^{+1.5}_{-2.1}(syst) MeV/c^2. \end{equation*} The production of χ$_{b}$ mesons in proton-proton collisions is studied using a data sample collected by the LHCb detector, at centre-of-mass energies of $ \sqrt{s} $ =7 and 8 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb$^{−1}$. The χ$_{b}$ mesons are identified through their decays to ϒ(1S)γ and ϒ(2S)γ using photons that converted to e$^{+}$ e$^{−}$ pairs in the detector. The relative prompt production rate of χ$_{b1}$(1P) and χ$_{b2}$(1P) mesons is measured as a function of the ϒ(1S) transverse momentum in the χ$_{b}$ rapidity range 2.0 < y <4.5. A precise measurement of the χ$_{b}$ (3P) mass is also performed. Assuming a mass splitting between the χ$_{b1}$(3P) and the χ$_{b2}$(3P) states of 10.5 MeV/c$^{2}$, the measured mass of the χ$_{b1}$(3P) meson is The production of $\chi_b$ mesons in proton-proton collisions is studied using a data sample collected by the LHCb detector, at centre-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s}=7$ and $8$ TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb$^{-1}$. The $\chi_b$ mesons are identified through their decays to $\Upsilon(1S)\gamma$ and $\Upsilon(2S)\gamma$ using photons that converted to $e^+e^-$ pairs in the detector. The relative prompt production rate of $\chi_{b1}(1P)$ and $\chi_{b2}(1P)$ mesons is measured as a function of the $\Upsilon(1S)$ transverse momentum in the $\chi_b$ rapidity range $2.0<y<4.5$. A precise measurement of the $\chi_b(3P)$ mass is also performed. Assuming a mass splitting between the $\chi_{b1}(3P)$ and the $\chi_{b2}(3P)$ states of 10.5 MeV/$c^2$, the measured mass of the $\chi_{b1}(3P)$ meson is $ m(\chi_{b1}(3P))= 10515.7^{+2.2}_{-3.9}(stat) ^{+1.5}_{-2.1}(syst) MeV/c^2.$
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-10-14 |