

The Pierre Auger Observatory scaler mode for the study of solar activity modulation of galactic cosmic rays

P AbreuM AgliettaEj AhnD AllardI AllekotteJ AllenJ Alvarez CastilloJ Alvarez-munizM AmbrosioA AminaeiL AnchordoquiS AndringaT AnticicA AnzaloneC AramoE ArgandaK ArisakaF ArquerosH AsoreyP AssisJ AublinM AveM AvenierG AvilaT BaeckerD BadagnaniM BalzerKb BarberAf BarbosaR BardenetSlc BarrosoB BaughmanJj BeattyBr BeckerKh BeckerA BelletoileJa BellidoS BenzviC BeratT BergmannX BertouPl BiermannP BilloirF BlancoM BlancoC BleveH BluemerM BohacovaD BoncioliC BonifaziR BoninoN BorodaiJ BrackP BrogueiraWc BrownR BruijnP BuchholzA BuenoRe BurtonNg BuscaKs Caballero-moraL CarameteR CarusoA CastellinaO CatalanoG CataldiL CazonR CesterJ ChauvinA ChiavassaJa ChinellatoA ChouJ ChudobaRw ClayE ColomboMr ColucciaR ConceicaoF ContrerasH CookMj CooperJ CoppensA CordierU CottiS CoutuCe CovaultA CreusotA CrissJ CroninA CurutiuS Dagoret-campagneR DallierS DassoK DaumillerBr DawsonRm De AlmeidaM De DomenicoC De DonatoSj De JongG De La VegaWjm De Mello JuniorJrt De Mello NetoI De MitriV De SouzaKd De VriesG DecerpritL Del PeralO DelignyA Della SelvaH DembinskiA DenkiewiczC Di GiulioJc DiazMl Diaz CastroPn DiepC DobrigkeitJc D'olivoPn DongA DorofeevJc Dos AnjosMt DovaD D'ursoI DutanJ EbrR EngelM ErdmannCo EscobarA EtchegoyenPf San LuisH FalckeG FarrarAc FauthN FazziniAp FergusonA FerreroB FickA FilevichA FilipcicI FleckS FliescherCe FracchiollaEd FraenkelU FroehlichB FuchsW FulgioneRf GamarraS GambettaB GarciaD Garcia GamezD Garcia-pintoX GarridoA GasconG GelminiH GemmekeK GesterlingPl GhiaU GiaccariM GillerH GlassMs GoldG GolupF Gomez AlbarracinM Gomez BerissoP GoncalvesD GonzalezJg GonzalezB GookinD GoraA GorgiP GouffonSr GozziniE GrashornS GrebeM GrigatAf GrilloY GuardincerriF GuarinoGp GuedesJd HagueP HansenD HarariS HarmsmaJl HartonA HaungsT HebbekerD HeckAe HerveC HojvatVc HolmesP HomolaJr HoerandelA HornefferM HrabovskyT HuegeA InsoliaF IonitaA ItalianoS JiraskovaK KadijaM KaducakKh KampertP KarhanT KarovaP KasperB KeglB KeilhauerA KeivaniJl KelleyE KempRm KieckhaferHo KlagesM KleifgesJ KleinfellerJ KnappD-h KoangK KoteraN KrohmO KroemerD Kruppke-hansenF KuehnD KuempelJk KulbartzN KunkaG La RosaC LachaudP LautridouMsab LeaoD LebrunP LebrunMa Leigui De OliveiraA LemiereA Letessier-selvonI Lhenry-yvonK LinkR LopezA Lopez AgueeraK LouedecJ Lozano BahiloA LuceroM LudwigH LyberisMc MaccaroneC MacolinoS MalderaD MandatP MantschAg MariazziV MarinIc MarisHr Marquez FalconG MarsellaD MartelloL MartinO Martinez BravoHj MathesJ MatthewsJaj MatthewsG MatthiaeD MaurizioPo MazurG Medina-tancoM MelissasD MeloE MenichettiA MenshikovC MeurerS MicanovicMi MichelettiW MillerL MiramontiS MollerachM MonasorDm RagaigneF MontanetB MoralesC MorelloE MorenoJc MorenoC MorrisM MostafaS MuellerMa MullerG MuellerM MuenchmeyerR MussaG NavarraJl NavarroS NavasP NecesalL NellenPt NhungN NierstenhoeferD NitzD NosekL NozkaM NyklicekJ OehlschlaegerA OlintoP OlivaVm Olmos-gilbajaM OrtizN PachecoD Pakk Selmi-deiM PalatkaJ PallottaN PalmieriG ParenteE ParizotA ParraJ ParrisiusRd ParsonsS PastorT PaulV PavlidouK PayetM PechJ PekalaR PelayoIm PepeL PerroneR PesceE PetermannS PetreraP PetrincaA PetroliniY PetrovJ PetrovicC PfendnerN PhanR PiegaiaT PierogP PieroniM PimentaV PirronelloM PlatinoVh PonceM PontzP PriviteraM ProuzaEj QuelJ RautenbergO RavelD RavignaniB RevenuJ RidkyS RiggiM RisseP RistoriH RiveraC RiviereV RiziC RobledoG RodriguezJ Rodriguez MartinoJ Rodriguez RojoI Rodriguez-caboMd Rodriguez-friasG RosJ RosadoT RosslerM RothB Rouille-d'orfeuilE RouletAc RoveroF SalamidaH SalazarG SalinaF SanchezM SantanderCe SantoE SantosEm SantosF SarazinS SarkarR SatoN ScharfV ScheriniH SchielerP SchifferA SchmidtF SchmidtT SchmidtO ScholtenH SchoorlemmerJ SchovancovaP SchovanekF SchroederS SchulteF SchuesslerD SchusterSj SciuttoM ScuderiA SegretoD SemikozM SettimoA ShadkamRc ShellardI SidelnikG SiglA SmialkowskiR SmidaGr SnowP SommersJ SorokinH SpinkaR SquartiniJ StapletonJ StasielakM StephanE StrazzeriA StutzF SuarezT SuomijaerviAd SupanitskyT SusaMs SutherlandJ SwainZ SzadkowskiA TamashiroA TapiaT TarutinaO TascauR TcaciucD TcherniakhovskiD TegoloNt ThaoD ThomasJ TiffenbergC TimmermansDk TiwariW TkaczykCj Todero PeixotoB TomeA TonachiniP TravnicekDb TridapalliG TristramE TrovatoM TuerosR UlrichM UngerM UrbanJf Valdes GaliciaI ValinoL ValoreAm Van Den BergB Vargas CardenasJr VazquezRa VazquezD VebericT VentersV VerziM VidelaL VillasenorH WahlbergP WahrlichO WainbergD WarnerAa WatsonM WeberK WeidenhauptA WeindlS WesterhoffBj WhelanG WieczorekL WienckeB WilczynskaH WilczynskiM WillC WilliamsT WinchenL WindersMg WinnickM WommerB WundheilerT YamamotoP YounkG YuanA YushkovB ZamoranoE ZasD ZavrtanikM ZavrtanikI ZawA ZepedaM ZiolkowskiPa Collaboration


[PHYS.ASTR.HE]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE][PHYS.ASTR.IM]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysic [astro-ph.IM]010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesCherenkov detectorAuger ExperimentAstronomyAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaCosmic rayParticle detectorsAstrophysics01 natural sciencesCosmic RayCHERENKOV DETECTORAugerlaw.inventionlaw0103 physical sciencesCherenkov detectors; Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics; Particle detectorsBURSTSWATERForbush decreaseUltra-high-energy cosmic ray010303 astronomy & astrophysicsGeneralLiterature_REFERENCE(e.g.dictionariesencyclopediasglossaries)InstrumentationMathematical Physics0105 earth and related environmental sciencesPhysicsPierre Auger ObservatoryFÍSICA DE PARTÍCULASNeutron monitorLarge detector systems for particle and astroparticle physicsPhysics[SDU.ASTR.HE]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]Cherenkov detectorsAstrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsAstronomyFísica[SDU.ASTR.IM]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysic [astro-ph.IM]Solar activtyExperimental High Energy PhysicsLarge detector systems for particle and astroparticle physicFísica nuclearParticle detectorHeliosphere


Since data-taking began in January 2004, the Pierre Auger Observatory has been recording the count rates of low energy secondary cosmic ray particles for the self-calibration of the ground detectors of its surface detector array. After correcting for atmospheric effects, modulations of galactic cosmic rays due to solar activity and transient events are observed. Temporal variations related with the activity of the heliosphere can be determined with high accuracy due to the high total count rates. In this study, the available data are presented together with an analysis focused on the observation of Forbush decreases, where a strong correlation with neutron monitor data is found.
